A Cody Simpson Love Story.

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  • Dedicated to Internet <3

"Hi Brittany!" Yelled my friend from the other side of the cafeteria.

"Guess what?" she said sliding into the seat next to me.

"Did we win?"

"YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who would've thought that Mildewed out of all schools......"

"WHO CARES? WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I know! i cant believe Cody Simpson is gonna perform at our school!"

"We  gonna go to the mall later?"

"Yep we gotta get something to wear!"

After school we were at the mall with money my mom gave us. 



"Cody just tweeted! He's here at the mall!" She looked at me desperately and i knew what he was thinking before she said.

"Abagael, NO we are not going to stalk him." 

"Can we just look for him for a few minutes? PLEASE!!!!!"

"Okay, but if you run after him i don't know you." 

"OK!" we looked around for a few minutes, and we didn't see him. Abagael thought it would be a good idea if i look on the second floor, and she look on the first. 

I went to one of those really dark stores, where you can barely see anything. I was looking at a pile of shirts, trying to look causal just in case i saw him or he saw me, not because i really liked him, just because i didn't want to appear that way. 

I backed up and I tripped on someone, or something. I was about to fall over completely, when someone caught me. It was Cody. MR. Simpson.

"I'm sorry," I said shyly. 

"It's okay, are you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

"No problem," he said and i hurried out of the store to call Abagael.

"Abagael? I found him."


"Up here on the second floor inside," i looked up at the name of the store,  " Holster?"

"Ok ill be right there."

Before i could hang up, she was there. I told her how it happened and she wanted to go see him.

"Okay but ill be in the next store over, and don't mention me, ok?"

"Okay, are sure you don't want to meet him with me?"

"I'm sure now wait till i leave."

I watched over my shoulder as she went inside.

A few minutes later she came rushing into the small store i was at.



"He was asking about you!"

"He was?"

"Yes! You sound disappointed.."

"Well what did say?"

"He said that he saw us talking..."


"He wants to talk to you!"

"Alone?" she shrugged.

"Alone, Abagael. Alone."

"You mean as in with out me?" i nodded.

I walked toward the store. And looked around for him.  As soon as i laid eyes on him someone grabbed me, and the only thing i could say before my mouth was covered was "CODY!!!" i saw him running towards me. Someone was holding me and dragging me off. 

I kept yelling his name and Abagael's name under the cloth that was around my mouth. I tried to get loose but who ever  had me had a good grip. He was fast, but not fast enough. Whoever had me, was taking me up to the roof. Cody shouted my name. How'd he know my name? Abagael.

I was crying tryin to get loose. something covered my eyes and it burned. the only part of my face left was my nose. Next thing i knew i was in the hospital. I opened my eyes slowly. I saw Cody, My mother (oh God) and Abageal talking.  Cody was wearing a light bule jacket, and jeans. thats all i could see form the back of him. Abageal was wearing a light pink dress, and mom was in the same clothes as yesterday. Cody must've sensed me looking at him because he turned around slowly.

"She's awake," He said.


"Oh, Baby...." said my mother while rushing over to me.

"What happened?" i asked.

"Whats the last thing you rember?" aske Abagael.

"Cody runing,"

"Well after that he came to get me and we found on the roof with that guy holding a gun your head threating to kill you... We had already called 911, and somehow Cody was able to keep him form killing you. Till the cops came." 

Cody was slightly grinning. 

"Thank you, again." said my mother.

"Well I gotta go, but I wanted to stay and make sure she was okay." he came over to me and gave me a small hug. He waved goodbye to the rest and left.

"And am I okay?"

"Your fine, the stuff on the colth was just to put you to sleep."

After i got home. I felt for my phone in my fornt pocket, other fornt pocket. No but i felt something else. A peice of papper. I picked it out a opened it up. It was a note.

Meet me on the conner at  9:3opm 


Was Cody taking me out on a date? I called Abageal to tell her.

"What?" she said when i told her.

"I know."

"I mean why would he ask you and not me? I'm the one who likes him."

"I don't know but if you wanna fill in for me, go ahead."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay!" she squeeled and hung up.

Sorry Cody, but it looks like someone's gonna have a horrbile time tonight. I mean I love my best friend, but she can be annoying. 

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