Traitor Tears

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Traitor Tears

"I thought you said I would be okay! You said I would get over him...Does it look like I'm over him?" I scream to my mom between sobs. "You said I'd learn to live with the emptiness. You were wrong. You made me believe in the impossible and you ruined me. You created an imaginary destination in my head that I will never be able to obtain. You gave me false hope." With that I know I should stop talking but I can't. It's like everything that I've been dealing with for the past few months is finally coming out. The worst part is that  I think I like it. It feels good to yell at her. It feels good to yell in general and I crave for something to feel okay. The high of yelling pushes me to clench my fists and have another go at the woman who raised me. "This is your fault, it's always going to be your fault and I won't forgive you. You filled the emptiness with lies and then they crumbled, so now we both have to live with the repercussions." I spit the words out as fast as my mouth will allow as I feel the anger boil up through my body. I stumble backwards as the angry beast inside me backs down.

I can see the devastated tears crawl over her bottom eyelids and leak down her porcelain face. I did this. I ruined my mother and that hurts more than the emptiness because she's  the only one I have left and now that's been smudged along with the makeup on her cheeks. I'm a Monster, I think as traitor tears brim my own eyes. I hurt her.

Thoughts flash through my frazzled brain as I watch her stand there wiping the hurt away. Then she does the most unexpected thing she could do at the moment. She steps forwards and opens her arms, embracing me in a tight hug. I begin to cry when I am enveloped in the arms of my mother. "Shhhhhh. It's okay." She  coos into my ear as my wall is broken down. "I know it hurts. You're right, I did ruin you and I am so sorry that all I can think to do is hug you and try to apologize." I can't believe I did that to her and she just hugged me. I was wrong.

"I-I I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so s-sorry." She doesn't reply to my muffled apology  leaving me unsure if she even heard it though my cries. As I stay fallen into her frail body she rubs small circles into my back and holds me like a mother should. As the tears slide out, wetting my eyes and my mom's shirt I fall to sleep with a sticky cheek being touched by the cold wind coming from the broken ceiling fan.

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