Story ^-^

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The cold metal of the wall pressed against my back as I spotted my target. He sat across the room unaware that the one to end his sad corrupt life was watching him like a hawk. I silently studied the aim of my guns so my gun had clear view of his head. Even wanna be villains messed up and taking an unguarded lunch break was one of them. I pulled the trigger in my special gun and it made A sound so faint your hearing needed to be highly inhuman sensitive to pick it up. 'Target Down' I thought as the body went limp against his back office chair the drink he was holding fell onto his lap and the Styrofoam cup that his drink was in rolled onto the floor. I didn't react at the body dying, this target wasn't my only mission here. I pushed myself off the wall and walked towards the desk close enough to the body i could actually smell the faint scent of blood. I kicked the chair the man was in lightly so it would move far enough for me go gain access to his desk. 'Poor soul you should have never double crosses Ashton' I thought to myself and shook my head I felt no remorse for this man he hurt and killed many innocent people. My hands skillfully moved to the keyboard as I typed away with each passing through the security systems as I was trained to do. The monitor screen flashed names and places I didn't quite understand what they meant but I knew that the camera on my attached to my earpiece could see it and the one acting as my leader would understand it.

"Got it" chucked the smooth males voice through my headset

"Sir you need to walk me through more of this nerdy shit it actually did come in handy" I said back to him and he only replied with a chuckle. "Is that it?" I asked for confirmation

"Yes Alpha I'll spread the word to Ashton of your success he is already having the information you sent over analyzed by the best" there was a soft click as the mic turned off and i was left to my own thoughts again.

I started to walk away from the desk towards the window. I heard a soft knock of the door followed by a females voice "Honey you still working?" called the voice from the other side of the door. I looked up at the clock '4:50' it was time for Mr. Milligans wife to pick him up and take him home.

I felt a tug in my chest for the woman but i was unsure why.

'The wife will mourn but soon her children will tell them all what their father does when the world turns a blind eye. What his work really was...'

I opened the window hoping out quickly and, landed on my feet. I had swiped a gem from his desk before i left, Ashton loved trophies even when it wast him doing the dirty work. I blocked out the shouts from the room Milligan was in his wife started to get angry, she wasn't getting a response from from her husband from the other side of the door. I moved with the using the dense woods as my shelter keeping me hidden from the public eye. I kept my breath study as I jumped from a tree to another tree 'they must have ran the other way... Fools' after a while the woods became thinner and I can see an old highway close by. Descent of ash was in the air, its source was obvious from the small controlled fire that set along the side of the road shivering people stood around and hoping to get warm. Each person work coat and long pants. Looking down at my attire I knew I looked out of place, the black skin suit with the weapon belts clearly mark me as a mercenary or assassin of some sort.

Wearing this that wasn't my idea I was going to wear what I usually wear but Ashton insisted that I wear this. I work for a team named F7. A simple name yet it held a deadly reputation. Rumors spread fast about the secret organization on whatever they did. They do seem awfully interested in mutants, the rare special ability to humans. My only mutations I kept a secret from them hearing the rumors. One of them said they had a young child mutant to work for them. Lately I wouldn't be surprised if they had another mutant, hacking things and security systems seem to be a lot easier to get past for such high class organizations, and they get the classified information with ease. I bite my lip me being uncomfortable means nothing, I'm fighting on a bad side but it should mean nothing to me... Enough of this! I'm strong people only hurt us. Even if ebony told me that love is petty. I balled my fist up at the thought of ebony. 'Ebony... where are you idiot' I let out a sigh I need a new line of work if this job makes me feel so conflicted. Maybe new team is what I need. Ashton is the only one with the skills I need to find her so if I have to get my hands dirty to find my sister I'll do it.

I moved out of the woods and towards the highway I pressed my earpiece sending f7 my location to pick me up. I looked down my eyes meeting the people around the fire their eyes were already trained on me in fear and curiosity. A woman cleared her throat breaking silence "Are you cold? We can help you" she offered. I shook my head no one could help me for I was Alpha Red and only death followed me

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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