Room 663

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Walking around the dark narrow hall way I see a figure, at the end, dart quickly into one of the rooms. I don't know if I was still drunk or if I had a death wish because before I knew it my hand was was reaching out tot the doorknob to open the surprisingly unlocked room. This room was the nightmare that haunted me, the Freddy to my dreams. This rooms was the talk of the century. This room has experienced many tragedies even before I was pushed out of my mother's womb. This room is room 663. Me, Matthew Williams, am going to enter this room and pray to God, I survive the night.

~ 3 hours earlier~

I quickly chug my drink and glance at the spinning bottle that was now starting to slow down. I glanced around the hotel room trying to find Star. She was no where in sight. I run my hand through my hair, frustrated Star was no where in sight. She was supposed to be my ride back home! She is going to get a mouth full of scolding when I get my hands on her. I feel eyes on me so I quickly turn my head to see the owner of the eyes. Bad decision, before I even saw the person I was hit with a massive headache. Fucking Star and her drinking games. I gain control and look around and see people staring at me. Not just staring, but they were staring hard. I could see mischief in their eyes. Each and every single eye in the room was on me. This dude, on my right tapped my shoulder and say " Matthew its your turn" He didn't say it normally, but in this weird kind of way. It came me the chills and I subconsciously shivered. I looked down and indeed it was my turn, I noticed the bottle pointing straight at me. Gulp. Great. Before I could even look up I hear a female voice say " Truth or Dare" I don't know if it was the alcohol getting to my head but I slowly looked up trying not to look up too fast and say " Dare."  Right then, every single person watching me grew a evil grin in their face and watched my every move. The female, who might I say was pretty good lucking, said with a smirk I might add " I dare you to spend the night in room 633 down the hall. " Me, being well me, Matthew Williams, never says no to a dare, I give my award winning smirk to everyone, I get up and walk straight out the door never turning back.

Authors Note:

Did you guys like it? Oh please tell me you do. I tried really hard. Its 2am and I felt like maybe I would actually write a good story for once. Do you like it?


*Runs to corner and cries*

Oh you do like?

* looks up and runs to hug you tightly*

Thank you thank you thank you some much for reading and actually liking it!

*comes back from clouds*

Please tell me if you like it or not. I'd appreciate any criticism I get, good or bad! Please and thank you. 

I love you, ciao.

*waves and skips away singing Elmo's theme song*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2011 ⏰

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