The Darkest Tales

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"Benjamin..." The Boy muttered a low sigh.

"Benjamin, is it?" The Teacher announced out loud to the whole class. Benjamin blushed, looking to the ground and frowning slightly as he nodded slowly. "Well then, Benjamin. Welcome to Rosemary Hill!"

Benjamin whinced slightly as the teacher patted his shoulder and lead him to his seat. The class snickered and hissed to each other as the little boy passed by.

"Now, Benjamin..." The Teacher sighed as he stopped at the only free desk in the class room. "I'm Mr. Landerson... And your Elbow partner will give you a tour around the school, once recess starts."

Benjamin looked around at all the glaring faces as he gasped and held his breath. Slowly nodding his head up and down.

Mr. Landerson left up the isle as Benjamin sat down in the seat next to his new elbow partner.

Benjamin looked down awkwardly and twisted his fingers around and around with each other. Trying to look busy, but wasn't very sneeky when he took quick glances at the unfamiliar character.

Mr. Landerson spoke, "Tonight is your Homework is to finish page 112-115." Then he said, "That will be all for today class. You may go get your lunches..."

Benjamin watched as his elbow partner stood up with his books walking out the door.

Mr. Landerson stopped him, "Noah... I need you to do something for me..." Noah sighed and walked to his desk. "Show Benjamin around for me please?"

Benjamin stood up silently and walked towards the desk.

"But sir, why couldn't Andrew do it?!" Noah complained and whinned.

"Noah, can you please do this for me and not complain?" Mr. Landerson exhaled exhaustedly.

Noah groaned and walked to the door, stopping and turning around looking at Benjamin. "Are you coming or not?" He asked frustratedly.

Benjamin looked at Mr. Landerson for help, but he just nodded and swept his arm out excusing him. Benjamin nodded and walked along beside Noah.

After minutes of walking down three halls and turning two corners Noah stopped and turned around looking straight at Benjamin.

Noah took hold of Benjamins collar, pulled him in close and whispered. "You'd better not mess with me kid," He paused looking around the corner and then proceeding to give Benjamin a 'pep talk'.

"Or so help me god, I will smash you against a wall." He pushed Benjamin hard into the locker by his shoulder holding him there. "Don't mess with me or my gang, or we'll kick your-" He swore and held a tight, firm grip on Benjamins shoulder.

Benjamin held eye contact and shook his head from side to side, "I won't..." He then stuttered, "I-I swear..."

Noah dropped him and came up close enough so Benjamin could hear him breathing. "Because me and my gang?" He chuckled, "Own this school."

With that he left off down the hall back to the classroom as Benjamin sighed with relief and felt his shoulder. He had a bruise on his left shoulder.

He cautiously looked around at the unfamiliar hall. The hall had broken and smashed up blue lockers with scratches and curses writen all over them. The hall was very dusty and smelt of moldy cheese... Although, there was only one door, so Benjamin cautiously approached it.

The door stood right infront of Benjamin as he went to feel the doorhandle and look through the window.

The room was dark and you could barely make out any shapes, except a broken mirror and a shattered window.

Benjamin tried opening it, but it was locked. He moved in closer and put his hand on the window to get a better look, but a head popped up from out of nowhere causing Benjamin to jump back, hitting the lockers as he screamed.

The door opened and out popped a man with greyish whitish hair, and a eye half closed up. He screamed, "What do you think you're doing down here?!" He spit in Benjamin's face, "Didn't you read the sign?!?! NO GOING DOWN THE FORBIDEN HALLWAY!"

Benjamin, his heart pounding in his ears as he stuttered, "I-It w-was an a-ac-accident..." He whispered, "I di-didn't m-mean too!" His heart was pounding in his chest uncontrollably as the man grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him down the hallway.

"Yeah, remember that time, when he was on the stage?"Mrs. Nynman Chuckled as she heard screaming from down the hall.

"Un-hand me! I did nothing wrong!" A voice screamed just as the door to the staff room flew open.

"This little pest was in my hallway!" The Janitor pointed to Benjamin as he was still holding onto the back of his shirt.

Benjamin stopped rebelling towards the Janitors grip. "I thought Noah was showing you around?" Mr. Landerson asked confused.

Benjamin gulped. "He went to the bathroom... And I saw him..." Benjamin pointed to The Janitor.

Mrs. Nynman sighed. "Benjamin... Do you know what this means?"

Benjamin shook his head slowly and the teacher sighed.

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