Dank memes six times as emo...

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Smashing my way through all dem bitches. Today I was fab as a rag hulk. I decided it would be fun to go to a radiation center and try out all the different kinds I could test. At first this one hoe was like "you can't do tis. You be dead if ye do." And I said "lol okay." As I punch their ugly face and screamed the ancient lemon, lemon spell to turn all dem non believers into shrimp. "NOICE." I yell as I start drinking lots of radioactive chemicals.  In that moment I became fab as a rag hulk and smashed all the hoes who denied me. "I am invincible." I laugh as I trip. "NOICE." I once again yell as I get back up, But then in the distant I hear it, it is the super fat Pokemans coming to steal me eyes. I ran and ran but then I realize my eyes are gone. "FUUU, I told you swipper no swiping." Then turned into emoness and sunk into the earth.

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