Italy x Demon Male Reader

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"He doesn't have much time left... I'm sorry"
As those words rang through Italy's head he fell to the ground crying. Germany stood there, uncertain of what to do he simply patted Italy's back. He nodded at the doctor who took his leave. "W-wait! There has to be something please!!!" "Italy... it's no use...".
Italy was crying up a storm now.
Romano was dying and there was nothing he could do.
The meeting was awkward without the bubbly Italian being his usual cheerful self, Spain wasn't smiling either. Halfway through the meeting someone asked why. France was the one to answer " South Italy has fallen I'll... the doctor says he won't make it....". The room was filled with whispers among the countries and "I'm sorry to hear that"
Italy couldn't take the stares, he couldn't breathe in that room! He ran out of the meeting room and just ran where ever his legs would take him. When he couldn't run any more he slid down the wall exhausted and once again in tears. The only thought in his head was the memory of Romano in bed hooked to machines and the last time they had spoken.
"Big brother! They're finally going to unite the south and north! Isn't it great?"
"Quiet down idiota! Yes I heard..."
"Now we can see each other everyday, just like old times!"
-Back to present-
It had been one of those moments where Romano would smile and they got along without fighting. If only he had known then that uniting the two half's of Italy meant one of them would disappear. He had only found out when Romano suddenly collapsed and his boss explained it to him.
"Fratello..." he sniffed a few more times and looked around. He didn't recognize the room and looking around some more, it felt more like an old library. He tried to find the door until he realized the room was much bigger than he thought.
And he was lost.
He started to panic again. He had run off and was sure Germany was looking for him but he didn't know how long that would take! "What do I do ve!!!???"
"Ugh quiet down will you!?"
Italy screamed.
-(F/n) P.O.V-
I hissed in pain and covered my ears as the guy screamed. I watched as he ran towards the other side of the library still screaming. I sighed in annoyance. I had been napping when he ran in, crying his eyes out which I didn't mind so much since he was quiet. But it's annoying when they're yelling and you're trying to sleep! Speaking of which...
"SHUT UP!!!!!!"
-Italy's P.O.V-
I stopped screaming like the guy wanted. I had never seen him before, "That's better! Now what's a country doing here?" Eh? It took me a moment to process that he knew I was a country... and that he might know how to get back! "I'm-a lost!" "Lost?" "Ve! Can you show me the way out?". He looked at me like I was a crazy! why?
" There is no way out."
-No ones POV-
The Italian was in full blown panic again "What do you mean!?!?!!?". (F/N) slapped a hand over Italy's mouth " Calm down! I don't know how a country got in here-" Italy moved the stranger's hand away "How do you know I'm-a country?" "You have a similar glow like the ones who sealed me here...." "Why?" "sigh... where to start..." Italy was confused about what he meant by sealed, but now he took a closer look at you. Your (F/c) wings were slightly opening and closing as you thought and your (f/c) tail lightly swished behind you...
And for the second time that day he screamed.
You covered your ears again and glared at Italy. To your surprise he was crying again and pleading for you not eat him. " Don't eat me! I swear I don't taste good! Even if I eat a lot of pasta I won't taste like it!!!!" You whacked his head with your wing "I'm not going to eat you! Now be quiet before I change my mind on telling you why we're stuck here!" "sniff ok..." You paced back and forth and Italy sat on the floor ready to listen. "Might as well start at the beginning..."
~Flashback down memory lane~
You sat on top of a pillar, smiling at the blonde man under you. "Then it's settled~ in return for this" you lifted up a relic made of pearls "and the blood of your enemies,I'll help you beat the Spanish armada~"
You kept your end of the deal helping the blonde pirate win every battle and before you knew it the final battle had come. It was long and bloody but you had laughed and smiled throughout the whole thing, ignoring the fear in the blonde pirates eyes. When his enemy had been taken away carried by his few remaining soldiers you followed the blonde pirate to collect the last of your payment.
You hadn't expected to be led into a library only to be sealed in.
"What the hell!?"
"I'm sorry (F/n) but you're just too dangerous to be roaming free!"
"____ we had a deal!!!" You clawed at the barrier that was forming itself around you and saw a boy with a cross in his hair and another with a hat.
"____ if we don't hurry its going to break"
"Concentrate _____"
You felt yourself burning "___________!!!"
-End of flashback-
"When I woke up I found out that not only I couldn't get out but that my memory had been rigged so I couldn't remember who exactly locked me here" You floated back on top of a bookshelf. Italy kept quiet, it had been a rough day for him. He was lost, was stuck in a room with a demon when he thought they hadn't existed and Romano- "Fratello!!!" You looked at him curiously "hm?" Italy began to run around the room again "There has to be a way out! I have to get back to my fratello!!!"" If my Italian is correct you mean your brother yes?" "Si! I have to get back or Germany will yell at me too!!!" "And I already told you there is no way out except..."
Italy stopped running "So there is-a way!" You frowned, you didn't know much about the country except that he was Italian.. and really loud. You didn't get the feeling he had magic "Well if he did he would have left by now" you muttered, but would he be willing to do what you where about to tell him? "Hey! How do we get out???" "!?" You fell off the bookshelf due to him shaking it, once you got up you smacked him again with your wing. "Eep! I'm sorry!!!" After whacking him a bit more you finally calmed down.
"Hmph, there's only one way to get out! Now pay attention because I'm not going to say it twice!"
Italy nodded his head.
Your cheeks turned slightly red.
"You must become my fiancé and marry me".
-Italy's POV-"
V-ve!?" "you heard me" Marry a complete stranger!? Who was also a demon!? What would Germany do!? What would Romano do!? "T-thats the only way!?" "I've read all these books they left here" "What does that have to do with anything!?" "They're magic books, I have to promise my life to a non demon although they did a good job making sure that wouldn't happen..." It really was the only way, you looked so sad...
How long had you been here?
How long would I be here?
How much longer did Romano have?
-Your POV-
I knew he wouldn't agree, I would be stuck here forever. Never to see my home in (C/n) again. Four humans had come before him. Three humans who refused to make the contract and died of starvation, the fourth had killed themselves claiming they would never make a deal with the devils henchman.
But this one wasn't human.
He was a country.
And we'd be stuck suffering each others presence till the end of time or until his nation fell.
-No ones POV-
You sighed and began to walk away.
"Ok" You froze and slowly turned around to look at Italy's amber eyes.
"B-but you have to save my fratello!" Italy was nervous, he had only heard stories of demons that tricked people. But when he saw the sadness in your eyes he felt that you weren't lying. He shrieked when you ran towards him and flew around in circle's with him in your arms. You were laughing "It's a deal!".
And with those words you kissed him.
The meeting was in complete chaos. Germany, Italy and you were outside the door trying to ignore the commotion inside. It wasn't easy for Italy to explain to Germany that you were a demon especially since he was still getting over the fact that you had given him the best kiss of his life earlier! But a quick tug of your wings and Germany had no choice but to accept the fact that he wasn't dreaming.
"And how did you get out? Er, (F/n) was it?"
"That's my name~ and" you wrapped your arm around a blushing Italy's face "He agreed to marry me so we could get out~"
"Well that makes sense- wait Italy agreed to WHAT?"
"I see what you meant about the yelling Italy"
"Ve... It was the only way Doitsu!"
"Yup! He has the binding mark on his nail, looky~" You lifted Italy's hand so that Germany could see the small symbol.
Germany rubbed his forehead. Out of all the things Italy could have gotten into he somehow managed to involve himself in the supernatural. "Is that everything?" You rested your head on top of Italy's. "mmm I have to heal his brother or something?" "Can we go now Doitsu???" "Nein, Spain's been waiting for you" "But Romano-" "Will still be there, don't worry they can't fully unify you both until you sign the papers" "Oh I forgot about that! I'll go to talk to big brother Spain then!"
Italy and Germany went into the room forgetting momentarily that you were right behind them.
The room quited down except for a certain Spaniards ear splitting scream.
-Germany's POV-
Everyone covered their ears. Prussia and France tried to calm Spain down but they had no choice but to duck tape his mouth and tie him to his chair. "What the hell is going on with you!?" I heard my brother yell. I looked around the room to see everyone was looking back and forth to (F/n) and Spain confused. Everyone except Britain, Norway and Romania of course, why were they looking at (F/n) like they had seen Satan himself???
"I swear if I hear another scream I'm going to tear someone's head off"
I looked back to see (F/n) sitting on the floor. Everyone was now looking in our direction. America was the first to speak up.
"Yo Germany! Who's the dude in the Halloween costume???"
"Yeah Lil bro who's the guy?"
I looked at Italy and (F/n).
Did they want me to tell them everything? Or should I stay quiet?
(F/n) patted my back "I got this~" Both Italy and I watched as he walked forward.
"I'm (F/n)(L/n), fiancé to Italy and I'm a-"
"Yeah, what the tied up man said".
I let out a sigh. Today was going to be long.
-No ones POV-
Spain had somehow freed himself and had run out of the room yelling demon and other things in Spanish.
" Where is big brother Spain going???"
"We'll talk to him later Italy"
America walked forward "A demon!? Really!? No way!"
(F/n) smirked "Haven't you seen one before?"
"Nope! They don't exist!"
Faster than they could blink you teleported in a whisp of (F/c) smoke, flying above Americas head.
"How about now?"
America along with most of the room stood with their mouths open. But why did America feel like he had seen you before? He didn't get a chance to ask though since Britain decided to push him aside.
"What the hell man!?"
"All of you need to get out of here now!"
Most of the Country's along with yourself were looking at Britain like he was a madman. You floated down back to Italy's side, "What's up with him?" "Ve, I don't know but Britain, Norway and Romania all have scary looks on their faces!"
Germany felt something bad might happen if you stayed here. He texted his brother quickly to find out what was going on with those three while he got you out. "(F/n), Italy. I think its best if we leave" Noticing the urgent tone in his voice you grabbed them both and teleported outside the room.
Once again you heard the yelling resume inside.
Since none of you three knew where Spain had gone, Italy started asking Germany over and over again if they could see Romano now.
-England's POV-
I couldn't believe it was him that walked through those doors! But he was there standing in front of all of us just a few moments ago!
"He got out Arthur!"
"I can see that Romania!"
"What will we do then?"
What could we do? I wasn't as strong as I was back then and we had barely been able to seal him the first time.
"How did he get out?" both Vladmir and I looked over at Lukas.
"Wait didn't he say he was Italy's fiancé!?"
"Then it was Italy that got him out?"
"No it couldn't have been! We made sure-" I froze.
There was a way he could get out.
Italy had made a contract with him.
I had to find him fast! Who knows what kind of deal they made! And if Italy broke it- "Yo Britain! Prussia, Denmark and I want to talk to you!" My train of thought was interrupted by America. "Make it quick! I have to go see Italy!''
