26 3 6

  Slowly slowly, I walked down the giant hall. My flashlights battery's were almost out. My shoulder brushed against a cobweb. I wasn't enjoying this. Not one bit. That child was still after me. In my dreams and even in the real world. I think. Every night, the same dream over and over again. I was fed up. My brain was not functioning correctly. I was under too much stress. The horror of the blood covered child was destroying my life.

  ' Click ' The battery went out. I was completely in the dark. The terrible, dangerous dark. My throat immediately went dry. I was too afraid to move from my spot. I could here something moving. I knew what it was. The child was coming for me. I could here her breathing, slowly getting closer. I began to move back toward the wall behind me.

  Too late. I was stopped by a cold hand against my back. I gulped. I was afraid to turn around.

" It's ME!! "

- - - - - - - - - -

" ARGH!"

  I woke up with a yell. I was still in bed. My covers were thrown off, probably from me struggling. My hair was in a mess as I sat up. My heart beat was calming down.

  Standing up, I scratched my head. Same dream again. This is the third week. I walked to the bathroom to wash my face. The tap squeaked as water rushed out. I took some water into my hands, splashing them on my face. The water was cold. It kept reminding me of that horrible dream. I kept my eyes closed the entire time while washing my face. Not that I didn't want water in my eye. I did not want to look up and see the monster I see in my dreams.

  I sighed looking at the mirror. Nothing in the background.

' It's just a dream '

That was what I thought. I was terrifyingly wrong. I attempted to see a therapist as well, but non wanted to help me for some reason. I knew that this wasn't normal. I wanted to find out about everything. And to start, was the the mansion.

  Did I mention that? the whole thing took place inside a mansion in my dreams. What I didn't know then was, the place is real. On the news today, it spoke of an abandoned mansion, crumbling, as no one had lived there for years. A bunch of kids went in for fun a few days ago, and they were never seen coming back out. The news said their body was found at the doorstep of the mansion, with a note on them saying,

' It's ME '

  Those two words always send a chill down my spine whenever I hear them. I did not want to go there, but I had to. I could not live my life with that thing haunting me.

- - - A few hours later- - -

   My car screeched to a stop  in front a large black gate. I got out of the vehicle, walking toward the rusted bars of the gate. I extended my hand toward the gate, grabbing one of the bars, and pushing at it. With a loud creak, the gate flew open. A hot wind suddenly passed through me.

  I hesitated.

  Taking a few steps forward, I  walked past the gate onto the gravel road.

  " NO "

  A deafening screech ran through the mansion, almost causing my ears to bleed. I suddenly heard a crash. From behind me. I turned around, alarmed. The gate, was closed. Locked actually. Once again, my mind was swallowed by fear. I decided not to worry about the gate. I had to worry about things ahead of me. Turning my attention away from the locked gate, I went forward to the mansion. The dead trees, almost falling of its roots, had a nasty look. From the position the trees were in, it seemed like they were attempting to grab you.

  As I reached the doorstep, I felt the wind beginning to blow hard, as if trying to push me away from the door. But I wasn't going to turn back. I forced my way into the mansion. I had absolutely no idea of the horror I was going to face, and I wasn't sure I was ready for it.

  The door closed with a slam behind me, THAT I was expecting. I pressed forward, keeping as close to the walls as possible. Drawn pictures stood on the wall, a lot of them. They could have been beautiful if they didn't cover it in blood. I gulped. That was my second clue this was a bad idea.

" What do you mean?? You don't like it here??"

  I froze in my tracks, hearing the voice.

" Do you like my paintings?? I'm good at drawing"

  A female child's voice rang through my head. A cold voice.

" Come in, play with me"

  I heard the voice again. This time, I decided to say something.

' Who are you?! What do you want from me '

  I yelled into the darkness.

  A hollow laugh filled the place as I asked my question.

" Don't think it would be that easy my precious toy... you will find out soon enough "

After that, the lights in the room started flickering. I was terrified. The hollow laugh of the girl continued as the lights second by second began to slowly dim out.

  That wasn't the end of that. Oh, that was so not the end of that.

The lights suddenly turned on. I saw one thing as it died. The pure white eyes of the child, staring at me nose to nose. In a few seconds the lights went out, and so did her. My heart skipped a few beats as I saw the girl. She was real. Real.

But... I wasn't stopping here, no, not yet. I will find out who she is, and what she wants with me...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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