chapter 1 when it all started

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Savannah's POV 
     I remember some from when I was young, just not much. Just that I remember my mom being an alcoholic and my dad was a druggie. That wasn't the problem though. When I was younger my dad touched in places that shouldn't be touched. I was messed up. When I was younger I couldn't believe it I though it was normal, once I was older I realized what was happening. My dad went to jail for a drug bust so I was left with  my mom. That was terrible I was upset and depressed. Once I was 14 i started to become a wild child. I would leave then I wouldn't come back for days at a time. I was in the wrong crowd myself and that is when it all started. " hey want to hang out after school?" Drake said. I loved him so much. He was so cute, he was 17. I didn't know what to say to him so I always said yes. Even if I knew it wasn't right I didn't want to disappoint him. " sure" I said. " OK I already planned out what to do tonight." I knew what  he was meaning I just didn't say anything. He walked me to class and that is the last time I saw him until that night. And now  I think I regret telling him where I live and telling him to come over. Later that night I was scared, tired and almost getting ready to fall asleep when the doorbell rang. " coming" I yelled. I wished I would've stayed quiet so he would leave. But my feet was disagreeing so I just went to the door." Hey what took you so long to answer?" I thought quickly " I was uh I was almost asleep" that was close one think of more he won't buy it. " I was almost asleep until I heard you ring the doorbell. " OK well I thought I would come over s maybe we can hang out. If you don't want to fine but I was thinking we could go for a walk." Well I have to wait for my boyfriend to come over but I-" " wait you have a boyfriend " " yes " I said very carefully. " y didn't you tell me?" " I didn't think you would want to know you just ask me questions and I give you answers you never ask for how I feel or anything else, why would you care though I am 15 years old you shouldn't care about what I do or how I act or think and everything else." " well I do care I was going to ask you to go on a date with me but no, one day you are going to regret this" " why would I regret this?" He stormed off before he even answered my question. Later on that day in kept wondering what did he mean you are going to regret this. Did he mean that he was going to hurt me or my boyfriend? I don't know I just know that I am scared for my life. Later on I got a knock on the door, I didn't find a tall 17 year old I under a letter. Something I didn't expect. I go inside and put the letter down. It is probably from him but I am not for sure. I think and think I don't know what to do with this letter, should I throw it away, say I never got it or just open it. I decide on throwing it away. I tore it into tiny little pieces then I threw it into the trash. Whoever it was it probably wasn't important. Before I knew it there was another ring at the door. I opened the door, " what do you want?" " really you speak that way to me?" Me boyfriend was standing right in front of me. " oh, sorry I thought you was somebody else I just "  " don't say anything I should've called and told you" " no" I said " it is OK I am just a little creeper out that is it" I told him I wasn't aloud to leave right now. I just can't  I am afraid to leave. Later on  I had got another ring at the door. OK who is it now. Wait really you leave another letter on my doorstep?! Fine I will read it now. I open the letter still standing there. Then when I read it I was shocked, it said " I an watching you"  what you stupid son-of-a-bitch, where are you I am calling the cops.. I go inside and then there is another ring. Another letter really? Why are you sending me letters. I open it. " I wouldn't call the cops if I  was you.I know how to get into your house and disable your alarm. OK now I am really scared. I go inside change the password to my alarm and I lock all of the windows and doors and everything you can get into the house. Then I do the apposite. I call the cops." 911 what's your emergency?"  " um hello uh i think someone is going to kidnap me I have letters  and he is telling me he knows how to get into my house the doorbell rang again please send somebody." " ok we have someone on there way now. " thank you" I go to the door and of /ourse there is another letter. I bring it in and says "you are going to regret this.I hear sirens that are. Coming closer. Good thing I have all of the letters. I wonder who could be sending me letters. I hear a knock on the door. The police. I open the door. " thank god your- wait you ain't the police. I see the person no skin showing has a hood up and he puts a letter on the ground then he runs away. "Hey" I yelled. "The cops are on there way" I pick up the note and open it. It says " you shouldn't have done that now you are going to pay and you think you can hide you can't. I stood there for a minute, how does this person even know me I couldn't place who it was. Then I think, wait Drake said I was going to regret this. Could he be the one who did this? I would hate to see that but it could be a possibility. I wait and wait for the cops to come but they never do. Maybe the just got held up in something. I try not to worry about anything. I text my friend and asked if she could come over and I told her it was an emergency. She said she was coming right away. I finally hear a knock at the door. " thank god you are-" then I was cut off my friend wasn't there but another person. " what are you doin here?" I think for a minute and he finally speaks. " just do what I say and you won't be hurt." " OK" I said. He grabs my arm and at the same time my friend is coming up the street. He Hurry's up and then he throws me in the car. He gets up in the front seat. Then he says " I told you over and over not to do this and look what u got yourself into.". I thought for a minute" me what I got myself into how did i-" then he slaps me. The stinging in my face hurts. " why did you do that" "  shut up before you get hurt anymore. I went ahead and just let him hurt me emotionally and physically, because didn't care. He puts a bag over my head. " I am doing this so you don't know where I am going" After a while I fell asleep. I felt strong arms picking me up and I woke up in his arms. " so now that you are awake now we can actually learn something." I didn't say anything I was afraid that he would hurt me again. So that is when it all happened. This is my story of unmasking the learning and maybe even liking my kidnapper.

This is my first book. And probably many more!!!!! Vote comment  and everything I would love suggestions for other chapters or other books thank you!!!!!!!!!!
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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