-No ones POV-
The magic trio was bombarded by questions especially from Prussia. He didn't know what exactly was going on but if his brother needed information he was going to get it. Besides what kind of awesome brother would he be if he couldn't do something as simple as that?
" You seem to know who he is~"
"N-not really"
"What do you mean not really? You pushed me looking like Russia was chasing you man!"
"I'm more scared that Lukas is actually showing emotion!"
Norway glared at Denmark who instantly shut his mouth.
"Kesese~ come on Britain tell us!"
"We don't know anything!"
"Lying isn't going to help you"
Romania whispered to England "If this keeps up we might not make it in time!" Britain nodded. They had to find a way pass those three. When he turned around he didn't expect to be met face to face with a serious America.
"I have this nagging feeling in my head that I know him from somewhere and I'm sure you know why"
Arthur didn't know what to say. He didn't want to tell America the truth.
That he wasn't the only one that had raised America all those years ago.
That (F/n) and America had been closer than brothers.
That it had been (F/n) who had given him both his names.
That Alfred had his memories of (F/n) erased the night they sealed him.
And that the real reason the British empire fell was because he had broken the contract he made with (F/n).
Arthur frowned at all the memories that came running back to him.
~Another flashback for the world of fanfics~
The first few months of the war at sea had been rough. He had to deal with so much back then.
He was taking care of America, he had to go fight Spain's armada and Netherlands and he had to bring in new colonies for the royal family.
He had stumbled upon you by chance when you had tangled yourself in the ship's flag.
You had freed yourself and an unsuspecting Britain didn't see you in time to avoid you crashing down on him.
"Bloody hell!!!" "Fucking pixies and apples!
You had both yelled and cursed at each other before he realized he was talking to a demon.
"Tch  yeah I'm a demon! I know its not everyday you see one but I can see the bunny flying over your head!"
"You can see flying mint bunny!?" Flying mint bunny flew around them both.
"Of course he can! He's a demon! Can't you see his wings Arthur???"
For some reason after that you had stayed on the ship asking where (C/n) was.
"Where and what is that?"
"What!? You don't know-!" you facepalmed "I forgot humans haven't seen the whole world yet!"
"So there is more land out there!"
"Hmph of course there is! and while were at it the Earth is round not flat!"
"What in the name of the queen are you talking about!?"
-skip to a few weeks later-
He had found you again flying around lost in London.
"Hey its you again!"
"That's Captain Kirkland to you!"
"Whatever, and I'm not you! My names (F/n)! Eyebrows!"
"Quiet! What are you doing here? What if someone sees you!?"
"Looking for a way back home! And this place is full of the bound"
"the bound?"
"Humans who have made contracts with demons"
That had been news to him. He knew London was a shady place, he just could have never imagined the reason was demons!
But that was how he found out how to make a contract with you.
-A few months later-
Somehow you two went from strangers to friends and you had come to visit him whenever you were in the area.
He had to admit he liked the company, his brothers hated him and his colonies didn't like him much. And now he had someone else to keep him company.
He was happy that you two got along so well. He was even happier when you stayed to help him. But he was feeling odd around you. It wasn't until you had corrected Alfred that you and him were not husband and wife did he understand what he felt towards you.
He had fallen in love with you.
-Time skip to the war with Spain-
He had made the contract with you a few days ago. The war had shifted greatly in his favor, The numbers of the armada were dropping with each battle. And less than two years since you started helping him they finally had Spain in a corner. But with each battle he saw the blood lusting side of you. The one that came out laughing and ripping the enemy's body apart. The way you acted as if it was nothing. His (F/n) was no where in sight in the battlefield.
It frightened him.
It had traumatized Spain for the rest of his life.
-After the war-
He had locked himself in his room. He was thankful that America had fallen asleep, he was a complete wreck right now. He couldn't stop the waterfall of tears running down his face. Your voice kept echoing in his head.
"Arthur you can't do this!!!"
"Arthur we had a deal!!!!"
"I trusted you!!!!"
He knew that you saw it as a betrayal.
He knew it was his own fault that he couldn't accept that murderous nature even if he had agreed upon it.
And he knew he had betrayed himself as well.
Because the one being that he loved, who he knew would have stayed with him forever even if everyone else had left, the one who would give him all the love he ever needed.
He locked him up and thrown away the key.
-Back to present time-
By now all the other countries had left and the only ones there were the magic trio and the awesome trio.
Arthur had stayed silent after Alfred's question and Prussia was getting bored waiting for Britain to come back to Earth. The only info Prussia had so far was that your full name was indeed (F/n)(L/n), you were in fact a demon and if he wanted the full story Britain seemed to have it. But right now Britain had started crying for some reason.
"I'm not crying! Just leave me alone!"
"Not until you tell me who that guy was!''
"You don't need to know!"
"And why not!? That just makes you more suspicious!" Denmark and Norway pulled America and Britain apart."You need to calm down!" "Yeah, all this fighting isn't getting us anywhere!" Prussia decided they should go for now.
"Finally! You wankers just wasted our time!"
-America's POV-
This is so frustrating! I know Britain knows something! But what!? I stomped outside into the hallway with Britain exiting behind me. I'm going to follow him home until he answers me! "crunch" What was that? I looked down under my foot, it was the old pocket watch I had in the storage room! But that's impossible! How did it get here? I went to pick it up. "AMERICA DON'T-!" I didn't hear the rest of whatever Britain said because the moment my finger tips touched it my body felt cold and pictures and voices started rushing into my head.
"Hello there America! I'm (f/n)!"
"Me? Married to this grumpy guy? No way!"
"A human name? Well I guess you do need one.... what? you don't wanna be called 13 colonies either? Yeesh kid you're asking the wrong person here..."
"America from this day forward I name you The United States of America! and Alfred F. Last name still in progress!- ow ow ow! Last name still in progress isn't your last name!!! STOP PULLING MY TAIL!!!"
"How does Alfred F. Jones sound?What does the F stand for? Eh~~~ you can decide that"
"See this watch? There's only two of them in the world! This one is mine and this one here is yours! This isn't only proof that we're brothers! You have my complete trust as well! And for a demon trust is the greatest thing we can give someone!"
The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Britain and Prussia calling an ambulance.
~Timeskip to Hospital brought to you by Kumajiro~ -Your POV-
How long had I been stuck in that library!? Nothing looked the same! Weird metal cars were moving everywhere, humans were talking into strange little boxes and their clothing had gotten less concealing!!! I had no choice but to hold Italy's hand and follow him and his friend Germany into what they called a hospital. I had so many questions to ask! From who were those weird countries that had yelled and looked at me with terror to what the hell was a Hello Kitty!? but didn't know where to begin!!!
"Ve! We're-a here (f/n)!"
I looked around the room, it seems humans have forgotten the art of decorating because this room was just pure white! What kind of person wants to be surrounded by one of the colors of death in a building full of the sick!? Italy pulled me towards the person sleeping on the bed.
"Wait this is the guy?"
"Yup! This is my big brother Romano!"
"... what country is he?"
"He's also Italy!"
They were both the country of Italy??? Well they do have the same glow...
"Italy here is the North of the country and Romano is the south" Germany explained to me.
"That's-a right!"
"I don't know how to tell you this Italy... Don't get me wrong it's not bad news its just..."
I had to make sure I was right though, I checked South Italy's left thumb. I faced Italy and Germany again.
"If the two of you are Italy I have to marry both of you"
-Romano's POV-
Everything was hazy and cold. Every now and then I could here my brother or that bastard Spain calling me.
But I couldn't respond and it was annoying me. Did I pass out? The last thing I remembered was falling face first during the walk with my brother. Oh that's right. They we're uniting the North and South, I guess this means I was fading away. That's how these things worked... That stupid brother of mine probably doesn't even know what's happening. I bet that macho potato will explain it to him though. Ugh thinking about that bastard is making me feel more sick! But I didn't mind disappearing. Fratello had friends and he would now have the whole country, he would get everything like always.
They wouldn't miss me as much as him.
"Well I do have a contract to keep so~"
I had felt myself slowly fading but now something soft and warm was being pressed to my lips. Soon my whole body started feeling warm and I felt that cold sleep melt away. What was the warmth on my lips and my entire body?
"Ve are you sure it'll work?"
"We won't know until he wakes up Italy"
I recognize the voice of my brother and that German bastard but who was the other one? My eyelids felt heavy as I opened them.
There was a guy...
That I don't remember seeing anywhere in my lifetime...
With wings and a tail...
On top of me...
Kissing me...
-No ones POV-
You fell off the bed covering your ears for the 3rd time today. Italy jumped on his brother crying tears of joy.
"Romano your awake!"
"Get off of me! And you!" he pointed directly at you "Who the fuck are you!?"
You didn't hear him due to the fact that your ears were still in pain.
"That's (F/n)! He's the one that saved you!"
"What the hell are you talking about!?"
"Uhh well I kinda got lost and then I ran into (F/n), but it turns out he was stuck and then I found out I was stuck too..."
While Italy told Romano the whole story Germany was trying to help you up.
"(F/n) are you alright?"
"Ears... hurt... humans... have gotten louder..." A nurse came rushing in "Is everything ok!? I heard someone scream!"
"Everything is ok, the patient just had a nightmare is all" The nurse looked at Romano "Oh my! I'll tell the doctor he's woken up then!" Germany closed the door behind her and walked back to the other three just in time for Italy to finish up.
"So since the deal was with the country of Italy not just North Italy I kinda sorta got us both engaged to him"
Romano looked at his brother like he had grown an extra head.
Germany waved a hand over his face."I think he's in shock" Romano slapped his hand away and glared at Italy. "So what your telling me" he got up from the bed causing Italy to fall. "Is that you made some sort of agreement with a Demon" now Italy was slowly backing away "Didn't think thoroughly about it." now Italy was waving his white flag "AND INCLUDED ME IN IT!?" he took hold of Italy's neck and started chocking him cursing in Italian.
"Germany should we stop them?" "Just let them be..." you nodded and watched with amusement at the fighting Italian brothers.
~Another time skip brought to you by a pug~
It had been two days since Romano was released from the hospital. He had argued with Germany and his brother on where you would stay. But since you were engaged with both him and his brother Germany sent you home with them. So these past two days had been annoying for Romano and funny to his brother for the following reasons:
1)You didn't recognize anything and had to be taught how today's technology worked.
2)You kept breaking said technology
3)You refused to sleep on the couch and shifted from Italy's bed to Romano's bed.
4)You got way too excited over everything new you found.
5)You seem to have fallen in love with the vacuum cleaner.
