Chapter 3

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We came out of the lab with so many plans in mind regarding the exploration of university.

"Lets go to cafe first",said Nympha.

"Yes! CAFE!CAFE!my stomach's growling",screamed Maha.

"Stop booming Maha,why are you so loud all the time?",I asked her.

"Its just out of excitement,you know",she smiled.

Sania gave her a detailed look and asked playfully,"how much do you eat Maha?"

"Why?Am I too fat?she asked with a babyface.She put her hand on my shoulder and turned me towards her.

"Answer me...Am I too fat?"

" Umm-aa-you-um-are-um-fine,yah you are just fine",I replied.

"See Sania .In your face",she said with a victorious grin.

"She doesn't want to hurt you Idiot",Sania said with a cunning smile.

"I couldn't care less Sania",Maha said proudly and we continued walking towards cafeteria.

"I hope we don't see any pranksters there",said Nympha nervously.

"Why is everybody looking at us like this? ",asked Sania with a puzzled face.

"We are probably looking like aliens",I replied.

"I understand why they are looking at me don't know about you guys",said Maha.

"And Why are they staring at you like this?",I asked inquisitively.

"Because I am way too beautiful" , she beamed.

"Whatever Maha!", I shrugged.

"Hey look up there! Its him that "red shirt" from our class",I exclaimed.

"Yeah, he is weird.I noticed him too",said Maha.

"What is he doing up there sitting on such a height?",Nympha asked.

"Suicide? Probably",I assumed.

"I AM HUNGRYYYYYYYYY",Maha said with a frown.

"Ya,lets just go.Come on",said Sania and we all moved forward.

I was moving forward yet my eyes were pulled backwards.I was still looking at him while he was sitting all alone on such a height.Didn't know how he reached there since it was the first day.He had his head resting on the wall with his legs overlapped on each other.He was sitting on a railing with a wide top, that provided enough space to sit on it.It was really high.He had his headphones in his ears and he was constantly looking down.I was still looking at him.As soon as I realized he had turned his gaze towards me, I turned my eyes in a different direction.

"No! he didn't notice me",I said to myself although I wasn't sure if he did or not.

Soon after we entered the cafeteria we saw the group of other four girls from our section, getting ragged by a bunch of students.

"Stop!Stop!Stop! ",Sania shrieked.

"Crud!",I said with terror on my face.

Nympha and Maha were a little faster than two of us and they went ahead of us.

"Nympha! Maha! Stop and come along",I shouted but they couldn't hear me.

"Nab them ! Nab them! Don't let them take one step out of this cafe",shouted one of the girls ragging the other group of girls.

As soon as Maha and Nympha realized that we weren't with them anymore ,they also ran for their lives.

"Run faster",Sania screeched at the top of her voice.

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