Chapter One (Mabel's P.O.V)

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     "Dipper, what would be better, braid or curls?" I hold my hair in my hands. "Both are good, we don't have much time, Mabel!" Dipper runs around the room looking for his journal. I take my curling iron and curl my hair. "MAAABEELLLL! Where is my book?" He searches under his bed. "It's over there." I point over onto my desk. I strut in the mirror with my over-large purple kitten sweater. I go into the bathroom and try on a green skirt. "PERFECT!" I scream through the hallway.

     "Time for school!" Mom yells from downstairs. I run into my room and grab my backpack and purse. I grab Dipper and race downstairs. "Race you to the car," I call out. We sit in the backseat and I win! "I'm so excited! What do you think high school is like?" I daydream of the perfect high school year. "Well hopefully it's not as bad as Wendy described it." He stares at the cars through the window. 

     We arrive at the Piedmont High School, students of different grades and ages walking into the big building. I apply the last sticker to my binder as soon Mom parks into the drop-off area. "Done!" I hold up my binder with all sorts of stickers. "Mabel, you do know most people in high school are grown up?" He gives a little laugh. "Not me!" I wave my binder in the air. 

     Dipper and I hop out of the car and run into the high school. It floods of kids of different heights and ages. "Woah," Dipper whispers under his breath. "Oh my god," I start to flow with the crowd. "Dipper!" We get separated and now i'm on my own. I lower my head all scared. 

     I finally find my locker and put my books in. "Heather!" I finally see someone I know. We make eye contact, but she looks away and ignores me. "Heather! Don't you hear me?" I wave my hand in the air. She continues to walk away. Time to flow with the crowd Mabel. I catch up with Heather and lay a hand on her arm. "Heather, why are you ignoring me?" I ask. She finally stops. "Come with me," we slip out of the flowing crowd and into the bathroom. "What's wrong? I ask her. "Mabel, we can't be friends anymore or talk to each other. No eye contact or nothing." She checks to make sure the bathroom is clear. "I can't even believe i'm talking to you right now." She looks around. My eyes tear up, but I hold back the tears. "What do you mean?" I ask. "You act like a 3rd grader, you're in high school now, grow up." She says. "I do not! I act my age!" I cross my arms. "Face it Mabel, you're childish." She walks away before I can say anything.

     The first bell rings, but my tears stop me from leaving. I lock myself in the stall. How childish am I? Yeah sure I like stickers and all, but I act like a high school student, right? I ask myself a bunch of questions in my head. I put my head into my knees and just cry. I come out of the bathroom and come across Dipper. "Hey, what happened?" He asked. "I've been searching for you for ten minutes," he scratches his head. "High school happened!" I yell at him. I run down the hall and find a new place to hide, the janitor's closet. Minutes later, he finds me once again. "Mabel, you need to be in class, want me to walk you?" He asks. "I'm not too childish for you?" I cry into my knees.

     "Listen Mabel, you are childish," he gets on his knee, "but that's what everyone loves about you!" He gives me a slight smile. "So, will you come back to class?" He holds out a hand. I take it and let him walk me to class, science. 

     As the door opens, the room falls silent, the teacher stops teaching, the students stare. "Mabel, are you alright?" He lowers his glasses. "Sorry, but what's your name?" I ask. "Mr. Rinestone." He answers. Both Dipper and I sit down. I sit down next to a punk girl, one with too many piercings. Dipper was on the other side of the room, sitting with other guys. 

     I was in desperate need of friends, so I decided to go for it. "Hey, I'm Mabel!" I give her a smile. "More like Crybaby," she rolls her eyes. "Uh okay..." I turn away and rest my head on my desk. The bell rings 15 minutes later. I grab my books and leave the room without turning back. 

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