"Fratello I'm not fixing the damn shower!!!" "But I don't know how to fix it!!!" "Get your Macho potato to fix it!!!" "He's away on a trip!!! And big brother Spain isn't picking up his phone!" "That bastard-"
"In think he broke the TV..." Romano ran over to the living room "IM GOING TO KILL THAT BASTARD!!!!" "BIG BROTHER WAIT!!!" You came running out of the living room with a terror stricken face and wrapped your arms around him. "Lovino I tried to free the humans but there was no one inside!!! I killed them didn't I!?" "There's no one inside the TV! Let go of me!!!" "So-so I didn't kill anyone?" Italy patted your back "Nope! It's just images!" "That's great! Hey what's in here???" You let go of Romano and entered the closet. "He's too loud!" "Really? I think it's kind of nice having him around" "Hmph". -Crash!- " Chiiigiii!!!" You bursted through the door covered in coats, scarves and other clothing "Help!!! Its got me!!!" "Don't move!" On Lovino's command you froze while Feliciano and him removed everything.
"Feliciano there better be pasta or so help me!!!"
"What's a pasta?" Feliciano's eyes opened and both him and Lovino looked at you shocked.
"Brother..." "Fratello..." They both got up and pushed a very confused you towards the kitchen.
"No one comes into this house not knowing what pasta is!" they said in unison.
You sat watching the two Italians cook with strange machines. As a demon you didn't need to eat but the two Italian brothers refused to let you out of the chair. You rested your head on the table enjoying the smell that was coming off the oven and let your mind wander off. "I don't even know what year it is, everything has changed so much! Well Germany said he was going to bring me up to speed today... or was it tomorrow? geez that smells good! What is it???" A few minutes later you were woken up by a plate being pushed on your head. "Hey Idiota wake up!" "Hrm?" You lifted your head up to see a plate of something red and stringy.
"What's this? You poked it with the fork.
"It's-a pasta! It's really good try it!!"
You looked at them both
"Just try it stupid"
"All right then"
They watched as you slowly brought the food to your mouth, chewed, swallowed... and then proceeded to eat the whole thing like a wild animal.
"You're making a mess idiota!!!" "He likes it Romano! Yay!~"
You pushed the empty plate in front of them, your tail swishing back and forth like a happy dog. "More please!!!"
Your face was a mess of sauce and little bits of pasta. Lovino thought you looked absolutely ridiculous.
"Pff- HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" He fell to the floor unable to stop his laughter. "What's so funny big brother?" "I want
more of this pasta!!!" "Ve? Ok!"
Germany knocked on the door. "Pff-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Who was laughing he wondered? Romano opened the door still holding his stomach, when he saw Germany he finally stopped. "Oh its just you. What do you want?" "I thought I told you both I was coming today?" "Yeah yeah... Feliciano! Your potato bastard is here!!!" "Germany!" Lovino headed back to the kitchen where you were eating right out of the pot. "Hey! Sloth Izaly-munch munch- this pasha ish great!" "Don't talk with your mouth full!" You nodded and finished your food. "Humans sure did good in the food department I see!" Germany and Italy entered. "See? I told you he liked it!" Germany nodded "another pasta lover to deal with" he thought. "Hello Germany!" "Hello (F/n), why is there sauce on your face?" "Its this thing they put in this pasta thing! Try it!" "Maybe later, you seem to have finished the whole thing" truth be told he had seen enough pasta to last several lifetimes.
After Germany helped you clean up all four of you sat down at the table. "Well what do you want to know first (F/n)?" "What year is it?" "It's 2014" Your eyes widened a bit "almost 190 years..." The other three stayed silent shocked that you had been in that room for so long. "Ah! What about (c/n)? Surely humans have mapped the whole world by now!" "(C/n)?" "Yes! My homeland! It may be mostly demons but some humans live there too! Well at least that's how it was before I got sealed up... but I'd like to see my home!" Germany and the two Italian brothers looked at each other.
"What? Is something wrong?"
Germany got up from his seat and placed a hand on your shoulder.
"(C/n) was dissolved in the year 1825 after the (C/n) and British war"
You didn't say anything.
(C/n) was no more, you didn't have a home to go back to.
"Haven't you ever seen one before?"
"Nope! They don't exist!"
It suddenly made sense to you why all those countries had been shocked.
Demons didn't exist anymore. They were just fairy tales now.
Ignoring the three calling your name you teleported to the roof and let out a roar.
You roared again several times.
But no demon roared back.
Not even a familiar came running.
It was true. Which meant...
You were the last demon in the whole world.
You teleported back into the kitchen.
You still didn't respond.
Sensing the mood for once Italy tried to change the subject.
"S-so weren't we going to buy you some clothes???"
You nodded.
Romano even tried to cheer you up.
"We could go eat more pasta..."
Another nod.
Germany signaled for them to go to the living room.
"(F/n)... I know it's a lot to take in... we'll give you some time"
-At the living room-
"What do we do Romano?"
"Don't ask me!"
"But he looks so heartbroken!"
"I can see that!"
They didn't like seeing you so devastated. They were used to being taken care of not the other way around. Well there was Seborga but that's another story, but the point was that they had no clue what to do.
"We'll have to give him time" "Are you sure Doitsu?" "Ja, by the way did you two inform your boss?" "Ve?" "About what?" "That the two of you are engaged to (F/n)?" "..." Germany sighed "I'll go with you" Germany headed towards the door."We need to bring (F/n) or he won't believe us idiot"
~Timeskip to meeting the Boss~
You stayed silent for most of the car ride until Italy turned on the radio.
"IS THERE A TINY PERSON SINGING IN THERE!?!?!?" "STOP MOVING YOU'RE HITTING ME WITH YOUR DAMN WING!!!" "S-sorry about that" "Well at least he's not moping anymore" Romano thought. The song changed,"THERE'S ANOTHER PERSON SINGING!!!" "BE QUIET IDIOTA!!!"
It didn't take long to reach the building. "Whoa fancy!" "Really? Looks normal to me!" "Everything is fancy to that idiot" "Fratello! That's not nice!" "Oh bite me!" You kissed Lovino "WHAT THE FUCK!!?!?!?" "You said bite me! For demons when their lover says that it means kiss!" you grinned and held on tighter to the angry blushing Italian the whole way up the stairs. "Ah! Italy and Romano! feeling better?, Germany is here too?" "Hello boss!" "Bastard" "Hello sir" "Hahaha~ oh who's this?" he looked you up and down "Isn't it a little hot for a costume?" "Hello Boss of North and South Italy! I'm (F/n)! and this is not a costume" "What?" "You might need to sit down for what were about to tell you sir" You all followed the boss to his office. "Sit down anywhere, so what is it you need to tell me?"
"Well you know how my Fratello suddenly got better?"
"Well the reason was..."
While Germany and the two Italian brothers explained the whole thing, you looked around the large room. You were busy looking at one of the paintings when someone grabbed your tail. "HISSSSS!!!!" You turned around to see the boss backing away "S-sorry just had to make sure" "You had to pull my tail for that!?" Feliciano hugged you "Don't be mad (F/n)! I'll get you some pasta later!" You perked up "I'll hold you onto that~" "So he is a demon... never in my life I thought I'd meet one! Just one question (F/n)..." "Yes?" "What happens if they don't marry you?" "Well the contract will be broken, I'm told your not an empire so..." "So what?" "Well if you were an Empire you'd just crumble but since that's not the case both of them will die and the entire land will fall under the sea" "T-thats terrible!" "And if only one of them doesn't do it?" "Same thing, if you don't believe me you can say hi to the Atlantians for me" "What!? That place actually existed!?" The boss sat in his chair "I guess we don't really have a choice then do we?" "You do have choices its just that one of them really isn't in your favor" Three pale countries sat down as well, Italy turned to you "How long do demons live?" "Hmm? We're practically immortal but we can die like from getting stabbed through the heart" "Anyone will die from that stupid!"
Their boss got up and grabbed a list of telephone numbers "I'll notify the U.N, but I don't know how well they'll take the news of a demon marrying a country" "Wait sir" Germany got up "Some of them might want to um experiment on him" "Experiment?" "Ja, you aren't exactly... normal." You nodded "So I should look more human is what you're telling me" "Ja, we might be able to hide your tail but your wings will be harder" "No need!" you snapped your fingers and your tail and wings disappeared in a puff of (f/c) smoke. Romano stood up "You couldn't have done that before we got in the car!?" "You never asked!!!" out of no where Romano had a bunch of tomatoes in his arms.
While Feliciano was trying to calm down Lovino who was throwing tomatoes at you, Ludwig and the boss just watched. "So uh since that's been solved I'll notify the U.N that they're getting married?" "Ja, we can pass him off as a micronation for now, I assume you want them to do a proper wedding?" "Yes! Not every boss gets to see the country their in charge of get married!" Ludwig nodded, that was one problem solved. "Stop with your hug therapy and let me murder the bastard!!!!" Now if he could get Romano to calm down that would be great.
-America's POV-
I had been discharged from the hospital yesterday.
They assured my boss I was OK, that it was just exhaustion.
But that wasn't it.
He had lied, even if I hadn't remembered, he still lied to me.
-Flashback to yesterday-
"Why did you erase my memory!?"
"I hadn't meant to! You barged in!"
"Because you were doing something bad to (F/n)!"
"He's dangerous America!"
"No he isn't! He's my brother!"
I grabbed Britain by his collar.
"Just tell me why!"
"I already told you! He's dangerous and we need to get him back!"
"So you can betray him a second time!?"
The pain in Britain's eyes were clear, but I kept going, and they started turning to pain filled tears as I continued.
"He told me once that trust was the greatest thing a demon can give someone" I let go of his jacket.
"And you used him and threw him out like yesterday's trash" and I left before I could see him release those tears.
-end of flashback-
I took the pocket watch out of my jacket, it had a crack from when I had stepped on it. "Heh, he's going to hit me with his wing for that", wait.
Why didn't (F/n) recognize me?
He wouldn't forget me right?
Unless Britain did something to his memory too!!!
I got my cell and called Gilbert.
"This is the awesome Prussia! What are you calling for-" "DUDE BRITAIN DID SOMETHING TO (F/N)'S MEMORY AND THAT'S WHY HE DIDN'T RECOGNIZE ME! WELL HE DID SOMETHING TO MY MEMORY TOO! BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT MAN-" "SLOW DOWN ALFRED!!!" "Whoops sorry man!" "That's better! Not what we're you saying?" "I said (F/n) had his memory rigged!" "Why are you so concerned about that?" Oh that's right no one else knew! I told Prussia everything since he wanted information too and now I had it.
"Well that explains a lot of things, well except for Spain's unawesome reaction"
"Where is he anyway?"
"Antonio or (f/n)?"
"Antonio's locked himself up in the house, said he wasn't leaving until (F/n) was gone. Ludwig left (f/n) at-" I had another call coming in. It was from my boss.
