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I watched him carefully. Lightly tanned skin, broad shoulders, a killer jaw line and hair that I wanted to constantly run my hands through. If you haven't gotten the picture already, this man was carved by the gods!
Go talk to him...  My little inner voice breathed.
Ha! Like that's going to happen, he probably wouldn't even notice me.
But you look HOT tonight! Don't let it go to waste. Get a drink, dance a little, find someone that will fu-
No. I don't know why I hear you out sometimes, you just drive me crazy-
"Katie, you there?"
"God were you even listening to me?"
I gave my best friend of ten years, Lola, an apologetic smile, she knows that I constantly drift off into my own little world and I'm sure she has gotten used to it by now.
"Anyway I was talking about going out tomorrow night as well, I mean, your 21 and you barely have a social life-" I cut her off by smacking her arm.
"Hey! I do have a social life"
"Katie, talking to yourself doesn't count as being social."  I tried to glare and her and soon found myself in a staring contest. I could see the sides of Lola's mouth twitching up into a smile at the faces I was making, until she couldn't handle it anymore a broke out into hysterics.

That'll show her. I smiled triumphantly at her until I couldn't take it anymore and joined her in her laughing fit. We must of looked crazy because we got s lot of stares, but the one that caught my attention was Mr. Mysterious. He looked right at me and smirked!

Mmm he's soo hot...
Buy now my face must look like at tomato and I'm a little bit tipsy so that doesn't help.  I couldn't help but stare, he's gorgeous, as he stood up the butterflies that were already creating havoc in my tummy picked up the pace.

Is he coming over here!? No! No! No!

Just when I thought he was going to come over he took out he wallet, paid for his drinks and left. Although I didn't know him and the butterflies had stopped fluttering in my stomach, for the rest of the night I couldn't stop thinking about him and the way he made me feel. Lola met a cute guy at the pub and went home with him he had some good looking friends but none of them compared to Mr. Mysterious.

Oh great so now you're comparing him to other people, you'll probably never seen him again!

I pushed my thoughts to the back of my head and began stripping my clothes to have a long, hot shower. The water comforted me and instantly made me forget about the strange man and relax. Once I was done I stepped into my silk pyjama and took my book from my night stand but once my head hit the pillow I was out like a light and sent into blissful dreams of Mr. Mysterious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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