Backstage Pass

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Alice's POV

"And let me kiss you!" Zayn sang the last note of the concert

As the boys day their goodbyes I might as well introduce myself

My name's Alice Janset. I'm 19 turning on 20 in 4 months and I work backstage for 1D! Sounds exciting right!!??

Haha nope.

I clean up backstage but if you call me a janitor I will jam my mop down your throat, not kidding.

Anyways! People think I'm so lucky to be working with 1D. Well I'm not. I don't work with them, I work for them.

And they are just plain rude.

Everyone thinks that they are so sweet and funny, well they're not. Just ask my closest friends who also work back here: Jenni, Ashley, and Lana

They would be glad to tell you the real them.

But anyways back to me,

I moved out of my mom's house when I was 15 and lived with Lana for 3 more years until I was 18 when we got a flat together in London.

I moved out at such a young age because when my dad died my mother had to get job. She only made enough money to feed either her or me. I moved in with Lana so my mom could take care of herself and not have to worry about me. She hated the idea at first but now she's as happy an healthy as ever. She even has a boyfriend I think.

And Lana, I've known her since I was 6 and we've been sisters ever since. Enough said.

Our two other best friends, Jenni and Ashley, live in other flats that are in the same complex as Lana and mine's. Jenni lives alone but she is basically always at my flat. Ashley lives with her long term boyfriend, Josh, in their own.

"Hey you!" A voice snapped me out of my introduction.

I turned my head to see Harry Styles smirking at me. I know at this point most girls would have some very wet panties right now. But all I want to do is walk as far away as I can get from this guy.

"Like what you see?" The smirk still plastered across his face.

I shook my head while saying silently in my head, "never ever shall I 'like what I see' you stupid fucking abortion". Of course if I said that out loud he would either cry like a little bitch or fire me. I can't afford to loose my job however as much as I would like to watch him cry.

"Sure you don't. But you need to clean up the stage now." He ordered me like I was a slave.

I grabbed my mop and bucket and headed for the stage.

" you fucking retarded? I swear I think you are 99% of the time! What the hell is this? Do you really expect me to drink that? And oh yeah don't forget where you got it from, THE FUCKING SINK!" I think that Zayn who was yelling at someone. Being the curious person that I am, I turned the corner to see who he was yelling at exactly.

Oh no. Sorry he's crossed the line. Nope I'm not going to stand by and watch Lana get yelled at by a conceited little fucktard.

I marched over there and stood between him and an about to burst into tears Lana.

"Excuse me, but who the fuck are you?" He asked me with complete disgust written all over his face.

"My name is Alice. I clean up around here. And I came here to clean up after all this bullshit that's coming out of your little fucking mouth." I look him dead in the eyes as I answered his simple question.

He looked shocked that I just stood up to him. He regained his cool quickly though. He didn't say anything and just walked away after pushing me back a little bit. That was strange. Damn he's an asshole.

I turned to see Lana already full out in tears being comforted by Jenni. Jenni noticed me looking and nodded at me as if saying that she's got it under control with Lana.

I nodded back and picked up my mop and bucket and went to the stage to start cleaning up.


An hour or two later I put away my mop and bucket and sat down on a chair next to Ashley, who was texting Josh.

It's always the four of us left to close up backstage. The security gaurds close the arena and all the other doors.

Jenni was folding some random sheets while Lana was putting away some microphones.

Ashley then starts tapping on her phone making a clicking sound.

A smirk grows on Jenni's face as she starts a familiar beat on the table as Lana starts it off

"Oh, her eyes her eyes make the stars look like their not shining.

Her hair her hair falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day"

I join in with her.

"Oh I know I know when I compliment her she won't believe me. And it's so it's so sad that she don't see what I see.

But every time she asks me if she looks ok I say"

By this time we were all singing in perfect harmony

"When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change. Cuz girl you're amazing, just the way you are."

A sudden door slam broke our jam session

We looked at each other real quick and did what we were taught if we were alone and heard a noise: DEAR.

Drop everything and run!!

We bolted out the door, locking all the locks once we got out.

We piled in Lana'a truck and headed back to our hotel.

I knew we were all thinking the same thing, "who or what was backstage? And how long we're they there? Did they hear out song?"

I just brushed it off and relaxed the rest of the ride back to the hotel.

Well at least I tried.

A/N~ Well that was the first chapter! Hope you liked it!





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