"Dude my boss is calling me" "Mine too, I'll talk to you later!" We both hung up and I answered the call.
"Hey boss dude!" "Hello Alfred, there's an emergency meeting taking place at Italy in two months" At Italy's? They've never called a meeting before "Must be serious! I'm on my way to get the details bro!" I guess I'll have to find (F/n) later, and if he doesn't remember its up to me, the hero to find a way!
-At Spain's house-
"Spain you can't stay in there forever!" a maid was sent to fetch Spain and was trying to get him out.
"I can and I will!" he replied.
Spain's boss came running. "Sir! What's the matter?" "Did you get him out?" "No he's being stubborn!" The boss knocked on the door. "Spain you need to come out!" "No! He's out there! He'll get me!!!" "You need to get out now!" Spain came closer to the door. "Why?" "Italy has called an emergency meeting for the first time! You need to read the report! Its set to hold in 2 months!" The two didn't hear anything. "Spain? AHHH!" They jumped back as he came crashing through the door. "Is it Romano!? Its Romano isn't it!?" He ran at full speed with his boss trying to catch up behind him.
There could only be one reason Italy had called a meeting!
South Italy was going to disappear!
Forgetting all about his trauma a worried and very panicked Spain rushed to get to Italy.
"I said it's in 2 months Estupido!!!!"
-Back at the Vargas household-
"Human fashion... is weird." you were looking through all the clothes they had taken you to buy.
"South Italy what's this thing that goes zip?"
"That's a zipper!"
"And what is this?"
"Those are running shoes! How many more questions are you going to ask!?" Since they got back from shopping Italy went to get France and Germany had stepped out to talk to Prussia on the phone. And he was left dealing with your lack of modern knowledge.
"Just pick something to wear!"
"But you've said no to everything!"
"Because everything you pick doesn't match!"
You huffed. It had been an hour since you both started looking through the clothes and you really didn't know what to do. You shuffled through another bag and pulled out a black butler style coat. "This..."
-Romano's POV-
Why was that idiot staring at the coat? "Hey demon bastard! Its just a fucking coat, why are you staring at it?" "O-oh its nothing..." I sighed and sat on the bed, "Its obviously nothing" I didn't need this guy moping again. I patted the spot next to me which he took. "Now what's wrong this time?" He ran his fingers slowly over the coat "It looks a lot like my little brothers..." he was the eldest too?
"He had a thing for butler outfits..." he shook his head smiling.
"...what was his name?" why am I asking questions now!?
"Last time I saw him he was calling himself Sebastian... His birth name was Lucifer, a common name for demons in (c/n)" he seems close to his brother... he closed his eyes.
"He was actually kind of a jerk" what?
He got up and put the coat back in the bag.
He's just going to leave it at that!? "Hey bastard!" he looked at me with his (e/c) eyes all watery."yes?" "Sit back down and tell me about him" Its not that I want to cheer up the bastard! I'm just curious! He sat back down and stared at the wall.
"Why do you want to know?"
"No reason! Just fucking tell me already!"
"Ok ok! Me and him are 40 years apart in age-"
"How fucking old are you!?" 40 years apart!? What the fuck!?
"Hey! I'm only 7,000 years old! or is it 7,190 now?"
"That makes you older than that Hello Kitty bastard!"
"What's a Hello Kitty?"
"Its a- ah! forget it! Just keep talking!"
"alright! Well demons grow up fast we're already teens by the time were 9 years of age, Lucifer... he was talented"
Just like Feliciano I thought.
"He could do things that I could do but better... cooking, painting you name it"
"You weren't... jealous?" I knew the feeling of being overshadowed, its been that way all my life.
"Hmm... sometimes... I felt like I wasn't necessary... everyone seemed to like him better..." he closed his eyes again.
"But he was still my brother and sometimes there were things he didn't know until I taught him...but he was terrible at saying thank you to my face and then we'd get into fights..." he smiled again.
"Mama would always come running to find him trapped in a headlock by me, its the only time he would actually call me brother" he laughed lightly
"What happened to him?" Although I think I already knew the answer
"He was working for some kid under a contract, the last time I saw him was a few months before... before I got locked up... I guess he died in that war or something..."
He was quiet now, we had something in common in the little brother department.
maybe he could would see me as me, not just Italy's older brother.
-No ones POV-
"South Italy... are you mad at your brother?"
"What do you mean?"
"You seem to fight a lot with him"
"Why do you care?" (F/n) wrapped an arm around Lovino's waist who proceeded to blush.
"One your my fiancé. Two..." you rested your head on his shoulder.
"The last time I saw my brother we had fought... I'll never have the chance to apologize to him again..."
"... I'm not mad, it's just how we are..."
"I apologize then South Italy" (f/n) pulled out a simple (f/c) military jacket "How's this?'' " Its fine..."
"I finally got you to agree with me South Italy~"
"Lovino" you looked at him confused "hm?"
"Just call me Lovino... w-when no ones around Ok!?" he swore he saw your eyes sparkle
"Does-Does this mean you trust me!?" you grabbed his hands.
"W-wha!?" Lovino blushed harder. "What are you talking about!?"
"If your letting me call you by your human name it must mean your also giving me your trust!" you were extremely close to his face now, which only made him blush harder
"Y-yes! Just let go of me already!!!" You hugged him and spun him around.
"This is wonderful! We're going to be bound forever soon so I too shall trust you!"
"Put me down!!!"
-Some time later-
After that Italy arrived with France. "So the demon lives with you?" "Yup! He's actually really nice and funny!". They went inside to see you and Romano pulling the vacuum cleaner back and forth.
"But there's still so much!"
"You already went through the whole house stupid!"
"No I haven't!"
"Yes you have!!! You even flew up and cleaned the ceiling!!!! Who the fuck vacuums a ceiling!?"
"Humans don't vacuum ceilings!?"
Italy saw Germany standing at the other side. "Germany what's going on?"
"Oh hello Italy... and France" "Germany that's no way to say hi!" France flipped his hair." Whatever" Germany mumbled.
"After he got dressed (F/n) started vacuuming the whole place, twice. Your brother got irritated and the two started fighting, neither of them listen when I tell them to stop"
"Ve, maybe some pasta will calm him down?"
"Just let go of it already!!!"
"No! You can't take Sasha away from me!"
"Don't name the vacuum!!!"
"But Swisher 2000 sounds weird!!!" Romano was pissed, you wouldn't let go of the vacuum when you could be paying attention to him instead! And he was even more mad because he was actually starting to like you! And now the potato bastard and his brother were here to see it! Plus the French bastard was laughing!
You let go of the vacuum cleaner "You called me fiancé! That's two moments today!"
"Ve? What does he mean?"
"N-nothing stupid! Absolutely nothing!" how much more were you going to make him blush he thought.
"North Italy! My other fiancé! You have returned! Eh? Who this?"
"My name is France~ and I'm told you need a haircut"
You ran a hand through your (h/c) hair, for 190 years it had grown but not so long that it went past your knees.... Ok maybe it is long you thought.
"Do all three of you trust him?"
"I wouldn't but he is good with fashion" was Germany's response
"Well he's mine and Romano's big brother in a way so yes! Right Romano?"
"Alright then France let us begin this haircut!"
-One haircut later-
Your hair had been shampooed, combed, cut, and washed all over again. You had fallen asleep during the cutting process. "I think I've outdone myself~" France was pleased with how the cut had turned out the other three had to admit you did look good. All the details had been told to him by Feliciano so there was no need for Germany to explain things.
"Let me help with the wedding!"
"Why would I agree to that!?"
"Why not big brother?"
"Because no!"
"But he knows a lot about them"
"Are you even listening to me!?"
"Planning the wedding is important but there's something else we have to talk about" France and the two Italians turned to Germany.
"Prussia told me that America is (f/n)'s brother"
"America is what? I thought he only had one brother! what's his face" "Canada! His name is Canada!" "Calm down France and Romano! I'm as surprised as you are but..." Germany told them the whole story.
"So he has two brothers..."
"I'll tell you later Feliciano, maybe..."
"So it was Britain that sealed him up" France tapped his chin deep in thought
"Ja, but if he gets his memory back he might go get revenge"
"So? The bastard deserves it!" France shook his head "Think about it, Britain locked him up and then went to war with his country, (C/n) wasn't exactly forgiving, I doubt (F/n) won't try to kill him"
"And if he does they'll claim war on you since you're engaged to him"
"Then what do we do?" Italy took a look at you sleeping peacefully on the chair, what would you do if you got your memory back? "I think we should ask him" "Ask him?" "Ve! We don't know when his memory might come back so best to know what to expect!" "Its not a bad plan..." "Yay! Germany approved my plan!"
-Your POV-
I had been woken up by Feliciano who was poking me with his white flag "yawn~ Good morning?" I stretched
"Its not morning silly! Oh but can I ask you a question?"
"What will you do if you get your memory back and remember the person who locked you up?" My memory?
"Hmm... let's see..." did I even want to go near the guy that sealed me up?
"Probably torture him and watch him bleed to death" "V-ve!?" That was probably a bad thing to say but it was a pleasant thought~
"But I don't want to be near the guy who sealed me up, he might do it again... I don't want to be alone again..." I mumbled the last part. I got up from the chair and ruffled Feliciano's hair
"I guess at most I'll just punch them in the face"
Why did they look worried? Germany motioned for us to sit closer.
"Let's forget about that for now, their boss wants to do a proper wedding" uh oh
"I won't have to drink or eat anything " holy" will I?" Germany got out a notepad "No, but we'll make sure" France turned to me "Are you going to be ok inside a church?"
"I will, its only eating and drinking the blessed foods" "Blessed foods?"
"Holy water, sacred wine from a grail stuff like that" "What happens if you do?" Aw crap, the memory of it made my stomach churn "We get terrible stomach pains" Lovino started laughing
"Its not funny! Its worse than food poisoning!!!" he only laughed harder
"It looks like hahaha you would know pfff" "Agh shut up" I find it impossible to be mad at him, his laughter was like music to my ears. I was going to be married to them both....
"You weren't in a relationship with anyone else?"
-No ones POV-
They found it odd that you asked that question but responded with a no.
"I just wanted to make sure I wasn't ruining anything..." After that all five of you started planning the wedding. From decorations to the meal. "Pasta!" "I had a feeling you'd say that" Germany had wrote everything down and was impressed that you could remember it all "Its not that hard" was your response to the question of your impressive memory. "Are weddings for demons diffrent (f/n)?" "Not by much just the vows that the groom makes to their bride and we use earrings instead of rings" Germany nodded "We'll see if we can do"
"We are forgetting an important factor"
"Which is what France?"
