Now as I have said this is not a story but something I am writing as me Gabriel Silk.Now I'm gonna try and write this without crying cause I tried to plan it out last night and in the end it led to tears.What gets me is when people who are going through some tough times or have found something out or are a bit flabbergasted by something get the don't care and not all of the time that is the case.Sometimes the person cares but has got some stuff going on at home.Sometimes they don't fully understand the situation and sometimes they just don't know how to react,to show that they care.Sorry I well started um basically there are tears on my tab.Now one thing that made it worse for me is that she(you know who you are)didn't tell upfront that she thought I didn't care and its heartbreaking to think that she hadn't told me but I bet it's just as bad for her thinking all that time I didn't care.Now my problem is I'm not very good at showing it and I guess I have bad ways of showing I am very morbid.That's all I wanted to say for now if in anyway you can relate please vote and comment,if you feel like someone doesn't care don't whatever you don't conceal reach out to them tell them ask them if they do care help them to show they care and if you feel like your really isolated talk about make it heard as I have done so here leave a comment private message me whatever it really helps to get it out of your system.If you feel like your friend thinks you don't care and you know you do tell them even if you don't know how show it just tell them be heard make them know you care ask them for ways to help show you care I really hope this helps because it's really heartwarming to know someone cares.I you have no one to tell just tell me let it out cause I care about my followers and my reader the second you read this I care about you the second you follow I care about you. Peace out-G.Silk