name:Rosalina Thompson
favorite band:5 seconds of summer
hobby: wright,read,and listening songs
All about rosalina
rosalina has a has a hard life,can't really talk to her parents about anything really the only people that she will talk to is her three best friends Isabel,lilly,and milliessa.Rosalina think the world is going to die because she doesn't feel like she belongs on Earth,but when her friends come around she feels really happy and forgets what happends at home.
Chapter 1: hard life
Rosalina is having a hard time she moved away from her friends, she moved to London, she wanted to see her friends, she asked friends to ask their parent if they go to London to see Rosalina, they asked their parents and they said " no", but her friend's parents also said " If you want to go see your in London you have to save up,"they were all happy so happy that they had a skype party and saw eachother for the first time after Rosalina moved to London. As soon as things were going so great Rosalina and her friends heard Rosalina's parent fighting she knew it not going to be a pretty summer at all, but until Rosalina's friends get to London they will so much fun they will go shopping, they will go on the Big Eye, they will even go find were their favorite band One Direction.