"Who's wearing the wedding dress?" Romano slammed his hands on the table "I am not wearing a dress!!!" "That's no fun! How about you Italy?" "M-me!?" An argument started between the three, "Well he can't pull it off!" "Hey don't bring me into this!" "Well who would you prefer to see in the dress?" "Both obviously!" you slammed a hand over your mouth. You hadn't been paying attention due to imagining them both in a wedding dress and had only responded when France mentioned you. The two Italians blushed "We can decided that later bastards!" Romano desperately wanted to check to change the subject "Who's gonna be the best man?" "Germany!" "M-me?" he wasn't expecting Italy to nominate him so quickly "No way! I don't want the macho potato!" "Ohonhon~ why not have them separate then?" "That's a good Idea! Pick someone big brother!" Romano fell silent, he really didn't have anyone to ask, there was Netherlands but he creeped him out, Belgium couldn't do it, the only one left was...
"I'm going to regret this later" he said under his breath "I'll talk to that bastard Spain"
"Antonio? He'll be happy to hear that!" France had a huge smile on his face, it would certainly get his friend out of his house!
"What about you (F/n)?" France caught his mistake all to late, he had already been told what had happened to the other demons.
You just smiled "I'll be fine without one" , both Italians looked at each other, they both saw the sadness in your smile. Feliciano whispered to Romano "Let's tell him" "He won't remember him, there's no point!" Italy looked at Germany who only shook his head. He wanted to tell you that you did have someone to ask, but there really was no point since you wouldn't remember.
"Er, sorry"
"For what? You're just excited is all"
Soon after, Germany and France left deciding they could start looking for a place to hold the wedding later.
"Well I'm tired, let's just go eat somewhere" "But all the restraunts will be full right now" "Tch, I don't care I'm hungry!" "I guess we can just get take out" "See? Even you can use your brain!" "That's mean!" "What are we taking out?" you popped out of the kitchen with Sasha in your hands "Not the damn vacuum again!!!" "I found her in the trash can for some reason" "I didn't put it in there, do you have any idea big brother?" "No" "There's another one in the closet if you want to use that one" "Another one!?" you flew up the stairs. Romano grabbed his keys "Great now he'll try to use both at the same time.(f/n) me and Feliciano are going to get food!" he dragged Feliciano outside and locked the door "Did he hear us?" "I don't care I'm hungry!"
"Feliciano? Lovino?" you had returned to find them both gone. "Maybe they're in the kitchen?" you checked but didn't find them. You teleported to Lovino's room and then Feliciano's.
-Your POV-
Where are they!? I feel my heart beating faster, no calm down (f/n)! They might be in one of the room upstairs! I opened the door to one of the offices in here "North? South?... LOVINO!? FELICIANO!?" I opened the door to the rest of the rooms. " no no no no no!!!!" I was breathing heavily, they wouldn't leave me inside this huge place would they!? I teleported back to the front door, but I was breathing so fast and my heartbeat was pounding in my ears, I couldn't manage to open the door. Did they leave me here!?
No don't leave me alone!
I don't want to be alone!!!!
Not again!!!
-No ones POV-
Both Italians had taken longer than expected.
"This is all because you wanted bread sticks with it!"
"Ve!? You started fighting with the waiter over the bill!"
"He didn't give me the right amount of change!"
"Well you didn't have to yell at the manager too!"
"That guy was an idiot! All of them!" he pulled up on the driveway. "Let's hope that idiot didn't try to eat raw pasta again!" They continued fighting until they entered and froze. The curtains were ripped up, pictures were on (f/c) fire, the furniture was in pieces and some of the doors had been ripped off their hinges.
"Did someone break in!?"
"Feliciano call the cops now!" Romano ran up the stairs calling for you. "(f/n)!?"
He checked all the places where the doors had been broken. Feliciano came up the stairs as well. "They're on there-a way! Where's (f/n)???" "I can't find him, go check-" -Crash!- they jumped at the sudden noise, but ran towards it.
They jumped over the broken door and furniture into the main library. There was broken glass everywhere on the floor and all the books were burning in the same (f/c) flame. "(F/n) are you in here!?" "Feliciano I'm going to get a broom, there's too much glass" Romano ran out leaving Feliciano alone. He was scared, whoever did this might still be here and (f/n) was no where in sight. He looked around the library and was about to leave when he heard a small scream he turned towards the sound and saw one of your wings under a book shelf."(F/n)!" ignoring his brothers earlier warning he ran towards you, glass cutting into his shoes.
You were curled up in a ball, shaking badly , crying and breathing heavily. "(F/n)! I'll get your wing out!" he pushed the book shelf off your wing but you didn't notice. He took your face in his hands, he saw panic and fear in your eyes. "What's wrong? What happened here!?" You couldn't give a response you were breathing way too hard. Feliciano didn't know what to do, "Romano! Help!!!" it was no use though his brother couldn't hear him from downstairs.
"(f/n) calm down!!! Its Ok! I'm here!"
"A-alone -wheeze-"
"Don't -gasp- want be alone again"
"Your not alone! I'm right here!"
"C-c-can't get out"
he had to calm you down somehow! He wrapped his arms around you and kept talking to you until you stopped shaking. "I found the broom- what happened!?" "I think he fainted! Help me!" Both of them carried you to Feliciano's room since it was closer. They both got a better look at you. You had cuts all over your face and arms, your hands had been stabbed by shattered glass, your left wing appeared to be broken and your tail was bleeding. "G-get the first aid kit Feliciano!" "R-right!" Lovino grabbed a nearby shirt and tried to stop the bleeding. What had happened exactly!?
"Italy! Is everyone alright!?" Why was he hearing that German bastards voice!? Germany and Spain came running in. "Romano what happened here!?" "Why the hell are you both- never mind just help me!" Germany saw you and quickly applied pressure to stop the bleeding. "I need bandages!" "I got them!" Italy came in and handed the first aid kit to Germany. "Wait-You called them instead of the police!?" "I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking!" "Stop it you two! I need alcohol to sterilize the wounds! Spain see if you can put out those weird flames! Spain!?"
Spain was standing wide eyed at the doorway. The same demon that had almost killed him was laying only a few feet away from him. "T-that's" Romano didn't have time for Spain's fear of you. "Damn bastard either help us or leave!!!" It seemed to work momentarily for he came back with water to put out the fire while Lovino fetched the alcohol.
~After Nurse Doitsu patches you up~
They had put out the strange flames and managed to clean up a bit. All four were now sitting in the dining room while you were upstairs still unconscious.
"Why is that demon here!?"
"They're engaged to him"
"What!? That can't be true! Lovi!?"
"It's true you bastard now stop screaming!"
"But he could wake up and try to kill us!" His panic was growing, he didn't want to be anywhere near you and he certainly wasn't going to leave both Italians here with you!
"I don't think (f/n) would do that..."
"Italy he's crazy! He's a murderer! He's-"
"He's not going to do that, at least not anymore"
"What makes you so sure Germany!?"
"Because he doesn't have a contract with Britain anymore" once more Germany explained who you were and had to reassure Spain that you weren't going to kill him even if you got your memory back.
"So he doesn't remember me or Britain and America's his brother!?"
"Ve! I don't think America would lie about that"
"Ja, he has no reason to, plus he's been keeping Britain away from here"
"I-i see..." Spain didn't know how to react. Since the war you had been the cause of his nightmares and now he was being told you were completely harmless.
"I think I need some time..."
"Hmph just don't lock yourself up again or I'll tell (f/n) to drag your fucking ass out"
"Anything but that!!!!"
"Maybe you should go home, you're sweating a lot"
"N-no, I'm not leaving them alone with-with that here!"
"(f/n)! You bastard! His name is (f/n)!"
"Stop fighting you two!"
"Shut it potato! I'm not going to have my best man insult my fiancé!!!"
"Best man!? Me!?" Romano hit Spain
"N-no! I didn't say anything! Forget it!!!"
Italy bounced in his chair "Does this mean you're ok with the whole contract Fratello!?"
"It's not like I have a choice... and the bastard did save me..."
"Saved you?" Romano blushed remembering the scene "Stupid brother of mine made him save me as part of the agreement" Spain took in this new information. You had only fought against him because you had a contract with Britain back then. And now you had saved one of the most important people to him. Said person was now engaged to you and wants him to be the best man. What exactly should he do?
His hands clenched tightly, "I guess he can't be that bad if he saved you..." Romano nodded. Truth be told he wanted Spain to approve since he kinda sorta maybe saw Spain as a father figure plus he was falling for you faster than his brother could talk about pasta.
Germany rubbed his forehead
"I can't figure out what happened, there's no sign of forced entry and those flames were most likely caused by (f/n)" "The only word he kept saying was alone"
They sat there trying to figure out the situation when Prussia came running in.
"I'm here!!! Whoa! This place looks like shit!" Germany frowned "Why are you here?"
"Boss told me you went running somewhere and told me to go help!"
"Fine, sit down"
-one informed Prussia later-
"Why are you laughing you damn chicken head! This is serious!" Prussia stopped laughing and much to everyone's surprise looked serious.
"Because it's obvious"
"How so my friend?" This was a very rare sight even to Germany.
"He's afraid he's going to be locked up and alone again"
"Oh that makes sense-"
"You don't understand Italy" Prussia shook his head and frowned.
"Think. He's been locked away from any living being for close to over 200 years, he hardly has any memory of how he got sealed up, his clan and country are gone, he has no family or friends, he's suddenly in an era he doesn't recognize, you two are probably the only ones he can trust and tonight you two left him alone in this huge house. You said he refuses to sleep alone and that's probably because he's afraid he's going to close his eyes and wake up in that room again."
The room was silent.
They had never thought about what 190 years of being alone would do to someone.
The more they thought about it the more their emotions grew.
Anger because they would never truly understand the pain you went through, sorrow because they couldn't help you and an understanding that came to Spain that you were not to be feared, at least not anymore.
They never noticed that you were behind the wall listening to everything from when Prussia arrived. You stared straight ahead and quietly clicked your tongue, returning the house to its original form.
The two Italians never asked you what happened that night. They did their best to help you in anyway they could. At first they had tried to see if you could handle being alone in a room one door down but less than 10 minutes you had started breathing heavily again. The few times they did that before they stopped Lovino found himself cursing Britain's very existence and Feliciano had to admit he was mad at Britain too. Later on two cats had come around and (f/n) named them Ita-cat and Roma-cat, Romano had been mad at first because Feliciano had brought them without asking but they we're able to leave the house since the cats kept you company.
Soon a month had passed and all the details of the wedding had been planned out, although both Italians didn't know what vows you had planned and you refused to tell them. But now...
