daughter of artemis (percy jackson fan fiction)

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*Up in Olympus*

"Artemis' P.O.V"

I stand in the middle of the thrown room of Olympus holding my baby girl. All of the Gods and Goddess's around me are bickering about my daughters fate. You see i was supposed to be a maiden goddess for eternity but i fell in love with a man named Tylor Nightinglade, who I rescued him from a pack of wolves, but he died recently as he died in a car crash. So I was left with my daughter and the Gods and Goddess' of Olympus had just found out about her.

" Silence" Zeus shouted and everyone in the thrown room became silent. "I believe that as this is the only daughter of Artemis ever that it should be a very special child... it is how you say, one of a kind"

"Brother, as this child is one of a kind, i suppose it should recieve a gift from each of us, which will also help the child survive. Many dangerous creatures will be after her especially as there is only one true heir of Artemis." Posiedon said to Zeus.

" The child must be protected, each of us shall give the child a gift as if it were our own" Zeus anounced. " Once the child dies she shall come up to Olympus and join us as a goddess." Each of the Gods and Goddess' nodded their heads and made a line infront of me to present their gifts.

Zeus came up to me first " What have you named the child" Zeus asked me with a sweet smile.

"Ariana" I replied.

Each of the powerful Greek Gods and Goddess' came up to my beautiful daughter, touched her forehead and gave her a gift of their power.

Ariana now had the power to summon the winds, the ocean and all sea creatures, she could summon the dead. She could shadow travel , she could breathe underwater, she would be excellent at hunting, archery, healing, battle stradgedy, sworsfighting, throwing partys, stealing, making pranks, prophecys, love, the forges. She would be able to charmspeak, control fire. She would also be a very inteligent child. Each of the Gods and Goddess' blessed Ariana. Ariana will grow to learn how to control these powers and might develope more.

" This is alot of power to have in a single demigod, many would love to use her as a weapon or would love to have her dead. We must keep her in camp half blood, try to keep her hidden and Artemis, you must not claim the child unless it is completly nessesary. To keep the child safe Artemis." Zeus told me and i nodded.

"Can she stay tonight and me and Athena will bring her to camp tomorrow father?" I asked.

"Just for tonight "

"Thank you father"

Zeus looked at Ariana and his eyes sparkeled with love. Zeus was always a softy for rare children and especially ones that are so innocent yet powerful. Zeus then turned and excused everyone from the room.

I looked at my beautiful daughter, she had long silver hair and silver eyes, her skin was now tanner than before..when Apollo gave her a gift she must have gotten tanned as Apollo is the God of the sun and my twin brother. Ariana had flawless skin and she had an aura of many diffrent colours, the main colour was silvery blue.

I looked down at my daughter and felt so proud, she was perfect. I knew that when she became older she would do amazing things, she would be a hero.... my little hero.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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