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Today was like any other normal, warm day in Florida. I was doing the same thing I continuously do every weekend, when I have no homework. According to my sister, I'm a "social outcast". I can't help if it if I prefer to sit in my room all day, on Twitter and Instagram than go out and hang with people who pretend to be my friend. I think not, I'm fine doing what I do. Besides, who needs friends when you can just listen to Justin Bieber all day with no interruptions. That sounds about right, doesn't it? It does.  Before Kiley, my sister was born and my mom and I moved to Florida, I lived in a small town in California and there wasn't much to do. I didn't have any neighbors, and most of my time was spent inside reading and writing books. I guess that's why I'm so antisocial now.

I looked on twitter to see I had a new mention from one of my only, true friends, Elizabeth. When I moved to Florida, she was my first actual friend in elementary. Since I was the new kid, I was bullied and Elizabeth happened to be the only one to stick up for me. I guess that's why we are so close now. She was one of those loud, crazy, outgoing kind of girls. She never really cared what people thought, she just did her. She was the only person, who actually tried to get me to come outside and do something, besides my mom and sister.

@lizgracey: @laurenmiller_ get your lazy ass up! We are hanging out today. 

@laurenmiller_: @lizgracey but I don't want to. 

@lizgracey: @laurenmiller_ look here girl! I will be at your house in 5 minutes, if you are not outside, dressed and ready. I will personally come and withdraw you from your household. We can do it the easy way or we can do it the hard way. Either way, you are getting out the house!

@laurenmiller_: @lizgracey fine, I'll be ready, geez. 

@lizagracey: @laurenmiller_ that's more like it! Catch you later biatch. xoxo

I shut my laptop closed and looked in my closet for something to wear. I ended up with my jeweled short shorts, a plain white crop top, nike socks and brown sperry's. I threw my hair in a messy bun and just my luck... HONK HONK! Dang it, Elizabeth is here, and if you haven't noticed. She's very impatient. I grabbed my phone, keys and money and ran downstairs. "Mom! I'm going out with Elizabeth! I'll text you when I am on my way home."

"Finally hun! Alright, talk to you later. I love you." She yells from downstairs, "Love you too mom." 

I run outside and into Elizabeth's car. "Finally bitch! I thought I was going to have to come and get you." I sigh, "Elizabeth, you got here 1 minute ago, chill out." She slightly laughs before starting the car and driving. "Um, where are we going?" She looks at me and back at the road, "Don't ask questions, just ride." I look at her like she's insane, "Are you crazy? How do I not know you aren't going to take me to some deserted island, leave me stranded and left to die." We both burst out in fits of laughter. "Lauren, you worry too much. We are going to the water park." What?! Water park! She continues, "Don't worry, I bought a bikini for you." While reaching back to grab a yellow polka dot bikini, she says "It's time you branch out girl."

She hands it to me and I slowly put it in the backpack, I happen to bring.  


Pulling up to Rapids Water Park an hour later, I begin to smile for once and actually get excited to be outside. I personally love the water and to go swimming. One of the many reasons why I begged my mom to get us an indoor heated pool with slides and extra things needed like: volleyball, basketball, basketball hoop, water polo, floats. Anything you need, I had. Ok, well not that much. But, I had majority of the things needed. My sister always complains that if I had friends I could have a lot of swimming parties, but since I am an "social outcast" there will be no parties for me. 

"Lauren! Let's take a picture for Instagram and Twitter. I get instantly excited and smile for the camera. I loved to take pictures, I'm very photogenic. Don't get me wrong. I never let the amount of followers I had on Instagram and Twitter phase me. Trust me though, it was a lot. 

I posted the photo with us in our bikini's in front of Rapids Water Park on Instagram with the caption: Finally out the house! At Rapids Water Park with @lizgracey. Instantly, I got likes, as usual. I was pretty up there in the follower charts on Instagram

"Let's go on that slide Lauren! I promise you it is the B to the E-S-T." She says pulling me to the line. "I guess, I have no say in this huh?" She nods her head delightfully and proud. Wow, this girl.

We go to the man, who's pretty attractive might I add, nothing compared to Justin Bieber, but still pretty attractive. "He's pretty cute." I whisper to Elizabeth. "Yo kid!" She says to the guy, he looks at her and points to himself. "Yeah, you my friend thinks you are cute." I was completely stunned by her statement, "Oh my gosh! No, no no. I mean you are, it's just that I didn't expect her to say anything, I mean like I did but like I don't know like yeah I think you are cute." I sigh in defeat. He chuckles slightly, "You're pretty cute yourself, you know that?" He says cheeky like as the British would say. I blush and put my head down, "Hey! Hey! I'm Alex, here's my number, give me a call, once you leave. I'll probably be off of work by then and we ca-" Some random person in line cuts him off, "Can you hurry this up? My kid is waiting." The person says impatiently. "Damn, okay go in." He says to the man, motioning to the ride. "Call me." He mouths and winks as I walk away.


"Oh my gosh! Today was so much fun. Thank you Elizabeth, for getting me out the house." Seriously, I am happy. "Oh, you're welcome. I knew you would come through." She says like a "Miss Know-It-All". Gosh she works me sometimes. "Alright, well catch you tomorrow at school. Goodnight. Love you best friend." I say. "Love you too biatch!" She yells before pulling off. 

"Mom, I'm home." I yell walking upstairs to my room. "Alright hunny, dinner's downstairs. If you aren't hungry, just put the food away. I'm going to sleep now, I was just waiting for you to get home. I love you, goodnight." She says. "Alright mom, I love you too." I say walking down the stairs, I go to the kitchen and put the food away. I poured me a glass of water and went upstairs. I sat the water down on the night stand, pulled out my phone and went on Instagram. "Oh my goodness. Justin Bieber, thee Justin Bieber posted the hottest photo yet." 

@justinbieber: Chill night hanging with the crew. LIKE LIKE LIKE! A MILLION TIMES LIKE. I usually post a cheesy comment so he would notice me: "Oh my goodness! You are so cute/hot/amazing/handsome/sexy/more sexy. It would make my life, if you would actually notice me. Hm, maybe some day. :)" I wrote. Send, I pressed.

I change into my pajamas, wash off my makeup, and proceed to go to sleep. I say my prayers, turn on my phone alarm and lie down. 

Hm, whatta day.  I think to myself before falling into a deep dreamless sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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