Chapter 1: An unlikely friend

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The first semester of Regina's college career was all planned out from the start. Her mother choose what school she would attend and her career in politics. Regina despised her mother for deciding what path she should take. She never wanted to be involved with political affiars. She loved animals especially horses and aspired to be a veterinarian. However her mother never approved.

During her first semester she tried to enjoy the political classes but failed everytime. Regina however managed to make a couple of friends she felt she truly bonded with. They always distracted her from her uninteresting classes. One day after her class she texted her friend Katherine.

Where are you guys ? -Regina
Food court. -Katherine

Regina headed toward the food court. As she reached the large glass doors she pulled it open. She notice her loud group of friends quicky. She saw her friend Katherine, Mary Margaret, David and Sydney. However she noticed a complete stranger sitting next to them. This stranger smiled at what ever her friends have said. As she walked toward them she realized how beautiful this girl was. Her long blonde hair was up in a ponytail. As black rimmed glasses covered her blueish green eyes. She wore a tight baseball shirt with blue skinny jeans. It may have been a simple look but it took Regina's breathe away.
Once she reached her friends, all of them greeted her. The blonde stranger stood from her seat lending a hand.

"Hi I'm Emma and apparently I'm the new girl in the group " Emma said with a grin.

Regina said nothing. She was memorized by the beautiful blonde.
Katherine elbowed Regina's stomach knocking the air out of her. It brought Regina back from her daze. Regina shly smiled.

" I'm sorry...Hi I'm Regina...Regina Mills and welcome to this crazy group" Regina said taking Emma's extended hand. Her hand was so soft Regina thought.

"Pleasure meeting you Regina. And I find this group quite interesting" Emma said with a wink. They both let go of each other's hand. Regina missed the contact immediately as they both sat down next to their friends.

Katherine began to talk about her hot professor in Physics. While Regina listened half heartedly. She was to busy stealing glances of Emma who laughed at Katherine's story. She was beautiful Regina kept thinking. Emma's smile and laugh lifted Regina's mood instantly.

After an hour of catching up with friends they all had to go to class. However Regina was done for the day. She quicky told goodbyes to her friends but gave a flirty smile to Emma saying it was nice meeting her. Regina ignored her friends questioning glares. Before Emma could reply to Regina. Regina rushed out the door.
I can't believe I did that . Regina thought as she walked towards the parking lot. Ashamed at her actions she felt a hand lightly pull her arm. Regina turn to see who grabbed her attention. It was Emma. Regina's eyes widened

"Hey I was wondering if I could walk you to your car." Emma said letting go of her arm.

Regina's mouth slightly opened in shock by her statement. The blonde changed the statement once seeing Regina's expression.

"I mean since we're both leaving we might as well walk together to the parking lot" Emma said quickly.

"Yes ..yes of course" Regina said looking at the floor. She knew if she stared at her eyes again she will be lost.

They began to walk toward the parking lot together. The walk was silent and awkward at first. Regina was beginning to think this was a horrible idea.

"So why do you park so far?" Emma said breaking the silence.

"It makes me get a workout in. With classes I'm always so busy." Regina replied

"Oh I know what you mean. I should start walking more so I can look more like you". Emma said grinning at Regina.

Regina's cheeks began to turn a light pink at the comment. Obviously Emma was extremely fit, her tight clothing proved that. Was Emma flirting? Regina could feel her heart beat faster.

Once they reached Regina's black Mercedes. She turned to say goodbye to the blue eyed girl.

"We'll it was nice meeting you ...again" Regina said slightly blushing. Would I see her again? She thought .

" It was nice meeting you. Will I see you around?" Emma said as reading Regina's mind.

"Yes of course!" Regina said smiling. Emma returned the smile that made Regina blush more.

Emma reached forward moving a piece of stray hair behind Regina's ear. Regina's heart stopped. The blonde then took a step back.

"See you around Regina" she said turning away.

Regina stood next to her car in shock. She quickly got in the car closing the door behind her. This is ridiculous. I can't have a crush on a girl I just met! I don't even know her last name!!! These statements ran through Regina's mind. However thinking of the beautiful blonde made her smile and bite her lip. She started her car to leave. For the first time in college Regina was leaving happy and excited to go to back.

Chapter two coming soon

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