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C/N - country name
B/N- boys name

You had lived in [C/N] all of your life up until the age of 17. You and your parents moved to Japan, as things were getting complicated at your previous home.

You didn't have much say in the move, so your parents had let you choose where you got to move to. Of course, being the weeb you are, you chose Japan. After all, it was a beautiful place anyways.

You were glad that you had got to move to Japan. It would be like a fresh new start.

~onto your yandere personality :^) ~

When you were younger, there was a rude girl- Bianca. She found out about your crush on another boy in your class. She then became close friends with the boy. You didn't think much of it, until she started to tell him lies about you, making him dislike you.

To get your revenge, you had sat behind her on the bus and when she was distracted, cut off her pony tail. To this day, Bianca still thinks it was her other snobby friend, FeFe, as you had framed her.

Then when you were 14, you had a boyfriend, his name was [B/N]. He was your significant other for the next 2 1/2 years. You had loved him dearly and you thought everything was splendid until he was becoming more distant over time. You two had planned an evening out at the movies, but he canceled.

You decided to go out into the city by yourself- and you saw him- with his arm slung around the shoulders of someone you called your friend. They were laughing and then they kissed. You ran off back home on the verge of tears, but you were more angry than sad. You blamed yourself for letting her get close to him.

This time, you had gone to your "friend"'s house -acting oblivious to the fact you caught her with your (ex)boyfriend and her acting like nothing was wrong- and when she went to the bathroom, you had cut up all of her clothes and told her mom you had to leave.

As for your ex, you wore an oversized hoodie, sweatpants, and shoes that you wouldn't normally wear the next time you went to school and humiliated him by pulling down his pants in the middle of the cafeteria- which was quite full- and then putting flyers of his face with the words "Baby Dick" scribbled on it all over the school.

(Some) of your family wasn't that great to you, either. You and your brother would often fight, he was also treated better by your parents because of the fact he was a boy. Your dad would also avoid allowing you to play video games if they were too "boyish".

You usually had to resort to a form of violence or blackmail to get what you wanted.

Your brother and mom would also poke fun at your appearance- everything from your weight to hair.

It had made you self conscious, which is why you felt comfort when anyone showed even the slightest bit of affection or concern towards you. You got attached to others pretty quickly. And so you vowed to never let the one you loved most leave you.

Months after moving to Japan, you were [obviously] settled in. You had become pretty fluent in Japanese after practicing a while before you left and adapted to the language while in the country. You also decided to join the CCG's academy. It was perfect; you became excellent at combat. You worked as hard as you could and not too long after, graduated at top of your class.

Then, you were asked to take a test to determine your legibility of becoming a quinx as they could use more.

And then came the phone call with your results.

"Miss [L/N]?"

"Yes, that's me. How may I help you?"

"This is a call from the CCG, about your test results. We have determined that you're eligible to get the surgery, you also have exceptional combat skills so we also think you'll do great in the quinx squad. You'll also get compensation- if you and your parents agree, of course-"

Before the man on the other end of the line could continue, you interrupted.

"Yes, absolutely! I'll go with my parents over to the office to sign the legal work as soon as possible." You rushed your words as you hung up, got dressed and dragged your parents out of their room.

"Excuse me young lady what are you doing??"

"I'm eligible for the surgery! I finally have a job!"

"A dangerous one! Are you sure you want to put your life on the line? You could seriously get hurt in combat! You know we only put you in the academy because of the cheap tuition and you needed to finish school, you don't actually have to join the CCG-"

"No, I want to do this. I'll be fine." And off you went to sign the papers and you would undergo the surgery the following day.

A few days after the surgery, you were scheduled to move into the chateux, meet the quinx squad, and you were to do yet more training- with the squad leader.

The few days had passed, and now you were to meet the squad.

"Alright, [Y/N], we're here."

You hope out of the car, gaping at the enormous home. You could see people standing at the front door

"Well, here I go."

Sorry that nothing very important has happened yet but that'll change soon!
Also, this takes place after the Tsukiyama Extermination Operation, so new quinx squad members [although I won't do much with them as their characters haven't been explored much]
I hope this isn't too bad??

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