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Hi I'm Franchesca Marie Agustus you can call me: France, Esca, Chesca, Marie just not Franch, please just don't. I'm an average girl who focuses more on her studies than other things. I also paint but my parents don't take time to appreciate my talent so I stick to school. It's my last year in highschool actually, last seventeen days so I'm excited to graduate and escape the Highschool drama.

"Esca!" I heard someone yell, I turned around and saw Denise running towards me while holding Harry's hand; his boyfriend. The moment they knew they we're meant for each other, they instantly became a thing.

You must be puzzled right now, they knew that they we're 'meant to each other' because of this thing hanging in our necks; a necklace.
If you're a girl you will be given a necklace with a symbol and if you are a guy, instead of a necklace you'll find a tattoo. The necklace turns hot when your in danger, and turns red when your soulmate is close same as the tattoo but your soulmate should have the same or related symbol. Denise has a half of a broken heart and Harry has the other half tattooed in his wrist. I kind of envy then since they're still in highschool but they've already found each other but I also thought; 'where's the fun in that?' I mean yes you found each other but what are you supposed to do now that you found him? Sit on the couch and stare at the wall blankly and think of your problems and other stuff when you can always do that when your older?

I touched the pendant of my necklace which was an arrow and smiled

I'll find you someday

I thought.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Denise and Harry was in front of me.

"Oh hey" I greeted to the both of them.

"Wanna have lunch with us?" She asked. I accepted her invitation and started to walk to the canteen but they stopped me.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked them

"Oh we are not gonna eat there I had enough of the food they serve" Denise said with a disgusted look on her face.

"Where are we gonna eat then?"

"The Patio!" Denise said in excitement. 'The Patio' is a cute little restaurant filled with stuff you'll see on tumblr, and Pinterest it's cute and the food are delish.

Once we were out of the campus, I notice something glowing on my neck.
I looked down and I was shocked, it's my necklace glowing in a red color. He's nearby.

"Esca come on!" I snapped out of my thoughts and hid my Necklace in my sweater and notice that Denise and Harry are a few meters away from me so I sped walk.

I caught up on them and continued our stroll to the patio

"What took you so long?" She asked.

"Uh nothing" I smiled at her. Before we reached the Patio, the glowing stopped.

It was the first time my necklace glowed like that, and I let that moment slip by.

To whoever you are, I'll meet you someday.

Shout out!

The Tale Of The Traveling NecklaceWhere stories live. Discover now