"He's acting weird big brother"
"I've noticed Feli, he's been avoiding us for the past five days"
"Maybe he's sick? He has been shivering a lot"
"I don't think so, I'm going to get an answer out of him today!" he entered the living room quietly. You were watching (fav show) and were happily singing to the theme song. He crept slowly and tip toed around roma-cat who was taking a nap. He signaled Feli to move Ita-cat who was following him. Feliciano moved slowly as well, he grabbed Ita-cat and placed him next to Roma-cat, Ita-cat just curled up confused and fell asleep. Lovino and Feliciano now moved in sync, he signaled Feli that he was going to jump you in 5 seconds, Feli nodded and prepared himself incase Lovino failed.
"HEY BASTARD!" "HOLY BUTTER LETTUCE!!!" you were now on the floor with Lovino on top of you. "Feliciano pin his legs down!" Feliciano jumped and sat on top of your legs.
"What are you doing!?"
"What are we doing? What are you doing? You've been avoiding us these past few days! We want answers!" You tried to steady your breathing, having them so close to you was not good right now.
"Don't want... to hurt you"
"Hurt us?"
"Its... j-just get off" you were red right now, you could feel that certain demon side of you kicking in.
"Ve!? I think he has a fever!"
"Don't be an idiot! He said demons don't catch fevers!" he got close to your face.
"No pasta until he tells us" he was way too close now, you could almost taste him...
Feliciano and Lovino suddenly felt themselves on the bed in Feliciano's room with you on top of them. "Hey! What are you doing!?" your eyes were glowing (e/c). They were both growing nervous under your gaze. You moved your head next to their ears. Your voice was low and sweet, "It's demon mating season" they shivered at the sound of your voice. Feliciano was the first to figure out the situation.
You had been avoiding them because you had been afraid of losing yourself to your urges. And now here they were, pinned under you because they had caused the string holding you back to grow thinner. Lovino came to the realization a little later when you started moving your hand slowly up his leg. "Hey! Don't do that-" he let out a small moan when you moved your cold hand under his shirt. He took a glance at his brother who was being kissed by you. Feliciano was blushing and trying to hold back the sounds his body wanted to make, it was difficult though and then became impossible when you moved your other hand under his shirt. "He hasn't even gotten serious yet..." was all they thought before they both let out moans from your touch, you couldn't hold back anymore.
~Error 404 Lemon not found~
Feliciano was trying stay awake, he was panting heavily and couldn't move. Lovino had blacked out a few seconds ago after collapsing on top of you. You were trying to catch your breath as well but still moved your arm to push the bangs off of North Italy's sweaty face.
Italy smiled, "Its ok" he grabbed your hand and put it to his cheek "We would have done it sooner or later" you clicked your tongue and the blanket moved to cover all three of you. Feliciano moved closer despite the pain in his lower body."I guess I should have told you when I noticed" "Its ok (f/n), we were just surprised is all ve~" you were both red now, remembering the whole scene. Your blush increased "I-I do mean it! I love you both" Feliciano kissed your cheek "I love you too"
Yes this past month they had gotten to know you better and you had fallen hard for them. It was a strange new feeling to you at first. The two Italians being master lovers noticed right away that you looked at them with nothing but love in your eyes. Lovino was the first to admit he had fallen in love with you too, the way you called his name and treated him like he actually was someone, that he was there and not just the "brother of Italy". Feliciano had become a stuttering mess around you, your touch made him warm and you never got mad at him whenever he got into a jam,he had soon found himself calling you for help instead of Germany (which pleased the German man that he was free from "babysitting" Italy).
You loved them and they loved you and that was all that mattered right now.
-Shifting to a certain american-
For the past month Alfred has been keeping Arthur away from the Italian house. He didn't know if Arthur would lock you up again and he wasn't going to risk it. It wasn't easy since Arthur kept trying to sneak past him as an Italian citizen. Luckily Germany was helping too and his buddy Prussia wasn't fooled by Arthur's disguise. Unexpected help had come the second week from the last people he would have thought of.
"You're serious? I thought both of you and Britain were buds or something?" Romania frowned. "We are a trio but that doesn't matter right now, just let us in!" Alfred moved to the side and Romania entered with Norway close behind. They had shown up in the middle of the night looking tired.
"No offense but you guys look like crap!" Norway sent a tired glare his way "No offense! I said no offense!"
Norway plopped himself on the chair "yawn~ Vladimir, you talk" Vladmir sat down as well.
"We're here to talk about (f/n)" Alfred was listening now. "Why?"
"Arthur's fighting with himself on the whole (f/n) is dangerous thing. Its breaking him down."
"You guys helped him with that!"
"I know ok! Back then we didn't know (f/n)! Arthur just told us a demon had come in and had tried to kill him. We... we didn't know until it was too late" They both had guilt in their eyes. When you had shown up again the guilt they had buried away came rising back and they have been losing sleep since.
For the past two weeks it has been eating away at them.
The fact that they locked up an innocent man.
Alfred nodded in understanding. "He doesn't remember that night or anything related to the war with Spain" Norway gave a small nod "He would have killed us by now if he did"
"You knew!?" Norway ran a hand over his hair "Arthur destroyed (f/n)'s memory as a precaution, I and Vladimir could only adjust the spell so that there was a way he could get out and get his memory back" Alfred grabbed Norway's shoulders "How!? How do we get it back!?" Norway pulled him off "Quiet! My head hurts -yawn-" Romania was trying to keep awake in the big comfy chair "He needs to get close to something symbolizing an eternal bond he had with someone back then" "Eternal bond?" "Mhm, if he remembers Arthur can't ~yawn~ lock him again....took us a while to figure it out..zzzz" "Hey don't fall asleep!!!" he bonked them both in the head but neither one was waking up. He sighed and covered them both with blankets before heading to his room. "Symbolizing..." This was going to keep him up all night!
And that's how he spent the rest of the month, Norway and Romania told him of Arthur's every move and came over to help America look for anything that could bring your memory back. They had a hard time since his storage room was such a mess. "Are you sure there isn't anything?" "Nope I'm telling you he never gave me anything except for the times he gave me food!" "The faries can't find anything in this dump..." Alfred sat on one of the old crates, he hadn't had a chance to see you and he hadn't gotten any closer to helping you. He moved away from the floating toy soldiers (which were actually Norway's fairies moving them), "... I'm going to see (f/n)!" Norway and Romania paused their cleaning.
At this rate they weren't going to find anything and it wouldn't hurt for you to see America...
"Ok but call us if anything happens, me and Lukas will keep Arthur busy"
-Back at the Italian household-
"and then you spin the dough like this"
You grabbed the dough and spun it perfectly. Lovino was teaching you to make pizza and Italy was preparing the tomato sauce. "Slow down or it'll fly off!" "Right!" It was the day after your little 'love session' and you had promised  you would notify them when the urge struck again (the two had been unable to walk until this afternoon). You placed the dough down and waited for the next instructions when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" you teleported to the door and opened it. You were tackled to the ground in a bear hug "(f/n)!" You teleported out of the blondes grasp "Who are you- wait your that American!" you helped him up "What brings you here?" "I needed to talk to you" "Me? Well ok, this way" you led him to the kitchen where the two brothers were having a food battle.
"This one is better!" -splat!-
"Stop wasting sauce! And this one is better!"
You clicked your tongue and the kitchen returned to its former state. "Lovino, Feliciano, this guy here wants to talk" Alfred waved at them "Yo Italian dudes! If you don't mind I wanna talk to (f/n) alone" You sat down at the table, Feliciano and Lovino stopped at Alfred's side before exiting "We're only leaving you alone because we know he is your brother" "We'll be with the cats ok America?" Alfred nodded and sat across from you.
"Its been a while (f/n)"
"If you mean the past month then yes country of America"
"No that's not what I meant..."
"How so America?"
"You don't have to call me America"
"Then what shall I call you?"
"Alfred F. Jones, that's my name"
"Then Alfred it shall be" you smiled and he smiled back. But inside he wasn't, you didn't even have the feeling that you had forgotten him.
"Well it is the name you chose for me..." you lifted an eyebrow at this.
"I don't recall ever naming a country much less giving them a human name"
"You did, a long time ago you took care of me with a guy named Britain" Britain... you grew slightly mad at the name, he was apparently the country that dissolved (c/n)... but war was war and you had accepted that. But now there was another country claiming you raised him.
"I don't quite understand"
"I was formerly known as 13 colonies, you named me United States of America and Alfred F. Jones you said Alfred was a name given to higher ranked demons"
"That is... correct but it was no secret to humans living in (c/n)"
"You had a brother named Lucifer and you lived in southern (c/n)"
"How did you know that!?" you had never told anyone which part of (c/n) you lived in.
"You told me, I may have been small but I remember everything"
"No that's impossible I've never told anyone I lived in southern (c/n)!"
"Lucifer went away after being summoned and you never saw him again after fighting. You stayed with me and Arthur and named me your brother after I got scared of being alone when he said he had to go back to the royal family" he spilled everything out, things Italy and Lovino already knew and other information that only someone you had completely sworn your trust to would know.
"...everything is true but I don't recall ever seeing you in my lifetime" Alfred frowned, part of him wanted to tell you why and the other half told him it would be bad for Britain.
"The guy who sealed you up..." your eyes narrowed "yes?"
"It was Britain"
"... you're telling me that I trusted the country that not only dissolved (c/n) but also locked me up for 190 years and that I helped him raise you?" Alfred tried to explain but what proof did he have? That's when his hands felt the pocketwatches tucked away in his pocket.
"(f/n) you have to believe me! You gave me a pocketwatch that day you swore me as your brother!" he pulled out both watches. Your eyes widened. You assumed your (f/c) watch had been left in that room and had no desire to retrieve it because of that. And now there it was, in front of you with its partner that was originally meant for Lucifer.
"Lucifer why did you answer the summons!? The funeral is today!"
"I am free to do what I want"
"That doesn't mean you have to go!"
"It's too late now. The mark has been placed" you grabbed him by his collar "You can at least spare a few minutes to see Mother one last time brother" he removed your hands
"The young master is calling"
"I'm sure he won't mind Lucifer just go see her quickly!"
"Its a contract. I can't, by the way" he pulled the matching silver pocketwatch out and placed it in your hands. "This is going to get in the way"
You stared at where he once stood. In (c/n) siblings are given matching accessories to prove their lineage.
And he had given it back like it was nothing.
A contract was more important to him.
Leaving it to you meant that he was removing his ties to you.
Alfred now stood next to you. "You gave it to me as proof of your trust, I've kept it all this time" you stared at the watches in his hands. For you to give someone Lucifer's pocketwatch... "If I gave you that... then you indeed are my brother" You took the (f/c) watch and saw the crack in it. "Did I drop this?'' Alfred laughed nervously " y-yeah you did I guess" he wasn't going to admit it was him. "Why do I not remember you then?" "The night you got sealed Britain locked up your memories of anything related to him, I just got my memories of you back myself recently" you nodded slowly. It would make sense that magic was involved in your memory loss."You know things only Lucifer would know so I believe you" He hugged you and you slowly hugged him back awkwardly. "... are you crying?" "N-no!" Alfred let you go and wiped his eyes quickly.
