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Another day at home still few days until holidays are over and back to school as a year 11 student, although I don't want to go to school I rather just live normally with a job and try to reach for my career without anyone pulling me down. Things have been changing this 2016 its sickening people I thought were kind and nice turn out to be spoiled rich people using others for money, I referred to them as the asian society because they seem to be the kind of asians who care about their social status and live as some typical rich person makes me sick, I'm asian as well but I consider myself different from them cause I rather hang out at nandos to eat with my mates, prefer to live as a kind of person I called white washed. My friends are really amazing although we do have problems but in the end they're happy. I have a code in my life I can't ever change, which was "My needs and wants are always placed last and the ones I love are always first" weird right? Well there are good and bad stuff about this code but I learn to bear with it, this code is the only thing that lead my loved ones happy yet in return I suffer from it. Quite sad because I don't want others to help me not even my partner to help me though hes too busy for his studies at the moment quiet lonely and depressing but no matter as long as my partner is living fine I'll bear that feeling of being forgotten. 

Well never knew this day would come, the day one of my wishes would come true, the day God remembers my wish. The day I wake up as my 12 year old self. RING RING RING my alarm called.

"Damn since when turned on my alarm and since when ipod ringtones have that stupid sound?" I complained but I realize it was my old DSi XL still looking new and clean ringing its alarm, I was shocked I looked around this wasn't the room I was sleeping in, it looked like the old room from 4 years ago at my old house.
"This can't be.... the two doors!" I remembered the two doors I had in my old room one was out to the living room and the other was the bathroom , I opening both of them and there it was the bathroom and the living room, and there I see my mum awake making breakfast for me in the morning. 
"Kim" what time you have to arrive to school?" Mum asked
"What? Isn't it still January 14th?" 
"Are you nuts? its 31th January! Geez first day of highschool my Kim still in her holiday mode!"
"Mum what are you talking about? And why is your stomach smaller?"
"That's because I'm only a few weeks pregnant are you okay Kim?"
"Ummm yeah I just have a dream to see if this is real that's all"
No point talking to her whats going on, I went to the bathroom and notice how young I looked, I had some mustache hair, and my legs and arms were hairy, also my hair from 4 years ago. And suddenly it hit me in the head, this is 4 years ago! I freaked out and remembered what exactly lead to this. 

That one night I was crying out of loneliness and pain, holding my hand to feel warmth, then I noticed a dandelion on my table glowing with a piece of paper next to it, I wiped my tears and read the paper.
"Make a wish and blow Sincerely God" I was surprised but yet I was in the stage of depression so I cried even more that's when one of my wants become a wish so I whispered, "I wish I can restart everything from the beginning please God hear this wish." I cried and blew, the floating parts of the dandelion danced around my room glowing, it looked so beautiful, I floated and closed my eyes hearing God's words ' you're wish is granted hold my hand" he called, my eyes were still closed but I reached my hand out for him and I felt the warmth in his hand. And that's how I woke up here as my past self. "Mum what time is it?" I asked
"7:30 Kim you still have time."

I remembered I told her the wrong time saying 10am because I read the papers wrong.
"I need to go at 9am, so I'm going to shower."
"Okay be ready"
I took off my clothes grabbed a razor and started cleaning myself and to relax myself. 
As I changed into my uniform I like usual in the present I tucked my shirt in my skirt. I looked in the mirror and realize how I couldn't reach to the top of the bathroom cupboard, never knew I was short. I let my hair out, put lotion on my legs arms and face like how I did in the present. My old cat bag still useful, so I'll just add two books and a small pencil case. 
"Kim don't you need to wear a hat?" She questioned.
"Hahahas silly mum I'm going highschool do you see anyone with a hat? Plus I'll wear it when I have quad assembly."
"Quad assembly?"
"I mean when the sun burns my eyes."
"You sure are weird today"
"hahahas you should know me I am weird mum."
"Thats quite true but you're never okay and opened when you talk to me."
"Ummm well its a new year and I'm getting older so I need to learn to express myself more no need to be shy or quiet I want to spend this year happy."
"Hmmm I see well hurry up and eat breakfast Kim you have 30mins."
As we reached to my school she took a picture, as she showed it to me I look more confident and less shady than my shy newbie self. 
"You look amazing like a grown up Kim!"
"Thanks mum I'm going now I love you!"
As I went to the assembly hall for year 7s I saw my friends Cindia, Christina, Jina, Daniele the four girls are my closest friends in the present, yet I saw Estella, I remember how I was such close friends with her but in the present she's an awful friend really if she never dated or even meet her ex boyfriend she would've been a good friend. Also my partner Kinta he's has some meat on him so he's not muscular like Saitama which the anime One punch man didn't exist yet, but when I look at him hes an idiot hes wearing a bloody green jumper on the first day of highschool and its hot! I just want to punch him, altho without thinking twice I walked up to his seat and pat his shoulder, "Hey do you mind taking off your jumper you chink?" 
I scared him and walked off regretting that I met him first out of all people. I walked up to my close friend Maclan. "Yo Maek long time no see!" then I laughed my head off because of his haircut back then, spikey and ridiculous.
"What the fudge? Are you like okay? You just walked up to some stranger and asked him to take off his jumper and now you're laughing at me? You need help" He spoke, I laughed even more because of his kid like voice how adorable. 
"Your voice and haircut oh my gwad its so funny and adorable hahahaha I can't stop!"
"Are you done?"
"Okay well lets have good year mate."
I looked for my seat with Kimiko and watched the presentation, it was boring but I kept concentrating. As class started I remember my first period in highschool was math, and since I remember all the area at school I know where it used to be. My teacher Miss Nguyen, she was a good teacher but kept picking on Quinton since he didn't do much work in class and homework. 

