Chapter 1 [Hopefully the only one]

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It was like any other day on Twitch. I was stream hopping in and out of many, many gaming channels. I was bored out of my mind, but my eyes landed on the "Music" section. Uninterested, I scrolled past the EDM streamers, one after another. Then something caught my eyes. ShemicalX, streaming with the title, "Medieval Face Music". I immediately tapped on the little thumbnail and was greeted by a pair of amazing blue eyes, accompanied by the sound of some even more amazing Beatboxing. I quickly dropped in a quick, "Heya! :D" before redirecting my attention to the amazing beatboxing. I've never actually been interested in beat boxing and all, but damn this guy has won my attention.

Just then, I heard a familiar tune.

"You've got hell to pay, but you already sold your soul. It's blasphemy"

Holy shit. Is this guy for real? He's cute, talented AND likes Bring Me The Horizon? Jackpot.


A few weeks has passed and I have become a regular in Shemi's channel, albeit missing some streams here and there. Turns out this kid likes Twenty One Pilots too, and he is a Linkin Park fanboy. No surprise there. I guess you could say Shemi and I can get along relatively well. We could hold a normal conversation without me freaking out or anything (but he doesn't have to know how excited I get each time he replies my Whispers, shhh). Right when I was thinking that, my notifications lit up with a red circle. With no second thought, I tapped it to open my Whispers with Shemi. My dad has been discussing a short visit and stay in Israel because he received a job offer there.


ShemicalX: so when are you arriving here?
BringMeAlexandria: I'm already at the airport, ready to fly off in a few hours! :D
BringMeAlexandria: Alone though :( My dad had to go earlier for a meeting or something.
ShemicalX: cye soon then ;)

My heart skipped a beat. What was that supposed to mean? There's no way he would pick me up at the airport, right? At that thought, I just chuckled at myself. Oh Alexandria, why would anyone do that for you?

Realizing that I was widely grinning all alone, I quickly checked into the transit area at the airport. Here comes 11 hours of flight and travel time. I sighed.


Some hours later, I arrived at the Israeli airport. Apparently, I lost my contacts when I fell asleep in the plane. UGH. I squinted my eyes, trying to navigate around the airport. I was on the verge of giving up when I heard a very familiar voice.

"Alexandria?" The voice asked.

I spun around and my eyes met with a stunning pair of blue eyes.

"Shemi?" I called out, my voice cracking the slightest bit. Oh my God, he is so gorgeous up close.

"Welcome to Israel," he said with a smile, pulling me into a hug.

I almost squealed. Subconciously, I took a whiff. God damn, he smells so good.

This is the same boy I started watching weeks back, in January. This is the same boy I've watched and developed a crush for, for the past 13 weeks. I smiled to myself once again, and just enjoyed the moment.

Shemi was kind enough to bring me around the area for a few hours, but the day did eventually have to come to an end. It was 7 in the evening when he dropped me off at the hotel my dad had booked for now.

"It was great meeting you, Shemi. Thank you for showing me around," I filled the silence.

"Yeah, it was a pleasure. Great meeting you too, Alexandria," he replied.

Once again, awkward silence had filled the space. I gathered all the courage I had and pulled him in for a hug.

We finally pulled away and he just chuckled. Chuckled very adorably. And my, oh my. Is that a little tint of pink on his cheeks?

I finally stopped being so giddy a few minutes after Shemi had left. I was unpacking my clothes from the small luggage that I had brought when a piece of paper fell out. Curious, I picked it up.

" Alexandria,
I'm starting stream late today because of you. Make sure you watch it.
-Shemi "

That sneaky little bastard, I thought as I set up my laptop. I logged into Twitch and saw ShemicalX streaming with the title, "Beatbox and Chill, Come Hang!"

I chuckled and quickly dropped in a quick, "Heya! :D" before glueing my eyes to the stream. Shemi let out a small grin, did some warm ups and started to do Blasphemy, but my mind was already on Cloud Nine.

My Shemical Romance (A creepy ShemicalX fanfic) (Maybe?)Where stories live. Discover now