The Past That Holds Me

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Something bad in the past put chains on me.
I always try to break them and set myself free.
Why are the shackles on me ever so tight?
It is there day to day, and night to night

Other chains on me I can break away
But the chains on this one force me to stay
I cannot flee and cannot hide
My lack of freedom makes me cry

Holding the chain is a past so bad
That when I look at it, it drives me mad
It states at me waiting for a crack
Hitting and hitting it until my mind snaps

Its physical cannot be seen by others
And to a child it is part of its mother
Its chains shoot out and latch onto those
That to its presence have been exposed

If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em applies here right?
But why let it win and give up the fight
If I lay down my sword and say I'm done
Then the future has lost, and the past has won

The past can cut deeper than any tool of man
As the chains latch on and its influence grows
If it takes me over, it kills a potential so grand
As my sadness strengthens and my happiness goes

The chains of this past cannot be broken
So whether to give in or fight must be chosen
Other chains can be broken, but this one is strong
This past will be fought for who knows how long

This past is a battle fought all on my own
Its ways of manipulation must be known
I must armor up, and I cannot flee
Because I cannot escape the past that holds me

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