For the past month he's wanted to see you and the fact that he couldn't remember you till now made him sad. But now he could talk to his brother again and it filled him with so much joy. He wiped his eyes again letting the silver pocketwatch fall out of his hands. You laughed and ruffled his hair. "Don't drop it so easily" you bent to pick it up.
"(f/n)! What's wrong!?" You clutched your head, screaming and falling to your knees. The Italian brothers came running in. You didn't hear them call your name. So many sounds and pictures were forming in your head coming together in painful pieces.
They grabbed your arms to prevent you from hurting yourself, you screamed louder as the pain grew. And when they became clear pictures your screaming stopped. All three were thrown back when you suddenly disappeared.
"Where did he go!?" Alfred quickly called Romania who quickly pulled the phone away from his ear as soon as he heard Alfred's voice "He was screaming and trying to pull his brains out and then he stopped and was gone!" "Thanks for making me half deaf! Wait you said he touched the pocketwatch?"
"It might have brought back his memory!"
"Really!? That's great!"
"No its not! He might have gone af-"
"Romania? Dude you there??? Oops my batteries dead!"
"I don't care if your batteries dead! What's going on you stupid hamburger!?"
-Britain's POV-
A whole months passed by now. Germany, America, Prussia and even that stupid France wouldn't let me anywhere near the Italian border. I sighed and drank my tea which has gone cold by now. "What am I going to do if I see him?" honestly I didn't know. He hasn't done anything yet, but he's also a threat. They could have him doing the mafia's dirty work now! I set the cup down and paced around the room. Why couldn't I decide? I had been so sure when I sealed him...
"So you can betray him a second time!?"
I... I didn't know how much I would miss him! Stupid America making me feel guilty!
But I was guilty.
I just don't want to admit I was wrong.
I walked over to close the window. Maybe it's better if I leave them alone. But will I be able to do that? I sighed once more before I was suddenly thrown back onto the floor. Someone's hands wrapped themselves around my neck. I opened my eyes which met another pair of familiar (e/c) ones. (e/c) eyes that screamed murder.
"Hello Kirkland"
For a few moments Arthur stared in disbelief, soon he felt his lungs begging for oxygen.
"L-let go" (F/n) didn't seem to hear him though. Arthur searched for the nearest thing he could reach which happened to be a vase. He smashed it on (F/n)'s head, (F/n)'s grip loosened for a moment but it was enough for Arthur to set himself free.
He didn't reach the door before (F/n) made it disappear.
So here they were. In a room where they used to have tea, read, try to put Alfred to sleep.
In a room that Arthur now feared he would die in.
He tried to keep calm, for some reason (F/n) hadn't moved yet. He tried to relax his shaking body before speaking.
"(F/n)... you're here to kill me, aren't you?"
(F/n), for a few seconds, didn't move.
"Is that... Is that all you think I do!?" (F/n) knocked over the table, sending it flying across the room. Several other pieces of furniture followed.
"You made me kill them! In the name of your queen, your country, your stupid war!" For every step Arthur took back (F/n) forward.
"I never asked you to kill them!"
"We had a contract! I help you win and you help me get back home!!!"
"How could I just let you go after you murdered thousands!?"
"You didn't let me go! You had me sealed away!!!" (F/n) wouldn't calm down and the more Arthur tried the angrier he got.
"And then you break the contract because you're scared!?"
"(F/n) that wasn't-"
"SHUT UP!!!!" Arthur was now trapped by the wall behind him and (F/n) who was only a few steps away.
(F/n) held his head now trying not to blow up the room with magic.
"I'M IN A TIME I DON'T KNOW HALF ABOUT! AND YOU INVOLVED ALFRED IN THIS WHOLE THING!!!!" all the glass in the room broke, some fell on Arthur and more of it fell on (F/n), (F/n) didn't even notice he had started bleeding or that his wounds had opened.
Despite his best attempt, (f/c) flames were sprouting in different corners of the room.
(F/n) now crying,held Arthur by his collar.
-Timeskip, Arthur's pov-
It had taken a while to put the flames out, and even longer for the door to appear again.
(F/n) had fainted from fatigue and blood loss. I... don't know what to do... I feel so foolish, so terrible... why did I lock him up all those years ago!? Why didn't I just erase his memory!?
Now here he is in my bed unconscious!
"You idiot... I could lock you up again..." That's right... I could...
Has it really been that long? This... I didn't want this!
"I didn't want you to hate me... I couldn't handle you leaving me too... so I locked you up not from fear of you... but for my own selfish reasons!" I can't stop crying, I thought I would be able to keep myself composed.
"I didn't mean to kill the demons! Or dissolve (c/n)!" As a nation I had to, the war declared by the queen was sudden. I didn't know she was killing them all, it wasn't war... it had been a genocide. I'm crying harder and I can't stop shaking. I held (F/n)'s hand now. The same hand that had once held mine, the one that had patted and whacked my head all those years ago.
"I'm sorry (F/n)... I'm sorry. Just please wake up!!! I'm sorry...." I repeated those words over and over again for who knows how long....
Hours later I felt his hand close around mine.
"(F-F/n)!" He looks so tired.
"You're an idiot.... stop crying..." oh god his voice sounds terrible. With tired eyes he looked at me
"I'm t-trying"
"I won't seal you up, I can promise you that"
"You broke... a promise before..." I know I did, his payment hadn't been anything like money or souls, it was me sending him home.
"I didn't- I didn't want" he looked at the ceiling now.
"Arthur... no, just Britain..." No please don't say that, it makes it sound like I'm a stranger to you. He moved his hand away from mine.
"I want to see... Feliciano and Lovino..."
"Why?" he laughed but it came with some coughing.
"Both you and I,cough, know what's happening..." A certain memory played back in my head.
"So you're immortal too?"
"Not exactly"
"What does that mean?"
"Well getting stabbed in the heart is one thing... you know how you really don't hear about demon couples? Or any kind of relationship other than family?"
"Yes you told me that romantic relationship are rare for demons"
"That's because there's one thing that will surely kill a demon, and that's a broken heart"
"(F/n) you can't die!" I cried even harder now. He was dying right before me, I had broken his trust, his heart and now I was causing his death. He smiled weakly.
"I can't forgive you,cough, but you were my friend... please,cough, tell them the contract is no more..." his eyes started to close again.
"Oh dear god no! (F/n) open your eyes!!! I beg you!!!"
You don't have to forgive me, I won't fool myself with the hope that you will. I didn't want to kill you!!! I screamed
"There has to be something!!! What can I do!?" I racked my brain for a solution anything that could save him before his breathing stopped.
"I could seal him up, erase his memory, so why can't I figure out how to save you!?" I threw every magic book I had to the floor. One of them landed on a familiar spell.
Tampered memory.
There was one way. I looked back at (F/n).
"Your dying and your last words are about the macaroni brothers... you really-you really love them" despite the sadness growing within me, I grabbed the book off the floor and started chanting. His memory was displayed right in front of me like film. Tears started to stain the pages before I chanted the next verse.
"This is the last time... Goodbye (F/n)"
Yes, this will be the last time I will use my magic on him. The last time I mess with his memory because...
I will destroy his heart's memory of me.
Some unusual things happened after that.
The Italian brothers had left first in their car to get to Britain, Alfred had been left behind and went to fetch Germany, Romania and Norway.
When Germany and the rest of them finally arrived they were greeted by the sight of Feliciano mercilessly beating Arthur to a black and blue pancake. He was screaming angrily in Italian.
It had taken all four of them to pull the Italian off of Arthur and they still held him back since he wasn't calming down.
Norway helped Arthur up, "Can you speak?"
Arthur spat out a tooth, one that Italy had knocked out.
"Barely..." he backed up away from the Italian trying to claw his eyes out. Alfred looked around.
"Where's the other one?"
Feliciano didn't answer, he was too busy trying to get free. They pulled him to another room so he could calm down leaving Alfred alone with Britain.
"Dude you got owned"
"Shut it"
"...He's alive" Alfred nodded and headed towards the bathroom to fetch some bandages.
Meanwhile Lovino was running around looking for (F/n), surprisingly he had managed to keep his cool when Arthur had opened the door but now he was growing more and more worried as time passed and there was no sign of his demon lover.
"This house isn't even that big! (F/n)!!!"
Door after door he opened, he even went outside to check the garden. He sat down on the grass trying to recover his breath.
"Stupid! Bastard!" he punched the ground and started pulling at the grass.
"You can't just come into my life and then disappear like nothing YOU BIG IDIOTA!!!!!"
"...YOU BIG IDIOTA!!!!!"
"That sounded like Romano!"
"He went to go look for (F/n)..."
"I see... are you calmer now Italy?"
"Yes..." while he was calmer now he still glared at Romania and Norway. Romania put his hands up
"We're here to help! Not the other way around!"
"Then tell Britain to give us (F/n)!"
"Let America patch him up first"
"Didn't know Italian's could fight like that"
"I know right!? Germany was the most surprised!" Germany coughed and headed towards the door.
"Never mind that, we won't find (F/n) just sitting here" Italy nodded and immediately started shouting (F/n)'s name as soon as he exited the room.
"(F/n)!!! Come out! Let's go home!!!"
-With America and Britain-
"All done!"
"This is way too much!!!"
"No way dude!"
"I look like a mummy you oaf!"
"You look fine!" America put the kit away while Arthur fixed the bandages. The mood turned serious again when both were finished.
"What did you do this time?"
"...Hopefully the right thing"
"I'll call up Matt and Francis"
"I don't want that frog here!"
"At a time like this? I think you do" Whatever Britain did Alfred knew he was going to need the whole family here once this situation was cleared up. He didn't know how he knew, he was just certain it would be a while before Arthur could pick himself up again.
Arthur stood up
"Come on, he should still be there"
He couldn't fix his mistakes completely, but he could at least sort of complete his promise from all those years ago.
Return (F/n) home.
Not to (C/n) but to his new one.
With the Italian's.
"Say that brother of yours, he's in my country?"
"...I guess"
"I just don't want to talk about it alright?"
(F/n) stood up and began kicking the sand.
"Listen (F/n), I've told you all about my brothers and you've helped me with that. So why won't you let me help you?"
"It's not an easy topic for me and you know it"
Arthur sighed and stood up as well.
"And that's exactly why we should talk about it"
"Stubborn Stubborn!"
"I am not! You're the stubborn one!"
Before (F/n) could even open his mouth Arthur beat him to it.
"We've known each other for months now and I still don't know anything!"
For a while neither moved.
"Alright you have a point, sit down because I'm only telling you once!"
