Drunk driver.

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A/n I know these are really annoying. I just wanna say these aren't real.

(Y/n) your name

(Y/l/n) your last name

(F/n) friends name


I'm walking home from school one day when my Friend texts me.

(F/n) : hey.

Me: hey.

(F/n) : what's up?

Me: just walking home you?

(F/n) : same.

Me: lol. :) ill see you tomorrow at school. Ok? I'm at my house and I got a ton of homework.

(F/n) : ok. See ya tomorrow bye.

Me: bye. :)

When I walk into the house it seems different. My moms not in e kitchen like usual. But, I just put that aside and start on my homework. About twenty minutes later I hear my step-father walk in. He's always been like a real dad to me. But, his eyes were blood-shot and I got curious. So I asked.

Me: what's wrong?

Dad: ummmm we need to talk.

Me: ok? Where?

Dad: just sit on the sofa.

Dad: um well. I don't know exactly how to say this. But, uh... Ummm. Damn this is going to be one of the hardest things I have ever had to say. But, uhh (y/n) your mothers in the hospital. And umm she didn't make it.

Me: haha ok what kind of sick joke is this?

Dad: I'm not kidding.

What? My mothers gone? She would have left me. Would she? But he's lying. But, he's never lied to me before. So, that means he's not lying. He's being completely honest. I'm speechless and before I know it I'm in my room. Throwing things and crying into my pillow. All night long. It's a good thing tomorrow's Friday.

In the morning. I thought I could be string for one day and just go to school. When I arrived I had to blink back tears. This was harder then expected. I went to first, second and, third period. Everything was alright I stayed quiet the whole day. So far. When I got to fourth period I had a gut feeling it was going to be bad. When the teacher walked in she already looked mad. I groaned.

"Well, class today we are going to...." She started. But, I just zoned out.

She started calling on students and today she decided to pick me. Of course. So I stand up try to Answer her question. And then she interrupts me. Saying to stand up straighter. Talk louder. She stands there critiquing every move I make. When I ask her if she could stop talking for one minute so I could answer the question. She say:

"Is that back talk I hear?" She asks

"No, I just-" she cut me off

"Detention for a week I will not tolerate unimportant nonsense especially from you (y/n) !" She yells

"Would you like me to call your mother?" She asks

I try to calm down and sit back down but, that just makes her yell some more. And I'm done. I look her straight in the face and say.

"Well, excuse me for not caring about this. I'm sorry you had a bad day. But, your not the only one who has bad days. We all do and today is my bad day. So call my mom because to be honest it would be a miracle If you could talk to her. Actually of you could talk to her can you tell her that I love her. And I already miss her. Because to be honest I missed my chances to say this. But, guess what she's gone. G.O.N.E. Gone. And she's not coming back. Ever!. Wanna know why?" I yell. It stays silent every ones eyes are on me. While tears stream down my face.

"I'll take that as a yes. Well, she was hot by a drunk driver. Killed in a car accident. Ya. Haha. Everything's all funny now right. It's awesome. Right? To just randomly start yelling at random kids. I be you like to do this. Well, is this what you wanted. For me to tell you this. I was trying to be strong. But, you. You broke me the test of the way." I start laughing because I can't believe this is really happening.

"I mean. She's gone. So it doesn't matter. I'll just sit and cry. And and not laugh. And your not helping anything. So, just start to think when you decide to start yelling at kids for no reason. Because you are not the only one having a "bad" day." And with those final words I sit down.

She's shocked and speechless. There are no words to be said. Now everyone knows and to be honest I could care less.

I went home that day and wrote my mom a letter. I'll write her one everyday. And I put the on her grave. I hope she forgives me.

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