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  • Dedicated to Marcus, My Forever Friend <3

You can never choose who lives and who dies. You want to but you cant. If its someone you love, you cant stand the pain. But, if its someone you dont like, you learn to deal with it. After theyre gone, you wish you could change it. But you refuse to accept it. But as time goes on, you slowly start to accept that theyre gone. And that you cant do anything to get them back. When someone you havent seen in awhile dies, you are the one that feels guilty. Mostly because you werent there when they died. You think that if you cry enough, in might bring them back. But it never does. And then you just cry some more. Sometimes you even cry yourself to sleep. And you may never want to wake up again. You feel likke you cant live without the,. But you somehow find apurpose in your screwed up, lonely life, so you keep on living. No matter how awful it maybe. You learn how to keep living, even ikf someone is gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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