2. And then it happended

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We left the driveway very carefully because it is winter and are roads are unassumed. Any way we were going over the bridge in town the wheels slipped, the steering went out of control we hit the side of the bridge, and then it happened were falling down Right into the water. Sight was lost. When I woke up I was beside Rachel both in hospital beds under warm blankets, but Emily ? Where was she? The doctor came in "it's good to see you breathing" she said "Emily where is she" I demanded. The doctor she just lowered her head. "What is it please just tell me" I screamed which woke Rachel, "when you guys went down on the bridge she drown and there was no sign of her body it wasn't in the car" said the doctor. I couldn't help but cry and shake. Rachel tried to get up to hug me but realized she had a broken leg and I had a broken foot. "Kameron you know what,  my brother got In a car accident years ago the cops never found his body". "That's weird" I told her. "Kameron" Rachel whispered "hmm yea" I murmured "what ha-happened" "the wheels slipped and then we fell of the bridge" I said trying to be as come as possible "crap, my parents won't ever let me hang out with you again. I'm going to be in some deep hell when I get back". "Are you sure missy" said Rachel's dad as he walked through the door. "Where's mom" Rachel said. "Mom said she would wait in the waiting room". "I need crutches" . Rachel said as she sat up. Her dad exited the room to go get some crutches for Rachel. When he came back Rachel and I were both sitting up on our beds. Her dad had also gotten me a pair of crutches. "Thank you" I said. "Anytime sweetheart" this made me feel better because I didn't feel like I was in trouble.  " your parents asked if I could drive you two to your house Kameron" Rachel's dad said. "Sounds good to me as long as Rachel is fine with it". "Yea it's sounds like a good night recovery to me" Rachel winked and we both burst out laughing.

Taken away book 1Where stories live. Discover now