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Tiana POV

Me and august was at his house watching a movie dowstairs in they basement, when I got a text from my friend james.

~~Text Convo~~

James- hey cutie

Me: hey stupid

James- I'm coming back in town soon. We all are

Me- oh that's cool maybe you guys can come hang with us and our boyfriends?

James- really?


James- why didn't you wait for me?

Me- boy bounce and plus you the one that was playing and I'm happy with who I'm with.

James- whatever, see you guys soon though and tell tayler Shawn said hey and king said hey to lexi

Me-aight see you soon

James- mphh

~~end of convo~~

"You should've told em yo boyfriend like to bang on niggas", august said taking my phone.

"Boy please, he is just a friend and nothing more. Plus I know lexi don't wanna see em and tayler gone kick Shawn ass when she see em", I said shaking my head.

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