you musn't tell

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 Chanyeol turns around as he looks at Kyungsoo.


 “Carry me” he demands as he outstretches his arms, waiting for Chanyeol to sweep him off if his feet.

 “What? No”

 Kyungsoo pouts as he crosses his arms. “Why not?”

 “Because you’re heavy,” he lied. He and Kyungsoo had just left a party near their dorm. Chanyeol never thought that Kyungsoo would end up this waisted. He swears he let him out of his sight for about twenty minutes and Kyungsoo went from moping around in one corner, to entering a drinking part not too long after.

 Chanyeol didn't even drink at all that night. He wasn't too big on alcohol, but it seemed that Kyungsoo had drank enough for the both of them.

 “I'm not heavy. I demand to be carried,” Kyungsoo whined as he pouted. Chanyeol chuckeld at him. A drunk Kyungsoo was an amusing Kyungsoo.

 “Kyungsoo, you can walk pretty fine, so I don't see any reason for me to-”

 “No, I can't. See WOAH WOAH,” Kyungsoo shouted as he pretended to fall to the ground.

 “Chanyeol, I'm falling WOAH I’m falling WOAH,” he said as he threw himself on the patch of grass beside him.

 Chanyeol just stood there looking at him as he laughed. “That was hillarious,” he said as he looked down at Kyungsoo.

 “This is *hic* not funny,” Kyungsoo pouted.

 “Ok, I'm sorry.”

 “I'll forgive you but you have to carry me,” he said as he held out his arms. Chanyeol sighed as he reached down to pick up Kyungsoo bridal style. He pulled him up and Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around Chanyeol’s neck. Chanyeol’s heart skipped a beat.

 “Your so warm, Chanyeol. Why are you always so warm?” asked Kyungsoo as he shifted his head so he could rest it on Chanyeol’s shoulder

 “I don't know,” he replied.



 “Chanyeol, yeolie, my bestest friend,” he said as he started pocking Chanyeol’s cheeks.


 “I love you Chanyeol,” said Kyungsoo as he gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Chanyeol almost dropped him on the ground.

 Chanyeol looked down at Kyungsoo who was just smiling at him as if he hasn't said anything major.


 “I said I love you Chanyeol. I know I yell at you alot, but that's only because I don't want you to know that I love you, but guess what?” he whispered in his ear.

“What?” Chanyeol said as he gave him an amused smile.

 Kyungsoo lookes around him as to make sure no one was watching them. After he made sure the coast was clear he leaned into Chanyeol's ear. “I love Chanyeol, but ssssshhhh Chanyeol musn’t know,” he said as he nodded his head.

 “You can't tell him, okay.”

 Chanyeol really wanted to crack up right about now.


 “You promise?” kyungsoo said with wide eyes.

 “I promise.”

 “You have to pinky promise,” he said as he held out his pinky. Chanyeol reached their dorm as he put Kyungsoo down and held out his pinky finger.

 “Hey! Chanyeol has the same ring and you,” Kyungsoo said in an amazed voice. Chanyeol looked down at the ring he had on his finger. It was a metallic ring with a sound wave on it, just like the one he had given to Kyungsoo.

 He chuckled. Kyungsoo must be smashed if he didn't know who he was talking to.

 “Pinky promise you won't tell,” said Kyungsoo and Chanyeol pinky swore he wouldn't.

 He took out his keys and opened the door to their dorm

 “OUCH!!” he yelped as he felt something hit the back of his head. He turned back to see that Kyungsoo has smacked him with a book.

 “What was that for?” he said as he rubbed his head.

 “I said I love you!” Kyungsoo said as his eyes started to water.

 “What? Just a minute ago you didn't even know who I was!”

 “I love you!”

 “Yeah, I heard,” he replied as he took the book away from Kyungsoo.

 “So?” Kyungsoo said expectantly.


 “Well, aren't you going to say you love me too?”


 “The only I reason I drank so much  today was because I didn't have the courage to say I love you while I was sober, so I drank half the liquor in that stupid party,” he said.

 Chanyeol just started to laugh. He seriously got drunk just so he could confess to him?

 “You didn't have to get drunk so you could confess to me,” he said as he sat him down on the bed.

 “Really?” Kyungsol said with a dissapointed voice. He was going to have a serious headache for nothing.

 “Yeah, and guess what,” Chanyeol whispered.


 "I love you too,” he whispered in his ear.

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