Beginning With A Reset

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The year is known as the beginning of time...

We see an island covered by clouds and the waters are calm. The trees are filled with life and the sky is as clear as the finest silverware. We pass the trees to a vast city, with buildings made of gold with bronze outlines, and some that even try to reach the heavens. The citizens of this island are known as the Equinox, the Guardians of Time to ensure the lineage vortex remains stable. They are able to repair paradoxes, but they are not to ever interfere with the lineage, for it would bring dire consequences.

One of the Equinox, Malaeson, appears to be upset. He has slicked black hair, and he has a goatee. He has a slim build, and he appears to be 36 years old, although his real age is unknown. He's sitting on some stone stairs, and side punches the wall, next to him. The other members of the Equinox pay no mind to him.

Malaeson (livid): I'm so tired of all these infuriating responsibilities! The standing by! The not doing anything! The talent in these potential going down to waste! Nothing drives me more insane than this!!!

He stands up and turns around to look at the Hall of Time, where the Time Stream lies. The instrumental of "Charlie Boy" by the Lumineers begins playing in the background. He opens the doors to the Hall of Time. It has a haunting feel to it, with statues of previous high class Equinox members before him. Across the end of the hall with only so many windows to illuminate the way is a red door.

He pushes it open to see the very fabric of time itself. The room is a small circular room with no windows, but the stream is contained in a giant well. The well itself provides the violent blue illumination in this room. He closes his eyes and before him is a portal. He opens his eyes and begins to laugh as he walks through to it. Malaeson appears before an arched table, with 20 heads hidden in the shadows. A spotlight turns on right above him. He is given a seat, as he cordially takes it and crosses his legs.

Senebrit Member 1: To what do we owe your displeasure, Malaeson?

Malaeson: I bring you an offer... The power to rise above the light, with me as your guidance.

Senebrit Member 3: And what makes you think we would trust someone like you in our ranks?

Senebrit Member 5: You have a reputation of backstabbing your allies.

Malaeson: Ahh, but you know I would follow through with something at least... And why would I bother trying to do that, when I don't even know where you are? You and I have something in common.

There's a tense silence in the room.

Senebrit Member 6: Speak... before we execute you.

Malaeson: I forgot about the lava pool beneath this chair.
He snaps his fingers and before you know it, the floor beneath him reveals a lava pool. His chair is sitting above a pane of heat-resistant glass.

Malaeson (CONT'D): We are capable of the same abilities. I would have thought you'd come up with something scarier, like a black hole, or a life as an impudent human deadbeat. Now let's begin.


The Equinox are talking amongst themselves, when Thylo, a man of similar age to Malaeson, notices the red door opened. He has brown hair and matching eyes, his facial expression being worn as worried as ever.

Thylo: I have to go check on something. I think the Ambassador had sent something to my chambers.
The fellow Equinox bid him adieu and Thylo enters the room behind the red door. As he further opens the door, Thylo notices the portal made from the Time Stream. The vocals kick in at this point from the first verse.

Thylo: I'm sorry everyone... but for the sanity of time...


Malaeson: So do we have a deal?

Senebrit Member 7:It sounds interesting, but how do you know everything is going to happen?

Senebrit Member 2: You have 20 seconds to make your case. Be prepared to pay with your life.

Malaeson: I only need one.

Senebrit Member 1: Your arrogance is not amusing, Malaeson.

Malaeson's body then begins to disappear.

Malaeson: Take this.

He tosses an hourglass towards the Senebrit members.

Malaeson (CONT'D): When the sand in the hourglass reaches the bottom half. I will be whole once more. Until next time...

His body begins to fades away into the hourglass, his nefarious laugh still clear as an emerald.


Thylo begins to feel remorse for this. A bright white flash covers everything and soon we lose visual of him, everyone, and everything on the island.

Thylo: I only have but one regret, Malaeson. I wish your mother hadn't gone to war... Maybe then we could still have been the closest of friends, but I must exile our race so that you mustn't do this to us. You mustn't do this to yourself. I will leave a gap for every 500 years, so that I can check on the progress of mankind.

The flash fades out, and we see nothing but a dark void.

The phrase "Tuesday, December 31, 2013, A.D.," appears in white letters. We can hear the sound of modern society fading in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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