Part 1

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They're gone. I'm dead to them.

Tears stream down my cheeks, my sobs echoing loudly in the night air.

I never knew that being a hacker could do this much damage.

It shouldn't have had to do as much damage as to tear me apart from my family and them throwing me out of the house with nothing. I can't do like this in terms of living on my own. I'm not even legal to drive yet!

More tears of mine fall, and I sniff, wiping my nose. I will not keep crying about people who never loved me.

Fine, I think. If they kicked me out, then they'll pay.

I stand up and walk around the back of my house, where the security system is- in the backyard. Quickly opening the protective case, I tap it, overwriting the code and unlocking the back doors that my former family had locked. Another tear drips down my face.

I open the back door quickly, and I slip inside, being careful not to let the door squeal. As I shut it, it creaks a little bit, and I go immediately upstairs, somehow not running into any of my family. Maybe it's due to the fact that they're watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians on tv.

I always hated that show.

Sneaking into my room upstairs, I immediately put my computer into a bag which I can carry everywhere, and I get my long, 12-inch obsidian knife into it's sheath and tuck it into a pocket on my computer bag. Giving that second thoughts, I ditch the computer bag for a leather messenger bag. Tightening it to fit me, I take my knife out of it's sheath, and test it's sharpness by touching my finger to the tip. It draws a bead of blood, and I smile.


Going back downstairs, I reach for the remote that's laying on the floor, and I turn the tv off, causing my former family to turn and look at me. I smile a wicked smile, and I raise the knife. My family instantly panics, and I set upon torturing them immediately. My poor half-sister Bronte is the first to taint the house with her screams.

I plunge the knife into where her heart would be, and her blood sprays upon my face, filling me with an odd satisfaction. I've never killed before, but I'm definitely regretting not doing it before.

My mom is frozen in her spot, and she hasn't moved at all. I grin even wider, if possible, and stab her in the heart as well. Her blood spurts out onto my clothes and body, and I feel excitement welling up in me, my adrenaline pumping.

My father, my poor rich father who suggested the name (Y/N), is going to be the last to go. He's backed up against the wall, with his phone in hand. "Make one move, (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), he says, his face visibly pale. I laugh, a harsh, guttural sound, and throw my knife at his throat, puncturing it with amazing accuracy. I start running towards him, reaching him in the half of a second that it takes to cross my kitchen. He coughs up blood, spraying my face with the thick red liquid.

My psycho self doesn't even flinch, and I lean into his face, knowing that the light in his eyes hasn't left yet.

"You named me (Y/N)," I say in a hard tone that I would have flinched at if my heart wasn't pounding and I wasn't thinking rationally.

I see the light in his eyes start to leave, so I finish the sentence I started.

"But I re-named myself Electronica."

My former father's eyes cloud over, and he goes slack, his legs giving out and he crumples to the floor. I start laughing maniacally, looking at the dead corpses of my former family. None of them really cared for me, I know that. Going back upstairs to clean my knife, I look at myself in the mirror. Covered in blood, I look like a madwoman. Which I probably am.

My unusually naturally colored light pink hair is sticking together in clumps, which I quickly wasp out in the sink. My face is covered in my father's blood, which I wash off as well, and my blue eyes have a new gleam in them.

I like my new name, even if I came up with it on the spot. I didn't even know I was going to rename myself, but hey, life makes unexpected turns sometimes.


Never mind, I don't like it. I love it.

I can hear that the rain has started up, just like the weather said it would. What it didn't say, however, is that there would be torrential flooding up to the second-floor window.

Instantly panicking, I grab my messenger bag and stuff the knife in it, and quickly put my laptop in a waterproof case, sealing it tightly. Then, seeing no where else to go, I jump into a tree outside my bedroom window.

Instantly, I feel the effects of the torrential downpour, and I gasp, almost falling out of the tree. The water level is rising constantly, and by the time I hoist myself up in the tree again, my ankles have gotten soaked. Climbing high into the tree, it is only now that I feel my energy draining, and I realize that I have many scratches and cuts from climbing the tree.

Frowning slightly, I climbed higher, only stopping to rest when I noticed the water went down a little bit from when it touched my ankle, and the rain has dimmed. Feeling very light-headed for some reason, I look down at my wrist, which is the most sore, only to see that I have a huge gash on it, right by my vein.

Without controlling what I'm doing, I fall out of the tree and into the churning waters below.

Instantly, I'm swallowed up by the water and I let out a cry, foolishly letting water into my mouth and lungs. I instantly start gasping and choking, inhaling more water as I thrash. Just as my vision starts fading to black in the wet death around me, I feel a hand grab my arm, then something pounding at my chest, and I cough up a mouthful of water, and I breathe again, drawing in air. I feel some tugging at my injured wrist but I pay no attention, and cough up another mouthful of water, not daring to open my eyes.

After breathing safely for a while, I finally open my blue eyes, and I observe my surroundings. It looks like I'm on my roof, and when I look at my wrist, I see someone in green tying something around it.

"Who are you?" I ask, in the harshest tone I could muster, which really wasn't much. The person in green turns to me, and I notice he almost looks exactly like that popular video game character, except with black eyes and red pupils. Don't ask me the name, I don't play video games much.

"My name's Ben, and I just saved you from, uh, drowning." He says, and returns to tending to my wrist.

"Well, I don't feel like saying this, but thanks." I mutter, and Ben finishes up with my wrist. I take it, and make sure that everything's secure.

"I never got your name," Ben says, and I force myself to look at him.

"It's Electronica," I say, then thinking twice, I add onto my sentence. "And if I was you, I would have left me to die because I just murdered my family~." I say, with a hint of a song in my voice. Weirdly, Ben doesn't look alarmed at all, but an interesting gleam goes through his eyes.

"I'm not concerned at all," He says, almost yelling in excitement. "Come on, when this storm's over, I'm taking you to my family. We're all murderers and psychopaths there."

I nod, and check the skies. The clouds are thinning now, and most of the rain has stopped.

"Sounds good to me," I say.

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