Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Harry and I stare in shock at her, I never expected Ashley to come out with something like that.

"Two years ago, I had a miscarriage," Ashley whispers.

I suddenly feel a tiny bit sorry for her but only slightly since it's still no excuse to cheat on someone.

Harry shakes his head "So you used me because you were angry at Cheri for something which happen years ago".

"Yes but-" Ashley tries to argue back but Harry cuts in again.

"And you were angry at Cheri for something she had no control over?"

"Yes" Ashley admits lowering her head.

"So you were trying to get back at Cheri just because she had Lily?"

Ashley slowly nods while still looking down.

Harry shakes his head in disgust "I've heard enough, lets go Cheri" he

says while grabbing my hand as we stand up.

"Wait Harry, does this mean we're breaking up?" she calls desperately. As we make our way to the front door.

Harry whips round to face Ashley "You think we're still together?!" he says incredulously then laughs humourlessly "As soon as I saw you cheating, we were over".

He gives one last look at Ashley then we walk down the stairs to the car. Louis peers out the car window looking curious.

"Harry, baby, think about this, please" she yells frantically. Harry rolls his eyes as we get into the car.

"I can't believe she still though we were together after that".

"Your not together?" Louis says a bit too happily as he starts the car.

Harry starts to explain to Louis about Ashley's house being unlocked and catching her cheating.

"I can't believe she would cheat on me though," Harry says bitterly as Louis continues to drive.

"Hey, I know what will cheer you up" Louis says softly.

"What?" Harry questions.

"The guys and Eleanor are waiting back at the flat for us, we can crack open a drinks and forget about Ashley, okay?" he say reassuringly.

Harry gives him a small smile but then looks lost in thought as he quickly get out his phone. He starts to text a message to someone and I raise my eyebrows, who could he possibly be texting?

My phone suddenly makes a noise, alerting me that I have a text from Harry. Why an earth is he texting me when he's sitting right next to me?

Then it suddenly clicks, whatever Harry has to say he obviously doesn't want Louis to know about it. I quickly open the message.

You know eventually we have to tell the others about me being Lily's father- we can't keep it from them forever. We should tell them today to get it out the way since they'll all be there anyway.

Harry .xx

I nervously look up at him and he mouths at me to reply to the text. I look back down at the screen and wonder what to reply with. I'm scared of what they'll reaction will be if we tell them. I quickly text him back as I can see Harry getting impatient as he waits for my answer.

Do we really have to do it today?


Harry rolls his eyes at me, as if he knew that I was going to want to put this off. I start to mouth something back to Harry but Louis glances over and we both quickly look away. My phone beeps again and I quickly look down.

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