"Hello class 7-2 I'm Miss Nguyen your math teacher, and she started that dumb activity to line up in birthday order without speaking quite stupid  but it was okay, after that the work finally started. 

Break time, I hang out with Christina and Jina, I remember they were quite immature not just them the whole year because back then "popularity" was a thing, really stupid.
"Hey girls what's up?" I greeted
"Hey hey, Kim you look way prettier than before" Christina complimented I think?
"Umm thanks?"
"It's true Kim well at least you're gonna hang out with us cool people." Jina bluffed with twelviness.
" Well this is like the first day so everyone is new Jina"
"Kim its highschool we gotta do this to be on top."
"Yeah Jina's right also it was a good choice to be with us so Kim what class you're in?"
"7-2?! You serious?!"
"Kim shut up! I didn't know you were that smart!"
"Well in primary I enjoyed being in Miss Bates maths group so yeah"
"Jina shes like smarter than I am! Yet I was in Mrs Banh's class!"
"So what class you guys in?"
"I'm in 7-3 basically the middle but some cool people are there. 
"Sadly 7-4 but there are some sporty dudes and some of the cool girls there but I'll try to move up to Christina's class."
"I see well all I can say try to be friends with a girl name Cindia, she has short hair and glasses, and by her appearance she's a nice shy girl,  so its cools?"
"Ah sure but how you know?"
"Oh ummm when I was skimming the students in the assembly hall I saw her so yeah I'm just guessing that she might be in your class Christina."
"hmm ok"
As the break finished I passed Kinta and realize his jumper is still on, "ugh why bother remind him hahas" I mumbled with a smile. 
"You know I can hear your mumbling." he spoke to me.
"I'm sorry hun is there a problem shorty?" I teased, he was shorter than me, which was cute.
"HEYYYYYYYYY it's just asian genes!"
"Ahh I see so you're an asian smurf?"
"so mean!"
"C'mon I'm just teasing you for a bit" I smiled. "Don't you feel hot in that jumper?"
"Yeah but I'm not bothered to take it off."
"I see hmm want me to shout you ice cream from the canteen?"
"Realllyyyyy???" he gasped, excited like a child.
"Yeah I don't mind just use your jumper as a bib so you can avoid the icecream melting on your shirt little boy."
"Hey I'm a big kid!"
"Hahahas I see well see you at second break kiddo."
"It's Kinta"
"Hahahas nice name, cya Kin!" And we walked off.
"Ahh I called you by your nickname I gave you......" I mumbled, my heart ached abit but I felt happy that I'm starting over, I thank God. 

During my first english class, lining up I walked up to Quinton and greeted him, "Hello Quinton name's Kimiko, but you can call me Kim, this little one here is Maclan!" 
"Oh hey" he spoke and I started laughing on the ground.
"hahaha you're voice and haircut is just too funny and adorable hahahaha"
"Don't worry man she has problems." Maek whispered to Quint. Yet seeing then together made me laugh even more the fact they look like little asian smurfs.
"Yeah you maybe right."
As english class started it was boring like always but I remembered having a crush on soem asshole in my class it was ridiculous, but starting over made me felt happy, it was just Maek, Little Quint and I in class oh also Richelle, I often sit next to her, she was quiet an introvert but she was a kind girl, Kin three years ahead told me she has depression and something happened to her mother so yeah I want to be around her more and her listener so whe she leaves the school she at least have someone to talk to. Man 2012 is going good for one day. After school I came home hugging dad saying hello to my brothers. "Hey pops, Hayden and Ron-" I stopped, I've forgotten that my second brother is still in mums stomach. 
"Who's Ron? Kim?" Pops asked
"Oh umm some lizard I saw in the house."
"Ok? Your mother's right, you are weird today."
"Well that's what makes me Kim"
"True, since when you're so opened to us?"
"New year resolution Pops plus I'm growing up."
"I see."
"Well I'm going to shower now Pops so see you at dinner love you."

I not just surprised some of my friends but even my parents are surprised that I'm different, probably because my mind is working as the me form 4 years ahead but oh well, after my dinner and finishing homework I went to bed smiling and enjoying that God granted my wish. As I closed my eyes I awaken to another world, it was like a peaceful heavenly like place. Then I heard God's voice,
"Hello Kimiko"
"Yes tis I. How are you going Kimiko?"
"I was shocked at first but in the end I'm very happy, God why did you granted my wish?"
"Because seeing you sad made me sad and I want to give you one wish and special opportunity, to be happy also to be good."
"I see, well I want to say thank you God for granting my wish !" I then hugged God, his warmth made me happy and I never knew God would do this for me, so I said my goodnights and I love yous to him and closed my eyes. I awaken with energy for the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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