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"Can I get another round?" I mumble to the bartender passing her some more money. She gently pours me another shot of sweet whiskey. I quickly down the shot, letting it burn the entire way down.
I look around to see everyone dancing and having fun. Then there was me, I was like a funeral.  I feel so alone. I shouldn't pity myself, I should care more about what is going on in the world, but the only thing that is racing through my head is my problems. Everything bad in my life just won't leave.. I want it to go away. I want my life to go away.
"Hello, can I buy you a drink?" A masculine voice cuts through my thoughts. I look over to see tall stunning man. He has black messy hair, snake bites, and an amazing sense in fashion. His look seems simple but dark, it has a calling to me. Oddly enough he looks familiar to me, but everyone looks so familiar since I have drank so much. I shrug my shoulders in response.
"You seem like you have already drank your fair share," he chuckles.
I nod my head and crack a smile.
"Yeah. I guess I have." I mumble.
He finally sits down next to me, and asks the bartender for a dark ale beer.
"You here alone?" He asks.
I give him an uneasy look. Guys only ask these kind of things if they are just wanting to get laid, but honestly I wouldn't mind that. I just want someone.
He awkward wraps his arms around my shoulders.
"I can tell, your face is red from how much you've been drinking. Usually drinking this much is a sign of sorrow." He hesitates.
"I would offer to come back on my bands tour bus and sober up with us, but that would seem like I'm a rapist." He laughs.
I don't even know this guys name and he is inviting me to his fucking tour bus? Does he think I'm a groupie? Or is he just being nice. My head is too dazed to make good decisions...
"That would be fun, honestly." I reply after taking another shot full of mind numbing whiskey. I stand myself up stumbling. I probably haven't taken that last shot. He looks at me puzzled.
"Really?" He smiles. I nod my head yes.

We finally get out of the crowded bar, I walk along side of him. Everything is spinning around me, but I keep walking as straight as possible.
"I feel rude, I didn't introduce myself." He pauses.
"I'm Nikki." He voice soothes. I smile, I love that name. It seems so fitting for him.
" I'm Lexxi. You can call me Lex, or whatever."I chuckle.

We show up In front of a silver tour bus, he opens the door and invites me in. I step inside, forcing myself to keep balance. He follows tightly behind me, shutting the door behind us. I stand there in awe. I can say that I have never been on a tour bus. I sit myself down on the nearby couch.
"You're really drunk.." He sighs.
I turn my head in confusion. He walks to the back of the bus, and back.
"No one is here?" He questions.
Oh fuck, I'm drunk and alone with this man that I haven't met.  He walks to the tv in front of the couch and turns it on. Already there is a main menu screen for a movie. He presses play and sits down next to me, he leans down and picks a blanket off the ground and hands it to me.
"You might get cold." He smiles.
My palms start to get sweaty.. I should leave. I'm going to get raped.
"You seem nervous? I can feel you shaking. Am I making you uncomfortable?" He sadly questions.
I nod my head.
"I won't hurt you. I promise," he pulls the blanket around the both of us.
I shouldn't trust him, but something about him just makes me swoon. Or it's because I'm drunk off my ass.
I rest my head on his shoulder, and within minutes I'm out cold.

"So you just brought a drunk home?" I hear an unfamiliar man voice say.
"It sounds bad, but something about her just draws me." Nikki shamefully says. I continue to keep my eyes shut. I shouldn't have came on this bus.
"She seems sweet. She is wearing our merch, how did she not recognize you?" I hear a female say.
Instantly it clicked with me. Nikki fucking Misery. I did everything in my power to stay quite.
I'm in New Years Day tour bus.
"She was really smashed. She just seems so sad." He replies to her.
I quietly groan.
"She's waking up."
I slowly push my eyes open, a blinding headache hits me. I've dug myself too deep into the mess.
The entire band is standing In front of me, they have no clue what to do with me. I awkwardly sit myself up.
"I'm so sorry." I utter. Nick glares at me and leaves to the back of the bus.
"I was really drunk.. I'm sorry." I stand myself up and head for the door.
Ash stops me.
"You did nothing wrong. You should probably get going though, it's morning." Ash tells me. I nod my head and leave the bus.
"Lexxi wait!" I turn around to see Nikki.
His face looks apologetic.
"I'm sorry, I'll get things settled." He pauses. "I want to keep talking to you. Here's my number. Fun fact we live here." He laughs.
"I can't believe I didn't recognize you." I smile.
"Call me tonight, I like your voice." He finished with giving me a tight hug.
"Be safe." He says as I'm walking away from the bus.

I get home, and I'm a nervous wreck. Last nights drinking almost made me forget what happened that day.. I got laid off my job. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.. I need to get a job so I can keep my apartment.
I go in my room and lay myself down.
I just need to sleep.
I wake up and turn to the clock. HOLY SHIT I SLEPT TILL 6 Pm! I sit myself up. Well that was a waste of a day.
I get up and drag myself to the shower.

I managed to get myself ready, even though it is so late in the day. I should call Nikki, but I don't want to be needy.
I groan and grab my phone.
This needs to be done.
I dial his number and wait. Each ring fills my with anticipation.. Finally on the 4th ring I was going to give up, but the call connected.
"Hello?" His sweet voice flows.
I smile.
"Hi" I pause. "You told me to call.. Is this a good time?" I ask. I can hear his smirk through the phone.
"Yes, it is." He laughs. There is a moment of awkward silence.
"Whattcha doing?" He asks.
"I really just woke up an hour or so ago, and forced myself to get ready." I feel ashamed for wasting my day.
"Well what you getting ready for?"
"Nothing, I just didn't want to be lazy all day. I might go get food,"
"Why don't I treat you to dinner?" He shyly asks.
I almost drop the phone. Already he is asking me on a date.
"Look it won't be fancy. I'll get takeout and show up at your house." He explains. I laugh into the phone.
"Okay deal." I end the conversation by telling him my address.

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