"Fair enough"
"You've been so pushy these past few days I figured it was because of today's battle but nooooo Mr.Eyebrows wants to pry into my personal affairs!"
"SHUT UP!!!!"
The demon laughed and the country's outburst.
"If I did that then I can't tell you"
"Just tell me already!"
"ok ok, just know that I'm putting my trust in you here"
The whole thing was a mess.
North Italy had to be detained due to wanting to beat Arthur up again and South Italy was led into another room due to demanding that Britain fight him instead. Since neither Italian was willing to listen to him, Arthur had to ask Germany to give them the message of what had happened to (F/n) and the actions they would take from here.
"How do we a know this isn't a trap!?"
"There's to many ways it would backfire if it were"
"Shut up potato!
Ludwig rubbed his forehead in hopes that the forming headache would go away.
Feliciano who had stayed silent since he was taken into the room pondered on the information given to them.
-12 minutes ago-
"Britain is going to take us to him"
"Really!? Let's a go then!"
"Hold on Italy...."
Ludwig sat them all down, Norway and Romania decided it was best to leave while the three of them talked.
"We'll be outside with America and Arthur"
Ludwig waited for the two to shut the door before continuing.
"It seemed there was a fight between the two after (F/N) arrived. According to Britain all his wounds reopened and he lost a lot of blood"
"What!? We have to get him to a doctor then!"
"Britain already healed him Italy. There's more though, I don't quite understand the last bit myself but..."
"Spill it out!"
"He had to do something once more with his memories. He has no idea if (F/n) will remember any of us or even him. He might not remember anything at all. And if he does... all of the events might have played out a bit differently in his mind..."
"Let's go see him"
"Are you sure fratello?"
"I'm a sure, it's what we came for right?"
Lovino was still paranoid but his brother had a point.
Arthur prepared himself to run, much to Alfred's amusement, once the Italians came back out. He relaxed just a bit when they didn't try to murder him into a thousand pieces.
Once they reached the room, they were a bit hesitant to enter. Feeling the discomfort, Arthur went in first and soon the others followed.
Inside (F/n) was sound asleep. The two brothers ran to his side and were glad to see he was fine physically.
Now how was he mentally?
"Are you sure you have no idea on what he'll remember?"
"It may be a bit much to ask but trust me on this one"
Feliciano gently took hold of (F/n)'s hand.
"(F/n)? Can you hear me? It's me and Romano, it's time to wake up"
"You know eyebrows these past few months have been fun"
"The fighting is fun to you?"
"What? No, that's work! I meant us hanging out and stuff! And Alfred's fun to be around too"
"Of course! Say Arthur, after all this fighting is over you should show me some of that magic you've been practicing~"
"All right I guess I'll have to"
"Excellent! Uh, let's just not tell Alfred. He might just make a food avalanche"
"Feliciano? Lovino? Why are you both trying to suffocate my hands?"
"You finally woke up you bastard!"
"Finally? What are you talking about- OW OW OW LET GO!!!"
Both Italians were hugging him so hard that he couldn't even move his arms to get them off.
"Mr.Germany HELP!!! OW OW!"
"Italy! You're going to open his wounds again!"
They didn't want to, but they let him go. At least they now knew he hadn't forgotten them.
"Hey what is this place? Is this a different form of hospitals?"
It wasn't easy without giving away that his memory had been tampered with. (F/n) thought that they had fought and he had flown off to cool down. He crashed into a building after almost hitting a plane and that was the last he remembered. He figured he might have entered a coma from the way the Italians said he hadn't woken up.
"I know it was a silly fight and..."
"and what?"
Since no one really knew what he thought the fight was Lovino tried to make it vague. He was surprised when (F/n) held him tight this time.
"I'll give up the vacuum just don't stop giving me pasta!!!"
"Stop crying and let me go!... wait you'll give up the vacuum?"
"What!? He can have the pasta right?"
"What do you have against the vacuum cleaner!?"
"Nothing! Now shut up before he changes his mind!"
(F/n) who was sniffling over the his fears of pasta finally noticed there was more people in the room.
"Alfred? Alfred is that you!?"
Ignoring the pain shooting through his body (F/n) teleported in front of the American to get a better look.
"It is you! How long has it been since I saw you!?Look at you! You've turned out well! What are you doing here????"
Having had the situation explained to him Alfred knew he should have expected this. He didn't think it would hurt this much though having (F/n) forget that they had already reunited.
"Yeah it's me bro! I came with Germany and he told me about you!"
"Yeah and Arthur's here too, he's actually the one who patched you up"
The magic trio stiffened as (F/n) looked at them. Arthur of course was the most nervous.
"This might seem rude but which one is this Arthur you speak of?"
It went fairly smooth from there. Arthur explained that (F/n) had crashed into his house (which wasn't exactly a lie) and that (F/n) himself had told him he was living with the Italian brothers and to contact them before passing out.
(F/n) thanked Arthur for all his help and the rest of the magic trio were introduced simply as friends that came to help. Germany and the Italians helped him walk to the front door and Alfred promised he would visit so they could catch up much to (F/n)'s delight.
"Once again I appreciate your help Mr.Kirkland"
"It wasn't any trouble at all, I'm sure these two will take care of you from now on"
"A strange way of putting things but yes, I'm sure they will"
They shook hands and Alfred helped the other three get (F/n) into the car. From behind the threshold Arthur watched the car get smaller and smaller until it was no longer there.
"I can see the ships now Arthur"
"Already? The telescope isn't showing anything"
"That's because your human technology needs a lot of improvement!"
"Oh shut up!"
"hahahaha~ let's hurry so we can go home ok?"
"That all depends on how fast we make them surrender"
"Just leave it to me~ We'll be home in no time~"
That was the last time (F/N) would ever walk through these doors.
Two months later (F/n) had healed completely and the Italians figured out how all the memories for (F/n) had changed.
He believed after the British-(C/n) war he had lived in a cave on a small island isolated from the rest of the world for years. The conflict with his brother had gone the same way. A Tsunami had swallowed the island, he washed up at an Italian Beach and that was where they had met.
Before that he and America had met before the war and (F/n) had raised him till the war started.
The incident where he had torn the house apart never occurred.
He and America were still brothers.
Britain and him were mere strangers now.
Britain would not be attending the wedding despite being invited formally by the Italians.
-Wedding day-
"...(F/n) what are you doing?"
"Being pretty"
"..... (F/n) what are you doing?"
(F/n) spun around, his smooth white wedding dress twirling with him.
"I thought that since Mr.France went to all the trouble of ordering these dresses the least I could do was wear one. Do you think Feliciano and Lovino will enjoy this surprise?"
Germany wasn't sure how to respond. How was he supposed to tell (F/n) to put on the suit instead without revealing that Feliciano and Lovino had decided to wear the dresses as well in order to surprise him?
"I'm sure they will but erm..."
"Is there a problem?"
"yes you see..."
(F/n) took a sip of soda.
Germany took the chance to "accidentally" raise his arm too fast.
"Oh no the dress! Mr.Germany! We must get a new one!
"There's no time! You will have to wear the suit!"
"But I-"
"You can't be late!"
"True! But-"
"I will go check on the Italians now, remember no magic!"
"I'm not going to set the curtains on fire again!.... even though they are quite hideous"
"yes yes I'll get dressed now..."
With a satisfied nod Germany went to check up on the brides.
"Fratello if you keep tripping over like that the dress will rip!"
"The dress is too poofy! Why couldn't you wear this one!?"
"Because I won in rock paper scissors!"
"You cheated!"
"I didn't!"
Romano gritted his teeth, there had been three dresses and one of them had vanished leaving him to wear a Cinderella gown dress. Feliciano currently was easily moving in his ruffled but slim dress.
"Ve~ I'm sure he'll be so surprised!"
"He better be or I'm a walking the other way!"
"No you won't! That will be so mean!"
"Try me!"
The sound of the door opening interrupted them.
"Macho potato what took you so long! I want a new- hey who are you!?"
The man wore a simple black coat.
He looked at the Italians and smiled.
"For certain reasons I can't quite tell you"
The Italians looked suspiciously at him now.
"Um, are you lost? We're using this room today"
"I know"
Romano started to take a defensive stance.
"Now now there's no need to be wary, I simply wanted to see for myself is all"
"What in hell are you talking about-"
The man took out a black box and placed it on the table next to him.
"Whether or not you accept these is up to you"
That was all he said before exiting.
"Who the hell was that!?"
"I don't know, maybe someone's date for today?"
"What's in the box?"
Feliciano opened the box.
Inside were 4 gold earrings with black diamond.
Despite actually haven been exited all morning, (F/n) was jumping up and down with nerves.
"What if I stutter? I'll look like a fool! Lovino will never let me here the end of it! Or if I mix them up? That would be worse! Or or-"
"(F/n)! It's time!"
"........ save me"
Nervously he walked to the front and Alfred noticing (F/n) looking stiff did of course the only thing he could do once (F/n) took his place.
He hit him real hard in the head.
"Youch! Alfred what are you doing!?"
"Relax bro! It's not like you're fighting Batman!"
(F/n) squinted at Alfred and returned to his spot while rubbing the back of his head to sooth the pain.
The doors opened and the music began. All rose as both brides began to walk in.
Spain was smiling really big with Romano whispering to him to "wipe that grin off his stupid face".
Hungary and Feliciano were smiling and making sure to stay synched with the other two.
Even from halfway down the huge walkway the could see (F/n)'s expression clearly.
And they were quite pleased with it.
Romano took his place to the left of (F/n) and Feliciano stood to the right.
The priest began the ceremony and all three took in every moment of it.
"and now the vows will be given. Feliciano please repeat after me..."
Happily (F/n) and Feliciano faced each other.
Feliciano took one earring, held it up and took (F/n)'s hand with the other. He repeated his vows and placed the earring on (F/n)'s left ear.
"Lovino please repeat after me..."
Despite himself Lovino smiled. Both faced each other and he recited his vows, placing the earring on (F/n)'s right ear.
"(F/n) now it is your turn"
(F/n) took a step back in order to look at them both. He grabbed two earrings, placed one in each Italians hand and then placed one hand on top.
"This is a simple item. One in which by itself right now has no meaning.
Right now I give it purpose for I vow to each of you that they will forever be proof of what will happen now and what will be.
I will carry your strengths and weakness. I will be there in the darkest of times and will be there to shade you in the brightest of lights that may harm you.
I will fall with you and I will always help you rise. The sky is not my limit for my love cannot be stopped there.
From here on my heart beats only for you and every breath I take, I take so I may be with you.
Here right now I promise to each of you, that I will care for you, live with you, feel with you and love you"
The earring were placed. The crowd cheered. (F/n), Lovino and Feliciano embraced.
And it was a promise kept till the end of time.

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