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Lord!! She loved him... the way HE had loved her...she craved for him the way he had always craved for her... Alas!! She never possessed the guts to acknowledge the fact neither to her own self nor to him ... how cud she in fact??? Afterall it was she who being overpowered with her self-made belief had kept him away from herself... with a perfectly arranged...arranged marriage they had been living under the same roof but more than like strangers.. She was FORMAL.. He was GENUINE... She HATED that they were MARRIED.. He loved that they were TOGETHER... He kept VOICING OUT feelings.. She kept REPREESING her thoughts... She was DIFFERENT FROM ALL for him... He was SAME AS any OTHER for her...


"THIS is what you guys want from a girl right???" she yelled with tearful eyes removing the only portion of her saari at her shoulder.. You think girls are the object of fun??...if you marry them then you possess a copyright over them?? You think u can do anything with a girl u are married and she can't avoid u as u have a bloody right over her??? This is the only thing that u expect from a girl right??...carry on THEN!! Do whatever u want".. She shrugged her face in disgust tears dribbling down without a break... It was their wedding night and like any other new married couple randhir wanted to make her HIS.. But to his utter disbelief Sanyukta never shared the same love the same feelings dat he had been endowed with for her...

" I love u sanyukta!! And I've been loving u since the day we met for the first time... IM sorry!! Im really sorry!! I should have known about your feelings.. You are not an object of fun sanyukta.. u can never be... before being my wife u are a woman.. a girl!!... And I can't think of disrespecting a woman's dignity.. I promise u I won't touch u ever... we are married and im happy with this only fact THAT WE ARE TOGETHER.. I can promise to stay away from you.. But I can't promise dat I'll hide my feelings for you... I love u and will always love you no matter what!!" Randhir lifted that cloth back to her shoulder and confessing to her his long lived feelings for her stepped back to arrange their room with his bed separated from her's...

She never ever In her life thought that she wud once be married to a guy who wud do anything for her without any complaint without any demand..His care, his unconditional love had been superbly superb in vanishing that Generalized Belief of her...that guys marry girls so they cud enjoy their sexual life... She had seen him admiring her.. And gawking at her at times.. But he never made her uncomfortable.. he wud surprise her with his over the fact understanding... but he never forced himself upon her..


It was supposed to be another usual day for him but for his displeasure he noticed his wife upset for some unknown reason.. she wasn't making any eye contact with him...he came closer and putting his foodplate on the table asked in an extreme concern "ARE U OK??"

But may be Dis concern of his wasn't enough to help her disclose her reason of being upset.. she moved frantically to their room so she cud again repress her tears... her feelings..

He followed her to their room and settled himself close to her... "do you need something..??" he asked her making a possible guess.. " u wanna go home??" he asked again as she nodded a no' to his previous query... "hmm" she lied this time still not feeling gutsy to look into his eyes...

"Toh ro kyu rhi ho.. ok we'll go to see your parents tomorrow.. now have a nap common" he was about to get up when she made him sit again holding his wrist.. she had held it for the first time after their marriage and to be more surprising she hugged him tight sobbing and wetting his shirt in process... he gulped the sliva as it wasn't so normal for them.. " sanyukta??'' he was confused wid her abnormal reactions but finally hugged her back watching her squeezing more into him...

He broke the hug after sum time and made her face him... she wasn't sobbing anymore... and for the first time gathetered her all courage to look into his deep chocolate orbs.. Inches apart from her face he tried to find the real cause of her being upset but like everytime lost himself in her watery eyes.. she closed her eyes anticipating a kiss when he distanced himself suddenly fearing of results he cud lead to being in proximity wid her..

"can u kiss me randhir..??" she shocked him wid her unusual demand..

"sanyukta..??" he managed sumhow to utter her name

"u said u love me... can u kiss me.. please...??" she pleaded for his response

" its not needed.. I told u.." he was genuinenly rensponding

"I want you to do dat... if u still love me.. and if u don't love anybody except me... I mean if u don't love PRERNA... den kiss me..." he widened his eyes and den smiled instantly at her innocence...

" she is my friend sanyukta... u cud have told me dat u wanted to know about her..try to express ur feelings sanyukta... I still love u and will always love u.." he smiled at her insecurities and again got up to go for a sleep but she again grabbed his wrist

"I still want u to kiss me"... she cudnt be formal anymore and thought to voice out everythin she possessed in her heart for him

" I want u make me yours... I want u have a copyright on me.. I too wanna have a copyright on you.. I too wanna love you the way u love me.. I too wanna..." she cudnt complete her final confessions as randhir had already captured her lips IN his... in the very night of extreme darkness with stars twinkling at their peek dey surrendered themselves to each other while the watchman in their society compound kept playing the song on his radio " PYAAR KE LIE CHAAR PAL KAM NHI THE... KABHI TUM NAHI THE KABHI HUM NHI THE..."

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