The football season for my Freshman year was probably the worst year in my career. I don't know why we lost the season because we worked ever since the last football season ended. My favorite thing that I like about football season is that I get to be a WR "Wide Reciever" cause I get to run super fast and catch the ball. I also like being the center of attention every passing play. My all time favorite thing when it comes to football season is when the whole cheer squad and band scream my name as I walk onto the field.
The only bad thing that can come from me playing football for my schhol is that I do not get the full opportunity to show myself. Another big reason why I don't like playing for my school is because I cannot keep my grades up super long in every class. I enjoy getting to catch kickoff and kick return, but I love to catch the extra point before the game. I can't wait to hang out with my friends again at all of the games.
This next school year my coach is telling me that he wants me to become the running back fot our team, but I like being reciever. I guess that I could take one for the team and do something that I don't like cause after all that is how people win games. I also see it as an opportunity to show my running capability.
Me and my friend are also thinking that we coud be on the competition cheer squad because they could use guys.I don't really know how to look at next football season cause it could be seen as many opportunities, but also another way to fail. I also could think about just being there to support my team and the coaching staff.
Then when all of that is over I just have to keep my mind on my grades and basketball.I hope that I could move to a better school, but I just met the girl of my dreams where I am now and don't want to lose what the thing we have and don't have. That is a different story for some other time. I might add some more parts to this story. Like the time I slayed a dragon , or became a train for a night.