The Monster

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Rats. Hate 'em. They just follow me around like I'm their mother duck or something. I wish they would leave me alone. Why do they hate me so? I guess it's just the way they were born. If I had my way, rats wouldn't even be born! I long for just one drop of their blood, to show them who's boss around here. I wouldn't dare to drink their blood. Probably get rabies or something. That's why I detest them. My parents died because of flipping rabies. Now I live with my aunt Callie. Miserable old cow she is. And she's not a vampire. Bummer. I have to keep my identity secret. If she ever knew I was...well...a vampire, it would be out with the garlic and the wooden stake...ugh! Why can't I just bite her? She'd be a vampire then, wouldn't she? I guess she would be a little injured, and I would get blamed, but, oh well...
"Amber! AMBER!!! AMBER SMITH!! YOU WAKE UP NOW!". That's my aunt Callie. Told you she was horrible! As she wakes me, I hear the sound of an angry mob outside. She must have seen me transform into a bat and told the whole village. I suddenly get so angry that I lunge at aunt Callie and bite her. Yes, bite her. She just collapses and doesn't get up. I nudge her with my foot. Still, nothing. That's when the first drop of blood spills, and the mob shatters the door. I quickly grab the locket my parents gave me: I didn't have time to grab anything else. The mob was making its way to my bedroom. They would see Callie on the floor and realise that I'm a monster, they would realise that I am a vampire...

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