The Return

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Aynsley POV

They had always been there for me ever since I met them. We saved each other's lives the night we met. That's why what they were doing to me absolutely destroyed me physically and mentally. Izzy was sitting in the corner, twirling a knife in her hands, black eyes staring coldly at me. Jamie on the other hand, had me tied to a chair and beating the ever living shit out of me. "This isn't you, I know it's not," I say through gritted teeth right after she punched me across the face, creating a scar on my cheekbone. Coming close to my face, red eyes looking directly into mine, she said, "Getting possessed, it changed me for the better. I finally get to embrace the psychotic monster I was always meant to be." She lands another hard punch into me, this one aimed at my ribs. By the sickening crack that followed, I could tell she broke at least two of them. "My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone," Jamie says, circling the chair, pulling out her own knife. "In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others." And with that, she rammed the knife into my shoulder, nearly going into my neck. The dark crimson liquid poured down my shoulder like a waterfall. I had already lost so much of it, I couldn't keep track because I was so weak. And besides, I was covered in so much blood it didn't even make a difference. As Jamie slowly pulled the knife out of me, she whispered in my ear, "I want no one to escape." My vision had gotten blurry, and it was getting extremely difficult to keep my silvery gray eyes open. "Jamie, don't do this..." I wheezed out, trailing off. "This isn't you. This isn't Izzy. It wasn't supposed to end this way..." I had coughed up enough blood to have it start gathering on the floor. "You drove us to this, you know," Izzy said, finally getting up. "You're not the only one who dealt with Lauren's death. We've suffered in silence during the last ten years. You weren't the only one who lost something too." At this point, my breathing was beginning to slow down, which made my stomach wounds more painful. "I don't want... To remember you... Like this..." I could barely keep myself together at this point, and I could tell I was fading fast. I felt something go down my face. Great, I'm crying and bleeding to death at the same time. "Things don't always go the way we want to, now don't they?" Izzy asked as she slowly dragged the blade across my thigh, further adding to the blood puddle and my pain. "I'm sorry..." I had managed to mutter out with all of my strength. Suddenly, I heard a door being kicked open, and three very familiar voices. A very weak smile came across my face. Dean had pinned Jamie onto the ground and started shouting words in Latin with a rosary in his hand, and Sam was doing the same to Izzy. Cas quickly came over and kneeled next to the chair, frantically untying me. He gently laid me onto the ground, placing my hands on the sides of my face. "No,no,no" he was saying to himself, almost too quiet to hear. "Cas, please..." I tried to speak, but instead starting wheezing. My skin had grown pale and cold, but Cas's hand was warm against the side of my face. It was going to be a nice memory to hold onto, considering I was probably going to Hell anyway. "You're going to be fine, Aynsley. I promise," he said to me in an effort to ease my pain. I could barely keep my eyes open any longer. "I'm sorry Castiel.... I love you..." After the last letter exited my mouth, my weak body pushed out my last breath, my head fell limply to the side, and my eyes finally closed, just in time to see the black smoke exiting from their mouths.

Dean POV

Considering I had to exorcise my girlfriend, I was already in a fucked up state of mind. But when I was finished, and I looked over at Cas, I saw something I never wanted to see. He was kneeling next to Aynsley's body, simply just staring at her. From the corner, Jamie muttered out, "Did I...." But we all already knew the answer. "Maybe I can bring her back," he said. Cas carefully picked Aynsley up and went to sit against a wall, her in between his legs, her back to his front. Her head immediately lay limp on his shoulder. The familiar heart beat that he was growing fond of that beat against his chest whenever he held Aynsley close to him, was no longer there. The woman he loved and vowed to protect for all eternity, was no longer there. He held one of her cold hands in his, and he placed one on her forehead, letting his grace flow through him. Suddenly, an evil yet familiar female voice filled the room. "So it seems like I got formal revenge."

Aynsley POV

My eyes suddenly burst open and an eruption of coughs came from my throat. I thought I was dead. But as I felt the familiar hand intertwining with my fingers, I knew I hadn't gone anywhere. "What the hell?" I groaned out, trying to stand up. Two strong arms wrapped around my waist like a vice grip. "I got you," I heard someone say to me. "Okay are you done yet so I can kill you?" I hear. "You got what you wanted Genevieve, now get the hell out of here before we burn you," Izzy says, picking up her blood stained knife from the floor. "You stole Lauren," she said, inching slowly towards Izzy, who was covering Sam. "You made her human again. You destroyed my good-". She never got to finish her sentence because her head had been sliced clean off of her body, falling  onto the ground, the rest of her following. Standing behind her, with an iron sword in her hands, was Lauren. Not the monster Genevieve made her to be, but the real Lauren they had known all those years ago. "Life is but a witch hunt," Lauren said, sticking the sword into the dead witch's head. "Bitch."

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