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"Cameron wake up!" Screamed Xander. "The alarm went off 10 minutes ago!" "I'm up, I'm up." Cameron said. "Hurry up and get dressed, were gonna miss the bus!" Xander said. "I'm already dressed!" Cameron said. "Well I'm gonna go out and wait for the bus." Xander said. "I'll be out there in a little bit." Cameron said, as the living room door closed. "Of course, you would run out just as the bus pulled up." Screamed Xander. "Hey Xander, hey Cameron." said their friend, Carlos. "Hey Carlos." Said Xander and Cameron. "Jinx!" Said Xander, as the bus stopped in front of the school. As Cameron and Xander walked down the hall, they stopped and put their book bags and coats in their lockers, and went into the classroom. Just as they sat down, the fire alarm went off. As soon as everyone was out, all of the teachers to the headcount. As everyone was entering the school, Cameron started rushing past people. Just as Cameron was in front, his teacher pulled him aside, and told him that since he rushed past everyone, he can go in last. "BUT THAT JUST ISN'T FAIR!!!" Screamed Cameron. "Yes it is, because everyone knows that when we go back inside from a fire drill, everyone goes in one class at a time." said Mr. Johnson. "Whatever, I honestly don't really care." Cameron said. "Well since you don't care, then you wouldn't care about me sending you to the principal's office, do you?" Asked Mr. Johnson. "Honestly, no I don't." Cameron said. "Okay then, please go to the principal's office." Said Mr. Johnson. "FINE!!" Screamed Cameron, as he stormed inside. "Um Mr. Johnson, where is Cameron going?" Asked Xander. "He is going to the Principal's Office." Said Mr. Johnson. "Why?" asked Xander. "Because, he was rushing past people while everyone was going back in from the fire drill." Said Mr. Johnson. "Oh, okay." Said Xander. As soon as Cameron was in the principal's office, the principal asked him why he was sent. Cameron had told her that he had rushed past everyone while they were going back in from the fire drill, and that when his teacher stopped him that he got mad and yelled at the teacher. "Oh, well let me check with your teacher just to make sure you are not lying." The principal said. "Mr. Johnson." The principal said through the walkie-talkie.

"Yes." Said Mr. Johnson. "Why did you send Cameron here?" the principal asked. "Because when everyone was going back in from the fire drill, Cameron rushed past everyone, and when I stopped him, he screamed at me." Said Mr. Johnson. "Oh okay, thank you." The principal said. "Well, it looks like you are telling the truth so you can sit here for 30 minutes and then head back to class." Said the principal. "Okay, the 30 minutes are up, you may go back to class now." Said the principal. As Cameron walked into the classroom, Mr. Johnson asked Cameron if the principal had sent him back. "Yes, she did." Said Cameron. As Mr. Johnson started to teach, Cameron started spitting spitballs at other students, luckily everyone in the class liked spitting spitballs, except for a few girls. But everybody always avoided spitting spitballs at those few girls. But then, as soon as Mr. Johnson started turn around, everyone hid their straws, and the spitballs that were already spitted out. After about a half hour, Cameron had to use the bathroom. When he told Mr. Johnson he had to use the bathroom Mr. Johnson told him he could go. After Cameron was done using the bathroom, he washed his hands, then went back to class. As he was entering the classroom, Mr. Johnson was assigning partners for the projects. Then Said Mr. Johnson "Cameron, your partner is going to be Carlos." "Okay." Cameron said. "Okay class, the project you will be doing is going to be for the Science Fair, the reason you all have partners is because there isn't enough tables for each of you individually." Said Mr. Johnson to the class. "Okay, I have a long list of projects, and you and your partner must pick one that you both want to do." Said Mr. Johnson. "Cameron and Carlos, you guys can pick first." Said Mr. Johnson. " I want to do the baking soda volcano." Said Carlos. "I do too." Cameron said. "We'll do the baking soda volcano." Both Cameron and Carlos said. "Okay." Said Mr. Johnson. "Okay, do you wanna be in charge of making the volcano or doing the baking soda part?" Cameron asked. "I'll do the baking soda part." Carlos said. " Okay, then I will make the volcano." Cameron said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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