Chapter 1 The Dream That Became Reality

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Lynn's Prov

Everything is normal the kids played on the homemade water slides and everyone older that fourteen roamed the whole village. Everyone was smiling till the Royals came. "Everyone inside!" Yelled our elder. Everyone panicked trying to get to their children and to help out I got ten to follow me.

Once in my home I opened the secret door and the kids hopped into the hole in the floor. I followed after and closed the door and urged the kids further into the underground chambers. "Where is she! I want her now! I won't tolerate this any longer! Burn this house to the ground!" An angery voice boomed.

The kids froze in terror and I told them to stay here and I'll protect them. I went back to the hiden door and climbed back into the house. Crouched low to the floor I made my way to the back door and rushed out. I maded it to the water slides but steel like arms caught me. Oh shit! I thrashed around tryimg to get loose but it didn't work.

"Finally all mine." The voice whispered. The next thing I know is that I'm on the ground and.....THE PRINCE!! He smirked down at me before the last thing I know is I'm in a car.

"Wake up wake up wake up." I snapped at myself. "You belong to me and I'm never letting you go." The prince said to me.

"Oh my god!" I said after a woke with a start. Placing a hand over my racing heart and taking deep breaths I slowly calmed down. It was just a bad dream. Everything will be fine. My gut told me other wise but one must have hope...right?

"Lynn the Royals are coming I need you to hide quickly!" My mother yells frantically. My eyes widened. Oh shit my dream is coming true! What to do...what to do!

"THE ROYALS ARE HERE! THE ROYALS ARE HERE! THE ROYALS ARE HERE! THEY ROYALS ARE HERE!" People shouted and others screamed in terror. The kids I need to protect the innocent children! I ran outside of the house and towards the homemade water slides. I almost made when a pair of arms caught me and imprison me to a firm chest.

"Finally you're were you belong." Ever so slowly I turned to face the person holding me captive. "You're all mine now sweetheart." The prince said his silverish blue eyes periced my simple blue ones. No this isn't happening. "I have what we came for lets go." He ordered and dragged me to his black limousine. Before I could put up a fight he shoved me in the car and got in after me.

"I not ever going to let you go." The prince said and pulled out a case an opened it taking out a syringe. "Oh hell no!" I yelled and tried to open the door opposite of his an jump out. Key word 'tried' he put all his weight on me holding me down and he inserted the syringe needle into the base of my neck. When he removed it he sat back in his original position and pulled me up with him so I sat on his lap. I want yo punch him so bad right now...but I can't move.

"The effects of the drug will wear off after 72 hours." Oh my god what why!

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