This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Faiza Rafique

I introduce my new story :D YAY i'm so happy...

it's a little different than my other one...but change is good.

I've decided to dedicate this chapter to my friend fay...thanks hun for sticking by you <3

I chose Kellan Lutz to play the role of Jacob Evans <3 hottie

Video Link is Everybody Knows me by David Guetta ft. Niles Mason

Read, Vote, Comment, Like... DO YO THANG!... you know you want to.... don't disappoint me please :(


~Jake's POV~

I turned my head to face the window. What was it about the outside world that seemed so appealing? Oh yea, it was better than being in here. I gazed at the trees and the leaves blowing in the wind. Hmm, if only I was as free as those leaves. That reminded me of that I was doing something important. Now what the hell was it that I was doing?

“Mr. Evans. Jacob Evans!” I was brought out of my day-dreaming and I turned to face the person calling my name.

“Why do you think that it’s acceptable to day-dream in my class?” Mr. Harris, my History teacher asked.

“Uhh, because I don’t get enough of it when I sleep?” I said. I didn’t mean it as a question but it came out that way.

“I will not tolerate this behavior in my class. Pay attention or else I’d have to take action.” He said walking back to the front of the class.

“Ooh, I’m so scared.” I said barely audible. This earned me some snickers from around the class. Too bad for me, Godzilla heard me.

He turned around and glared at me. “Mr. Evans, detention!”

I pulled my face at him. Out of all the teachers in the world, he had had to show up here. Since it was a new school year, the principal wanted new teachers. He let all the old and crappy teachers go, but little did he know that he had brought a monster in. I turned to my friend Paul behind me.

“What the hell is his problem? Probably too much sexual frustration.” Paul looked like he was fighting a laugh he could barely contain.

“Mr. Evans, do you think it is okay to just say whatever you like? You have worked on my last nerve. We are barely in the second week of school and you’re already making my blood boil. I’ve had it with you. I’ll be taking you myself to the principal’s office.” He said glaring at me.

I slouched further into my chair. “Bite me.”

“Don’t you dare say another word, we’re going now!” he pulled me up from my seat and dragged me out of the class. He stopped at the door and turned back to the class who looked on in awe. “Class dismissed, go through chapters one through five. There’ll be a test next week.”

Stupid Asshole. I was only trying to lighten the dull mood of the class. It’s times like these when I find myself asking, ‘what is this poor world coming to?’ It’s exactly people like him, the one ones who couldn’t take a joke, who pissed me off the most. Mr. Harris dragged me down the hallway and I got a couple of stared from the students, who I turned away with glares. I got to the front office, but it seemed like it was my lucky day, the principal wasn’t in his office.

“Joke’s on you sir.” I said laughing.

“Stay here, I’ll make sure the principal’s notified of your behavior.” He said and talked to the secretary before leaving.

I sat in the only other seat available and made myself comfortable, since I was going to be here for a while. I looked to my right and saw that there was some weird kid sitting next to me. I looked him up and down; brown hair, blue eyes, black skinny jeans and a tight black top. Who knew there was a funeral in town?

“The Goth’s are on the other side of town dude.” I said putting my hands behind my head.

“I’m not a Goth.” He stated.

“Then what’s with the black clothes? Did someone die or something?”

I don’t know why I asked him those questions. It wasn’t like I wanted to know everything about him. I had to admit though, he was kind of cute, but now anything I’d fall for.

Being gay in my school was difficult at first. Some stupid bastard dared me to come out to the entire cafeteria. So much for truth or dare games. Well, that was almost two years ago. No one would dare mess with me. I was bigger that the majority of the football team and despite me being the school’s number one bully, something about me screams ‘run’.

“For your information, yes. My mom and dad died in a car accident two months ago. I moved here with my younger brother. I’m Skye by the way.” He said holding out his hand in front of him.

I looked down at it and then looked back up to his face. “Dude, I’m sorry about your parents, but I don’t think that I asked for your life’s details.”

He looked at be shocked. I could see a little hurt in his eyes. “That was a bit harsh.”

Whatever. Save the emotional stories for someone who’s actually care.” I stood up from the seat. “Screw this shit.”

I walked out of the front office and ran to the back of the school. It was about time I ditched this place. I’d save my torture appointments for tomorrow. I thought back about what just happened back there. Who the fuck did that Stephan or Scott-or whatever the hell his name was- think he was? I asked a rhetorical question and he just had to go and answer it. Yea, I feel bad about his loss because I too lost my dad soon after I came out, but that didn’t mean he had to go around looking for sympathy.

I was walking across the football field when I stopped dead in my tracks. I turned around and looked back at the school. I didn’t know what it was, but something was telling me to back inside. I made my way to the cafeteria, since break was in a few minutes anyway.

I ate my lunch, laughed and joked with Paul and shoved some assholes into random lockers as I passed them by. Basically, it was a typical break for me.

“So you ditched class.” Paul said matter-of-factly.

“No shit Sherlock.” I said walking next to him. We were on our way to our second last class of the day.

“Have you heard about the new kid?”

Uhh, no I don’t think so.”

“Yea, he just moved here. It’s quite a sad story though.” He said lowering his voice.

“Actually, now that I think about it, I have met him. Yea, when Godzilla took me to the lion’s den. He was a bit over-introductive.” I said staring straight ahead.

“I saw him earlier; he’s in one of my classes. I think he’s alright.”

“Whatever, something about him rubs me off the wrong way. I prefer to stay away from him. Better yet, he should stay the hell away from me, or else there is going to be war.” I said smacking my fist into my palm.

“You judge people way too soon. You know you’re never right.” Paul said putting a hand on my shoulder. “You deal with your problem on your own; I need to get to class.”

I walked the rest of the way to my English class. I may seem stupid and fool around a lot, but I always kept my grades up. Less extra class gives me the time to focus on other things. English was my favourite subject; nothing in this world could make me change my mind. I settled into my seat and stared at basically nothing. I felt a presence enter the room and I turned my head to see who it was. I think karma had a sick and twisted way of getting back at me. It had to be the new kid. He walked into the class and took the only available seat, which happened to be right next to me. Thank you karma, thank you for fucking ruining the rest of my school year.


Sooo what did you think? tell me, tell me! Please comment... love you all Carrie♥♥

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