Chapter 9

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Today was Monday and I had to get ready to go to school. I wasn't so scared to go back to school because I knew Lola had been suspended and she wasn't there to start the drama.

Since Nonie had a car she took me, Luke, and Jai to school. After she dropped us off her and Beau went to work. Me and Luke went straight to Mr.Fitz class and Jai took off with his friends.

"Nonie, nice to see you again," Mr.Fitz said once he saw me walk through the door. Mr.Fitz had a beautiful smile, his teeth were perfect and so white. Did I mention he was only 23.

"Yeah, my mom made me come back" I told him.

"It's better to face your bully's then to hid from them" said Mr.Fitz. I smiled to his comment because that was exactly what Ii was thinking. "Haters gonna hate. potatoes gonna potate. tomatoes gonna tomate. dogs gonna bark." Luke said randomly. Me and Mr.Fitz started to laugh. I had heard Luke say that before but its still funny every time.

"Well, I brought your packet" I handed him the packet. He looked a bit puzzled.

"So quick? Thank you " I smiled and went to go take a seat next to Luke who had already went to take his seat. I was absent for a few days and it felt good to sit next to Luke once more. Everyone started to come in class now.

"Your in my seat" I heard a girl who was standing next to my desk tell me with an attitude. 

"Um I always sit here" I tried to say as nice as possible.

"Move or I'll make you move" I felt my cheeks turn hot I was really upset because I don't know this girl and she is treating me so rude. 

"Hey back of snob she always sits here" I heard Luke snap at the girl. I turned to look at Luke and saw he was furious. He then turned to look at me I felt the Sincerness in his eyes. 

"is everything alright over there" Mr.Fitz asked from the other side of the classroom. 

"Yes Mr.Fitz" She answered him. She stood in front of me waiting for me to move. I looked at Luke quickly and stood up to walk away. I felt Luke grab my heart, and with his eyes begging me not to go. I pulled my hand away and walked  to the front of the classroom to an empty seat. Once everyone saw me they started to yell rude things at me some people even threw paper at me. 

"STOP! I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS IN MY CLASS OR IN THIS SCHOOL AM I CLEAR!" That was the first time I really saw Mr.Fitz angry. The whole class stayed quiet for the rest of the period. Mr.Fits was the most respected teacher here on campus.

For the rest of the day everything went pretty chill every once in a while I would get harassed and was cursed out. I didn't let it get to me though. Plus people usually didn't say anything to me when Luke was around. 

When I got home I did my homework and waited until Selena got out of work. When Beau and Selena got out of work that's when The Brooks Brothers came over to hang out. It went on like this all week. 

Thank God it's Friday I told my self. I woke up in a really great mood. I was sad for the fact that Monday was only a few days away and reality was coming.

I got dressed for school, since I was in a good mood I put on a pink flowery dress with white wedges. I applyed some light Pink makeup and straightened my hair. When I got to the car Luke, Jai, and Beau gave me compliments on how I looked. The person who was the most impressed was Luke. He was absolutely speechless and kind. I felt joy fill my heart because he was another reason I got dressed up in the first place. 

I knew he didn't have feeling for me but I really hoped he would changed his mind. He was the only guy I wanted in my life and I bet my dad would of approved of him.

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