-The truth #01-
Each Fangirl represents a fandom. Each Fangirl is different, but are all of them crazy? No. A big portion, yes. I am from the Assassin's creed fandom, and I can be pyscho...but I am not most of the time. It's rare when I actually am crazy. Don't judge a fangirl by it's fandom, either.
Someone can be in the 1D fandom, but does that mean they're going to want to obsess over the boys naked? Wanting to know what their kids would look like that?
Hell no.
Fangirls can just be specifically fans that are girls. That's obvious, but think about the meaning. Just think about it, you could hurt their feelings if they think you're psycho. Do not insult them for being in a certain fandom either! You can't judge a girl for liking a thing, and you can't insult them for being in a fandom either!
Think about it.
You can be in the Twilight fandom. Good for you, enjoy Twilight.
Be in the 1D fandom. Have fun with that.
Assassin's creed fandom? Be buddies with me!
Wrestling fandom? I'm glad you like wrestling, then.
I honestly don't give a fuck, enjoy your things, and I'll enjoy mine. Just let the girls enjoy their things.