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2023, Future time.

     Hi. My name is Drew, and I would like to start with the fact that life, is a mystery. You don't know what it will throw at you, especially in times of happiness. Life isn't a game, it's a blessing. Live each day as your last, and never take life for granite, especially the people in it. Now I could sit here and tell you a story that would bore you to death, but I want to tell you something more than just a story. I want to tell you something that changed my life forever, and that made me realize how much I'm thankful for my life. Until...until, ummm...Well let me just tell you everything from the beginning. It all started seven years ago, back on a sunny bright day. It was my birthday, and I turned eighteen...

2016, Present time.

"Babe wake up! It's your birthday cutie pie, why you still sleeping? Get up now!" Said Stacey.

"What time is it?" I asked in confusion, as I slowly woke up.

"It's time for you to come kiss me and let me love on you!" Stacey said happily.

With a nice warm hug from Stacey, I smile very big and I feel her comfort as she hugs me tight. I can't think of anything else in this world that makes me more happy, than a friend that knows me better than anyone else. Not just a friend, but a soon to be soul mate. Now I know what your probably thinking, you just turned eighteen and you think your going to marry this girl? Hear me out here for a second. In life you'll meet someone, who will connect to you in a way, no one else will ever connect to you. You'll meet many people in life, but that one person that connects to you in a way no one else can connect to you in, that's the person who your going to marry. That person is Stacey Williams. a beautiful, sweet girl who loved me for my insecurities, and for who I am. Anyways, done with my lecture...haha.

"Drew! Come on sweetie we want to sing to you!" Said Drew's mom.

Well she just spoiled a surprise, I thought to myself. Anyways I can't wait to see what cake I got and what presents I got! Also what will I get to do today? Oh my today will be such a great day! Even though I'm eighteen I still act like a kid, which is a good thing I guess. I'm generally a happy kid, never really sad. I'm almost over depression, thanks to Stacey. I would tell my parents I'm depressed, but than they would send me to a counselor, as any parent would probably do. The thing is I would see a counselor, but they get paid to hear my bullshit. I would rather tell someone my problems, like Stacey. She doesn't get paid to hear my crap, so I would rather tell her.

Anyways to make a long story short I'm getting over my depression, so all is good! "Stacey I'm going to get dressed now, meet you down stairs baby."

After about five minutes of getting a nice shirt on, and decent looking jeans, I went downstairs.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Drew...Happy Birthday to you!" Sang my parents and Stacey.

"Thanks guys very much!" I exclaimed with a happy smile.

"Your so very welcome sweetie. You deserve a nice good birthday, so here's a gift card to the movies!" Said my mom.

Just so you guys know, I love movies! Movies are like a awesome escape reality were you go into someone else's world and you get to go on a adventure with that character. For example, Spider-Man! In Spider-Man whenever he swings on buildings with his webs, I feel like I'm flying through the city, like Spider-Man is! So movies are awesome, I like to watch them and get lost in them, a lot like dreams...

"Drew, how about you and Stacey take a drive out to the movies tonight, you can use your gift card we got you." Said my father.

Awesome! I thought to myself, since Stacey and I never really get to go in dates, so it was gonna be nice to have a night out alone with her. Now before you say "Your gonna have a one night stand with her, huh?!" No. I'm saving my virginity for my wife. I was raised with good morals, and I like to keep my good morals in check. Anyways I was excited that I was finally going to get to have a nice date with Stacey. I'll take her out in my dads cherry red corvette! She'll like it, and I'll like it too because who doesn't like a cherry red corvette? Tonight will be great though and I can't wait for it, I thought to myself.

"Drew I want to go to the park with you! Can we please go baby?"

"Of course my darling."

Why not go there, it'll be nice considering we met there two years ago. It'll be a great way to start a great day...

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