I have a feeling...

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After the hunt Sam and Dean are back at their motel and they hear noises out side and then a bright light. They run down too where it was happening and they see Castiel again they ask what the hell was happening and took Cas back up to their room they sit him down and they say they are hunters, they deal with this stuff all the time."Angels" said Castiel "Angels? What do you mean by angels?" They are after me because of what I did up in heaven" Castiel said in his deep voice "are, are you an angel?" "Yes, I am an angel of the Lord" Sam and Dean snigger a little "this isn't a laughing matter this could kill a lot of people" Sam and Dean are more interested "so what did you do in heaven!?" "I killed a lot of my Brothers and Sisters and when I say a lot I mean 7362784" Dean steps back and gets a beer from the refrigerator he leans against the counter and stairs at Castiel looking into his eyes, "what's your name?" Dean asked "Castiel" his voice a little bit deeper for Dean they sit and stair Sam looking and seeing the connection between them already.

Cas and Dean - love is in the airWhere stories live. Discover now