The Stolen Boy (Part One)

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"Did you know about any of this, and if so were you a part of this in any way?!" he sort of screamed at the last part.

"No, I Swear!" I yelled back at him.

"Ok then," he whispered. He took out a knife. He opened my cell. SLASH!!.....

I am Li. I am 15 years old. My mother was killed when I was 5. I live with my father on a farm near a Chinese weapons depot. We were Harvesting crops one day...

"Father, where are you!" I shouted.

"I'm outside, Hurry we need to finish the harvest before today ends!" he screamed back. I ran downstairs, Grabbed my jacket, jumped into my shoes, and ran outside. Father was already getting started on the carrots.

"What should I do father?" I asked.

"Why don't you go ahead and start unrooting the potatoes," he responded. I ran over to the shed, grabbed some gloves, ran back, and started pulling the potatoes out of the ground. I finished before it had even been an hour.

"I'm all Fini..." Suddenly there was a huge explosion. It seemed like it had come from the other side of Dead man's hill. I couldn't hear for a minute. Suddenly a hand grabbed me.

"It's me!!" father screamed.

"Whats going on?!" I shouted back

"I don't know but it isn't good! we have to leave!" he said worriedly.

"But the only way out is the direction of the explosion!" I replied

"Then that's where we run! Just don't get shot!" He cried nervously. I suddenly heard the gunfire in the distance. It was quiet at first but got louder., I wondered how I hadn't heard it.

"Go Now! I'll meet you at the market!" he told me. I started running. When I reached the top I looked away. It was horrific, there were dead soldiers all over the place. The ones that were still alive were shooting at the other ones. It didn't last longer than a minute or two, but it seemed like forever. I was paralyzed on the top of the hill until I noticed the gunfire had stopped. I realized that the enemy was the American army. They were fighting the Chinese army. The Chinese had won and were gathering weapons and things

from the dead bodies. Then one noticed me.

"Hey, You there, Freeze!!" He shouted at me. I did the opposite. I ran as fast as i could through the valley the two hills made... I made it halfway through. Pain shot up my body from my left leg. I had been shot. Blood started oozing out. I started feeling dizzy. I saw about five people gather around me. Then I fainted.

When I woke up I was in a cell. My leg was patched up with gauze. I only felt a slight sting now. I sat there for what seemed like hours. Suddenly the same man who screamed at me appeared on the other side of the cell.

"How's the leg?" He asked in a Japanese accent.

"Who are you?" I responded simply.

"I think I'll ask the questions considering I'm not locked up," he spat.

"Fair enough, what do you want?" I asked.

"I want to know why you started running," He told me

"I was going to meet my father at the market. we heard the bomb on the other side of the hill and thought we should get away," I explained.

"So you run toward the gunfire, and more importantly towards our weapons depot?" He accused angrily.

"Hey I was just running towards the market, You have no proof that I did anything wrong!!" I screamed right back at him. He shouted at me that I knew my father was a spy and that he was working for the U.S to get the Chinese weapons for themselves.

"No,I swear!!" I shouted.

"Ok then I have no choice," he told me sadly. He took out a knife. He opened my cell. SLASH!!!

My chains were gone. He held out a hand and I took it.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"I can tell when someone lies, I simply feel like you're telling the truth," he replied like it was simple. Then an alarm sounded.

"Crap... I can't explain now but run right out the prison door. go left once and right twice then run up the stairs, There is a helicopter on the roof there, GO!!" He screamed when i stood there.

I snapped out of my trance and started running, First left, then right, then right again. I ran up the stairs for what seemed like forever. Finally, I reached the top, I burst through the door and ran to the helicopter. I ran over and started pressing all the buttons realizing i didn't know how to fly. I finally got the copter started the minute five guards burst through the door. I pulled a lever back in panic and shot upward. I made it about 500 feet in the air before the plane started shooting downward. I realized the blades above had jammed. There was a river not far away. I decided to take the risk. I unfastened my seatbelt, Leaned out of my seat, and jumped..... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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