Chapter 1

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Due to financial problems back in your old town, your family had just recently moved to the town of South Park, Colorado. It was a remotely cheap town to live in, so you had heard, and you also had a few family members living in the nearby area for extra support. Once settling down in your new town, you and your parents agreed to all get jobs in order to help pay the bills.

And thus, after looking around town for a place that needed hire, you found yourself a part-time job as a waitress at a local diner called "Benny's". Well, you had actually found a little place before that called "Raisins", which you heard was a restaurant that only hired girls to wait tables. You also heard that the girls working there got excessively good tips, even so much that they could afford their own personal body guards. However, after you and your mother checked the place out for yourselves, you soon discovered why the chicks working there got such great tips, and you figured that flashing your "raisins" just wasn't worth it.

Your mother pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, wished you luck, and dropped you off.

The green rectangular diner overtook your vision. There it was, the place that you were going to work every day of the week, excluding Wednesdays and Saturdays. You would be there from four in the afternoon to eight o'clock at night. You couldn't get a lot of hours since you also had a school schedule, but part-time was better than nothing.

Arriving through the doors, you were greeted by your manager, whom you had met the day before when you filled out your application. She handed you your uniform, which was a light blue dress and a white apron. Once you had changed into the feminine outfit, your manager directed another waitress to show you the ropes of waiting tables.

You were told that it was best to smile when dealing with customers, even if they were unpleasant. You had to speak in the friendliest tone of voice that you could, and suggest to every customer that they should try the diner's "special of the day".

You began doing your job, serving table after table with a friendly face and a nice attitude. In exchange, the customers themselves all cooperated well with you, and thought you were a very well-behaved girl, considering that you were only a teenager. You even got a few small tips from some of them, which was absolutely great with it only being your first day and all.

Then, when the sun was almost down, and the sky was becoming dark, they walked in.

There were four of them. Three of them looked like they were around your age, while one appeared like he was about twelve years old. They were incredibly pale, all dressed in black, all sported raven-colored hair. One of them, who looked like he was the oldest, was very tall, had curly hair, and wore a formal-looking black vest and white collared shirt. Another guy attired a simple black hoodie and seemed to have a large spot of red dye in his hair, which had a fringe that he had to keep flipping out of his face. There was one girl; she garbed a black, Victorian-like dress and possessed a straight and pointed hairstyle. Lastly, there was the youngest kid, who had a side-swept haircut and wore purple lipstick.

Those kids were just the spitting image of the word "goth". Now, it's not that you had anything against alternative folk, but the grimacing expressions on each of their faces intimidated you a little bit. However, your family needed the extra money, and you really wanted to do as well as you could on the first day of your new job. So, you mustered your courage and approached them with a smiling face, and a pen and notepad in your hands.

"Hi guys. Welcome to Benny's. I'm (y/n), I'll be your server. What can I get you to drink tonight?"

There was a moment of awkward, terrible silence, before the tall, curly haired boy answered, "We want four cups of coffee, please."

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