I awoke one morning to a sky filled with serene oranges and passive yellows
Beneath I stood a tree which didn't end for a thousand leagues
And faintly a voice called in the distance
As soothing as the sweet sound of bees gathering nectar
The horizon in from which it came carried the tunes on winds awakening the flowers from their slumber
The air lingered with the perfume of nature as Earths roof began to crackle flashes of light that gave no sound
What I have passed in time crossing the expansive soil seems like eons ago
The thought of turning to see what has already been trodden burns beneath the soles of my feet
Yet still the voice in the distance sends a fluttering chill to my stomach for ever more beckoning me forward
The seconds minutes hours all prostrate to the eternity in which it encompasses
As does the heavens that encircle the sun in the firmament that dances
My skin crawls with the goosebumps of a touch of warmth that is gifted with the lull of a voice that grows nearer
Reaching a wall of grass blades that extent the height of my vision I parted their closeness, entered and disappeared
When I reached the other side, there stood the voice that had summoned my hearts ear
Veiled in a rainbow of light stood a cloaked woman that eyes overpowered my gaze
Her presence kneeled my physical like gravity cursing me a sinful glance
The energy that was her graced towards me and outstretched a hand of cloud
I reached to grab it and felt the warmth of fleshed skin
Arise her voice spoke !
Upon standing the clouded hand greeted my chin and only then could I bare the weight of returning a look
The spellbinding woman whose face was pure as light gave my eyes power to see
Then I arose from the dream with the thought of you ... Or someone like