Chapter 1 Files

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(I decided to re write this story. I got a few ideas and inspirations. If you click the video you can get a good visual of how elekctra is and what she looks like. Anyways comment if you want me to continue with this story and vote! 💕)


I slid down the rope leading into the ware house and carefully landed on my feet

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I slid down the rope leading into the ware house and carefully landed on my feet. I unlatched myself from the rope and looked around at my surroundings for a second.

I noticed it was quiet for the most part, too quiet. It's never good when something shady is happening and it's quiet all around. My training shaped me into being very keen on my senses and to make sure I noticed every single detail around me and my whereabouts. I walked away from where I had the rope and started to look around to see if I could find any clues.

Making my way up the stairs of the warehouse, I noticed a few bodies laid out all on the floor. Some were knocked out with no traces of blood, meaning someone was very skilled to beat these guys without a weapon. But then again, I must've spoke too soon because I noticed a few other guys who looked like they've been shot.

I swallowed my nerves and just kept walking towards the hallway of the building. I made sure to make small steps and to not be too loud. The last thing I need is to be found and being interrupted from what I came here to do.

I turned the corner and noticed a office like area further away. The lights were on but I couldn't see what else was inside. I checked to make sure I had my gun close by and just slowly walk towards the office.

Getting closer to the office, I could see a tall shadow in there rummaging through things. I sighed knowing this would result to me having to use some energy to knock whoever it was out.

I crotched down and hid behind the wall and loaded up my gun and cocked it.

I slowly got up and seen the figure had its back turned and was looking through files. They were kinda tall and wearing all black, ski mask, black jeans, black everything.

Looks like we both had the same idea then. I pulled my bottom face mask up and quietly slipped into the door hoping they didn't noticed.

And to my luck, they didn't hear me. This is good, my first actual mission that I can say I did on my own. This one was too easy.

Before I could think of anything else I heard the sound of a gun cocking back and I looked and saw the shadow figure person had their gun raised at me.

Whoa they got good reflexes too. I quickly ducked out of the way as they fired a shot. It missed me of course, but broke the glass window, shattering pieces everywhere.

I made sure to cover my head to make sure none got in my eye or anything.

I then quickly grabbed my gun and got up and tried to get a good sight on my target. But they were too quick. They had already grabbed what they needed hopped over the desk and jetted out of the office.

Undercover Girl (Chris Brown story) (Re editing)Where stories live. Discover now