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*this chapter is now chapter fifteen. if you haven't read the new chapter fourteen, please go to the table of contents and click on fourteen.  :D -Brandee*


I'd grabbed three pocket sized knives from the storage room, (it would be empty by the time I was done with it), and was throwing them at a chunk of wood on the fences outside.

I needed to brush off some steam before I talked to Bellamy. I knew the thing would blow over... I'd get over it. But right now I wasn't sure if I was going to give him a punch in the face... I needed to get all of my anger out first.


Another hit right in the middle.

"You're going to pop your own shoulder out, Blondie."

I turned around sharply to where I'd heard the voice. I moved my hands into a stance position, the blade ready to attack. When my eyes came into focus I didn't expect the person standing in front of me.

"Whoa, whoa, I know I tried to kill you once, but come on," he said, his eyes wide.

I dropped my arm, shaking my head slightly.

"You almost got a blade to the iris," I said in an irritated tone. He gave a small smirk, but then looked confused.

"The hell is an iris?" he asked, and I couldn't help but laugh. Though, I never laughed out loud; just in my head. I wasn't in the mood for socializing.

"What do you want, John?" I asked him, kneeling down to grab my bag from by my feet. I grabbed the makeshift water bottle, and took a big swig as I listened to him.

"Just making sure you're okay," he said, trying to sound tough and cool, but on the inside I knew he was worried.

"Why?" I asked anyways, not bothering to listen to what my brain was saying.

"You looked pretty rough back at the grounder camp-"

"Of course I did, John! And I still do!" I screamed, throwing my bag down and getting ready to chuck another knife. He looked scared, but we've both had violent moments with each other to know that we didn't need to take it as seriously as we should've. "I just witnessed eighteen people being murdered, by someone that I've been calling a friend since we got down here. And on top of that, I was just told that my so called 'boyfriend'-"


"-slept with my best friend. And right now, you telling me that I'm a mess and trying to speak to me and make me feel better, isn't working."

Just as I went to step over my bag and retrieve the three knifes I'd thrown, a sharp pain went up my left leg, mostly into my knee. I'd tripped over the bag, and landed inverted on my left foot. It'd had shifted everything in my knee-cap, causing me to collapse to the ground.


Before I came face to face with dirt and dried up grass, Murphy had grabbed my waist and pulled me up. He lifted my one arm around his shoulder, and picked up my bag.

"I'm fine, John-"

"At least sit down for god sake."

He walked me over to his small tent outside of the Arc. I wasn't sure why he wanted to keep being outside, but it must have something to do with the pain the Arc brought back to him. It came back to me, as well, but I'd been too busy dealing with injuries to take notice.

He set me down gently onto his makeshift bed, and set my stuff beside me. He pulled out the same water bottle, and held it onto my knee. It wasn't ice cold, but it did justice.

But We've Lost A Lot ↭ Bellamy Blake [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now