The Mexican In The Snow

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I've never had anything to really live for. I've tried for years to find some purpose, but it never came to me. Suicide was the only option. Has been for about 3 years.

I stood atop the snowy hill, Sleigh in hand, and just felt the finality of what I was planning to do. No one will really miss me. I'm very insignificant. My parents love me, but they spend all their time and effort on my younger sisters sports. I was a disappointment as a child so they had another.

I sat my sleigh down and sat on it, just starring down the hill. I could easily just slit my wrists and bleed out up here, but I feel the need for the ride down. The decent into madness.

Slowly, I blazed a trail down the hill. My first and last ride down. All I could think about was how much better off everyone would be after the grieving process. They wouldn't have mentally ill Kellin to worry about anymore, they wouldn't have me as a burden anymore. I won't have to deal with these thoughts anymore.

At the bottom of the hill my sleigh hit a bump and I fell backwards onto a fluffy pile of snow. The white tuff the flew up unnoticed as it seamlessly mixed with the still falling snow. Nothing I do it significant.

I just laid there, on the pile of snow, watching the snow fall down. Maybe I'd be buried and die of frostbite, but I knew that was just a dream.

I pulled out the smooth metal razor and watched as the snow seemed to stick to it, hugging and welcoming it. Well, as long as the snow approves. I brought up my opposing wrist, ready to slide the razor across and end it all.

Just as pushed the razor into my skin, something fell on top of me, knocking the razor from my hands. I was fuming. Who is this person who thinks they can interrupt my suicide?

"Woah! Sorry dude! That hill was faster than I expected!" The person excitedly apologized (if that's possible) as he climbed off of me. I angrily sat up, ready to tell him off, but once I looked at him I forgot everything. He's gorgeous.

"Are you okay?" The tanned man asked. I don't know, I think I need mouth to mouth.

"Uh...umm..." I stuttered like an idiot. This is the first time someone has actually rendered me speechless. "I-I-I'm fine."

"Great! I really am sorry fo- who left a razor down here? Someone could have hurt themselves." The man picks up my razor and put it in his pocket. Damn, now I have to steal another on from my dad.

He put out his hand to help me up and I looked at it. What is this guy up to?

"I don't bite, unless you're into that." He winked flirtatiously at me.

", I'm not into that." I replied. But I'm into you. I grabbed his hand pulled myself up, stumbling into him slightly.

"What's your name, cutie? " he smiled at me. God, his smile makes me warm inside.


"Kellin, I like it. I'm Vic, and I Would be completely honored if you would accompany me back up the hill." He held out his hand again and smiled sweetly at me. And I smiled back. A real smile.

"I'd like that." I took his hand and my sleigh and we slowly started up the hill, smiling and talking the whole way. This is what I've been waiting for.

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