Chapter 12

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Niall's P.O.V.:
"I think we've done a marvelous job with the project!" I said satisfied with the History project. I looked at Zayn waiting for him to agree with me, but when I looked up I saw him just staring at me with an expression I couldn't quite classify.
"You mean I did a marvelous job. You didn't do anything." He stated.

"That's so not true! I wrote our names and the date on the paper!" I tried defending myself.
Zayn snorted and looked at me, clearly unimpressed. "That's a horrible excuse." I could see him hiding a smirk behind his blank face.

"Okay, okay! I admit it, I haven't done anything. But History really isn't my subject." I declared defeated. Usually I could go on arguing with my brother or mom, but I didn't want that with Zayn. I mean, we were... friends right?
 "I figuered." He said.

I was still thinking. Were we even friends?
We did have fun this affternoon. And last week too. If only I hadn't been such an ass and didn't believe all that crap that was said about him.
He was a really nice person. I didn't understand why all people misunderstood him. Was it because of his looks? He did have a sort of 'Badboy-Look'. Maybe that's why the other boys in school provoked him. Maybe they just felt threatened by him or something.  Threatened that he would steal their reputation or their girlfriend. I don't know.

"You okay, Niall?" I turned my head to Zayn, who was looking at me worridly. If the others just took a minute to get to know him, they would see that he's actually a really sympathic person.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" - " Oh, just thinking. You kinda zoned out there." He said warily looking at me.
"I'm fine." I reassured him, "I was just wondering... what are we?" He just looked at me weirded out.

"I didn't mean it like that! Gosh... I meant... are we friends?" I facepalmed myself. Up until now I had almost forgotten my special talent of always getting myself into the most embarassing situation.

Zayn looked rather amused by my stuttering. "I don't know. What do you want to be?" He asked in a low voice while BITING his lip!
"Uh... uhm... I don't know. What do you want to be?" I tried keeping some of my nonexistent pride.

Zayn sat himself next to me on the bed and laid one of his hands on my thigh while leaning in to my ear whispering:"Well, I don't care. It's up to you."
I swallowed. God! Why is he doing this? I almost started sweating.

I pathatically tried coming up with a cheeky response, but every word got caught in my throat as I felt his hot breath against my neck and his hand on my thigh slowly moving upward.

"What are you doing?" I asked a bit intimidated. I felt Zayn silently chuckling below my ear. "I'm just messing with you." He whispered, before sitting straight up crossing his legs below him and smirking cheekily at me.
When was he not smirking?

"Don't fucking give me that smirk!" I hit his shoulder probably as red as a tomato. Zayn just laughed at me. "You're not really strong, you know?"

I gasped. "How dare you! I'm not that weak! Just not as strong as you are." I exclaimed offended and started hitting him again jokingly.
"You should stop that. You're only embarassing yourself even more than necessary." He said while grabbing my wrists to stop me.

 I growled at him. "Then stop making fun of me." I pouted. Zayn's mouth curled up in a cute smile. "You make it to easy for me. Besides, you're cute when you pout." He tapped my nose lightly with his finger.

"Where do you get all this confidence?" I was really curious. He casually shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I was always a little more confident, I guess."

I frowned. Why couldn't I be that confident around him? I was always confident around my friends, even teachers.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me. I exhaled loudly and laid back on my bed.

"I just wish I could be that confident sometimes." I half lied. I felt Zayn lay on his back too beside me but lifting the right arm to support himself. "Well, I think you're good just the way you are."

"No I'm not." I blushed. "Of course you are!" He said nudging my side. "Am not!" I protested again.

Zayn chuckled. "I'm not going to argue with you on that. We both know I'm right. Now just take the compliment." I looked at him a bit perplex. "That was a compliment?" I asked confused.

"Duh!" He replied. I looked up at him, frowning. "Oh. Okay. Well, you have... nice hair. I guess?" I tried returning the favor awkwardly.
"Really? You can do better." He laughed.

"But you're the best." I grinned at him triumphantly. He looked a bit suprised. "Okay. That was actually pretty good."
"Don't be all shocked over it." I mumbled. 

"What time is it?" He asked. I fished my phone out of my jeanspocket and looked at the time. "Almost 7 pm."

"Damn I gotta go." He sighed getting up. I got up to. "I'll bring you to the door. And don't forget the project." I said  handing him the essay from my desk by the window.

"Let me guess. Because you would have forgotten it." I shrugged. "It's not my fault. I easily forget thinks like that."

We went downstairs to the front door. "So... see ya tomorrow."

He turned to me once more. "Wait. Can I have a hug." I looked suprised. "What?" I asked dumbfounded. "I heard you give great hugs."
"Where did you hear that?" I eyed him curiously.

He bit his lip. "I might have looked up your facebook profile and saw a comment on your page saying you give great hugs?" It sounded more like a question.
I, nevertheless, wrapped my arms around him shortly, before stepping back again. "Creep." He only grinned at my statement.

"See you tomorrow in school!" He chirped walking away happily.

I closed the door behind me and went to go up to my room again. But my Dad was standing before me in the floor smirking at me.
Why are people always smirking at me? I wondered.

"Don't. Say anything." I growled at him and stormed up my stares. In the corner of my eye I could see him biting back a laugh before he stalked off.

(A/N: Okay that wasa an unusual long chapter. I srsly have no idea where that came from. Was it too much fluff? Anyway hope you enjoy <3 and please vote :3)
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